JUMP TOCertificate AuthorityCertificateGet a list of certificatesgetGet a certificate or certificate signing requestgetDelete a certificate or certificate signing requestdeleteCertificateChainGet a certificate and its trust chaingetCertificateExportExport a certificate or certificate signing requestpostCertificateImportImport a code-signing, trusted, or CA certificatepostCertificateNewCreate a new certificate signing request and private keypostCertificateRejectReject a certificate signing requestpostCertificateRequestImport a certificate signing requestpostCertificateRevokeRevoke a certificatepostCertificateSignRequestSign a certificate signing requestpostOnboardDeviceGet a list of devicesgetGet a devicegetUpdate settings for a devicepatchDelete a devicedeleteOnboardUserGet a list of usersgetGet a usergetUpdate settings for a userpatchDelete a userdeleteAPI OperationsTokenEndpointObtain an OAuth2 access token for making API callspostTokenInfoReturns OAuth2 authenticated client or user informationgetReturns OAuth2 authenticated client or user informationpostTokenPrivilegesReturns a list of privileges available to the usergetGuest ConfigurationDigitalPassTemplateGet a list of pass templatesgetCreate a new pass templatepostGet a pass templategetUpdate some fields of a pass templatepatchReplace a pass templateputDelete a pass templatedeleteGuestAuthenticationConfigurationReturn settings from Configuration -> AuthenticationgetModify settings at Configuration -> AuthenticationpostModify settings at Configuration -> AuthenticationpatchGuestManagerReturn settings from Configuration -> Guest ManagergetModify settings at Configuration -> Guest ManagerpostModify settings at Configuration -> Guest ManagerpatchPrintTemplateGet a list of print templatesgetCreate a new print templatepostGet a print templategetUpdate some fields of a print templatepatchReplace a print templateputDelete a print templatedeleteWebLoginGet a list of web login pagesgetCreate a new web login pagepostGet a web login pagegetUpdate some fields of a web login pagepatchReplace a web login pageputDelete a web login pagedeleteGet a web login page by page-namegetUpdate some fields of a web login page by page-namepatchReplace a web login page by page-nameputDelete a web login page by page-namedeleteGuest ActionsGenerateGuestDigitalPassGenerate digital pass for guest account based on template specified by IDgetGenerateGuestReceiptGenerate print template for guest account, using specified template IDgetSendSmsReceiptResend guest receipt for guest account, via SMSpostSendSmtpReceiptResend guest receipt for guest account, via SMTPpostSponsorshipApprovalAccept or reject a guest sponsorship requestpostPlatform CertificatesCertSignRequestPost a certificate sign requestpostCertTrustListGet a list of certificate trust listgetAdd a new certificate trust listpostGet a certificate trust listgetEnbale certificate trust listpatchDelete a certificate trust listdeleteCertTrustListDetailsGet a list of certificate trust list detailsgetGet a certificate trust list detailsgetClientCertGet a list of client certificatesgetAdd a client certificatepostGet a client certificategetDelete a client certificatedeleteRevocationListGet a list of revocation certificate listgetAdd a new revocation certificate listpostGet a certificate by idgetUpdate a certificatepatchDelete a certificate list by iddeleteSelfSignedCertCreate a Self-Signed CertificatepostServerCertGet a list of server certificatesgetGet server certificategetGet a server certificategetAdd a server certificateputUpdate a server certificatepatchUpdate a server certificatepatchServiceCertGet a list of service certificatesgetAdd a service certificatepostGet a service certificategetDelete a service certificatedeleteIdentitiesApiClientGet a list of API clientsgetCreate a new API clientpostGet an API clientgetUpdate some fields of an API clientpatchReplace an API clientputDelete an API clientdeleteDenyListedUsersGet a list of deny listed usersgetGet a deny listed usergetDelete a deny listed userdeleteGet a deny listed user by Username and MAC AddressgetDelete a deny listed user by Username and MAC AddressdeleteDeviceGet a list of device accountsgetCreate a new device accountpostGet a device accountgetUpdate some fields of a device accountpatchReplace a device accountputDelete a device accountdeleteGet a device account by MAC addressgetUpdate some fields of a device account by MAC addresspatchReplace a device account by MAC addressputDelete a device account by MAC addressdeleteEndpointGet a list of endpoints along with its profiling informationgetCreate a new endpointpostGet an endpoint along with its profiling informationgetUpdate some fields of an endpoint. Only Device Category/OS Family/Name can be updated as a part of profile detailspatchReplace an endpoint. Only Device Category/OS Family/Name can be modified as a part of profile detailsputDelete an endpointdeleteGet an endpoint along with its profiling information by mac_addressgetUpdate some fields of an endpoint. Only Device Category/OS Family/Name can be updated as a part of profile details by mac_addresspatchReplace an endpoint. Only Device Category/OS Family/Name can be modified as a part of profile details by mac_addressputDelete an endpoint by mac_addressdeleteExternalAccountGet a list of external accountsgetAdd an external accountpostGet an external accountgetUpdate some fields of an external accountpatchReplace an external accountputDelete an external accountdeleteGet an external account by namegetUpdate some fields of an external account by namepatchReplace an external account by nameputDelete an external account by namedeleteGuestUserGet a list of guest accountsgetCreate a new guest accountpostGet a guest accountgetUpdate some fields of a guest accountpatchReplace a guest accountputDelete a guest accountdeleteGet a guest account by usernamegetUpdate some fields of a guest account by usernamepatchReplace a guest account by usernameputDelete a guest account by usernamedeleteLocalUserGet a list of local usersgetCreate a new local userpostGet a local usergetUpdate some fields of a local userpatchReplace a local userputDelete a local userdeleteGet a local user by user_idgetUpdate some fields of a local user by user_idpatchReplace a local user by user_idputDelete a local user by user_iddeleteStaticHostListGet a list of static host listsgetCreate a static host listpostGet a static host listgetUpdate some fields of a static host listpatchReplace a static host listputDelete a static host listdeleteGet a static host list by namegetUpdate some fields of a static host list by namepatchReplace a static host list by nameputDelete a static host list by namedeleteLocal Server ConfigurationADDomainGet a list of AD DomainsgetGET an AD domain by netbios_namegetJoin AD DomainputLeave AD domainputConfigure AD Password ServerspatchAccessControlGet all application access controlsgetGet an application access control by resource namegetReplace an application access controls by resource nameputDelete an application access control by resource namedeleteCppmVersionGet Cppm versiongetServerConfigurationGet a list of servers in the clustergetGet configuration of a servergetUpdate configuration of a serverpatchServerFipsGet server FIPS mode informationgetServerSnmpGet server snmp settingsgetReplace server snmp settingsputUpdate some fields of server snmp settingspatchServerVersionGet server version informationgetServiceParameterGet service parameter detailsgetUpdate service parameter valuespatchSystemServiceControlGet all servicesgetGet a service by namegetStart a service by namepatchStop a service by namepatchTools And UtilitiesEmailSendSend an EmailpostRandomMpskGeneratorGET_for_RandomMpskGeneratorgetPOST_for_RandomMpskGeneratorpostRandomPasswordGeneratorGET_for_RandomPasswordGeneratorgetPOST_for_RandomPasswordGeneratorpostSmsSendSend an SMS messagepostIntegrationsContextServerActionGet a list of Context Server ActionsgetCreate a new Context Server ActionpostGet a Context Server ActiongetUpdate some fields of a Context Server ActionpatchReplace a Context Server ActionputDelete a Context Server ActiondeleteGet a Context Server Action by namegetUpdate some fields of a Context Server Action by namepatchReplace a Context Server Action by nameputDelete a Context Server Action by namedeleteDeviceInsightGet Device Insight Integration detailsgetUpdate Device Insight Integration valuespostEndpointContextServerGet a list endpoint context serversgetCreate a new endpoint context serverpostGet an endpoint context servergetUpdate some fields of an endpoint context serverpatchReplace an endpoint context serverputDelete an endpoint context serverdeleteGet an endpoint context server by server namegetUpdate some fields of an endpoint context server by server namepatchReplace an endpoint context server by server nameputDelete an endpoint context server by server namedeleteTrigger polling for an endpoint context serverpatchTrigger polling for an endpoint context server by server namepatchEventSourcesGet a list of event sourcesgetCreate a new event sourcepostGet an event sourcegetUpdate some fields of an event sourcepatchReplace an event sourceputDelete an event sourcedeleteGet an event source by namegetUpdate some fields of an event source by namepatchReplace an event source by nameputDelete an event source by namedeleteExtensionInstanceGet a list of installed extensionsgetInstall an extensionpostGet details of an installed extensiongetChange the state of an installed extensionpatchUninstall an extensiondeleteExtensionInstanceConfigGet the configuration of an installed extensiongetSet the configuration of an installed extensionputExtensionInstanceLogGet the log output from an installed extensiongetExtensionInstanceReinstallReinstall an extensionpostExtensionInstanceRestartRestart an installed extensionpostExtensionInstanceStartStart an installed extensionpostExtensionInstanceStopStop an installed extensionpostExtensionInstanceUpgradeGet information on an extension's available upgradegetUpgrade an extensionpostExtensionStoreFind a extension in the storegetGet details of an extension in the storegetIngressEventDictionaryGet a list of Ingress Event DictionariesgetCreate a new Ingress Event DictionarypostGet an Ingress Event DictionarygetUpdate an Ingress Event DictionarypatchReplace an Ingress Event DictionaryputDelete an Ingress Event DictionarydeleteGet an Ingress Event Dictionary by format_namegetUpdate an Ingress Event Dictionary by format_namepatchReplace an Ingress Event Dictionary by format_nameputDelete an Ingress Event Dictionary by format_namedeleteSyslogExportFilterGet a list of syslog export filtergetCreate a new syslog export filterpostGet a syslog export filtergetUpdate some fields of a syslog export filterpatchReplace a syslog export filterputDelete a syslog export filterdeleteGet a syslog export filter by namegetUpdate some fields of a syslog export filter by namepatchReplace a syslog export filter by nameputDelete a syslog export filter by namedeleteSyslogTargetGet a list of syslog targetgetCreate a new syslog targetpostGet a syslog targetgetUpdate some fields of a syslog targetpatchReplace a syslog targetputDelete a syslog targetdeleteGet a syslog target by host_addressgetUpdate some fields of a syslog target by host_addresspatchReplace a syslog target by host_addressputDelete a syslog target by host_addressdeleteLogsEndpointInfoGet a single endpoint by MAC addressgetLook up endpoints by IP addressgetLook up endpoints by IP address rangegetLook up endpoints by time rangegetLoginAuditGet previous login details for an admin usergetSystemEventsGet a list of system eventsgetCreate a new system eventpostPolicy ElementsApplicationDictionaryGet a list of Application DictionariesgetCreate a new Application DictionarypostGet an Application DictionarygetUpdate an Application DictionarypatchReplace an Application DictionaryputDelete an Application DictionarydeleteGet an Application Dictionary by namegetUpdate an Application Dictionary by namepatchReplace an Application Dictionary by nameputDelete an Application Dictionary by namedeleteAuthMethodGet a list of authentication methodsgetCreate a new authentication methodpostGet an authentication methodgetUpdate some fields of an authentication methodpatchReplace an authentication methodputDelete an authentication methoddeleteGet an authentication method by namegetUpdate some fields of an authentication method by namepatchReplace an authentication method by nameputDelete an authentication method by namedeleteAuthSourceGet a list of authentication sourcesgetCreate a new authentication sourcepostGet an authentication sourcegetUpdate some fields of an authentication sourcepatchReplace an authentication sourceputDelete an authentication sourcedeleteGet an authentication source by namegetUpdate some fields of an authentication source by namepatchReplace an authentication source by nameputDelete an authentication source by namedeleteEnforcementPolicyGet a list of enforcement policiesgetCreate a new enforcement policypostGet a enforcement policygetUpdate a enforcement policypatchReplace a enforcement policyputDelete a enforcement policydeleteGet a enforcement policy by namegetUpdate a enforcement policy by namepatchReplace a enforcement policy by nameputDelete a enforcement policy by namedeleteNetworkDeviceGet a list of network devicesgetCreate a new network devicepostGet a network devicegetUpdate some fields of a network devicepatchReplace a network deviceputDelete a network devicedeleteGet a network device by namegetUpdate some fields of a network device by namepatchReplace a network device by nameputDelete a network device by namedeleteNetworkDeviceGroupGet a list of network device groupsgetCreate a new network device grouppostGet a network device groupgetUpdate some fields of a network device grouppatchReplace a network device groupputDelete a network device groupdeleteGet a network device group by namegetUpdate some fields of a network device group by namepatchReplace a network device group by nameputDelete a network device group by namedeletePosturePolicyGet a list of Posture PoliciesgetCreate a new Posture PolicypostGet a Posture PolicygetUpdate a Posture PolicypatchReplace a Posture PolicyputDelete a Posture PolicydeleteGet a Posture Policy by namegetUpdate a Posture Policy by namepatchReplace a Posture Policy by nameputDelete a Posture Policy by namedeleteRADIUSDictionaryGet a list of RADIUS DictionariesgetCreate a new RADIUS DictionarypostGet a RADIUS DictionarygetUpdate a RADIUS DictionarypatchReplace a RADIUS DictionaryputGet a RADIUS Dictionary by namegetUpdate a RADIUS Dictionary by namepatchReplace a RADIUS Dictionary by nameputEnable a RADIUS DictionarypatchDisable a RADIUS DictionarypatchEnable a RADIUS Dictionary by namepatchDisable a RADIUS Dictionary by namepatchRADIUSDynamicAuthorizationTemplateGet a list of RADIUS Dynamic Authorization TemplatesgetCreate a new RADIUS Dynamic Authorization TemplatepostGet a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization TemplategetUpdate a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization TemplatepatchReplace a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization TemplateputDelete a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization TemplatedeleteGet a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Template by namegetUpdate a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Template by namepatchReplace a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Template by nameputDelete a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Template by namedeleteRADIUSProxyTargetGet a list of proxy targetsgetCreate a new proxy targetpostGet a proxy targetgetUpdate some fields of a proxy targetpatchReplace a proxy targetputDelete a proxy targetdeleteGet a proxy target by namegetUpdate some fields of a proxy target by namepatchReplace a proxy target by nameputDelete a proxy target by namedeleteRoleGet a list of rolesgetCreate a new rolepostGet a rolegetUpdate some fields of a rolepatchReplace a roleputDelete a roledeleteGet a role by namegetUpdate some fields of a role by namepatchReplace a role by nameputDelete a role by namedeleteRoleMappingGet a list of role mappingsgetCreate a new role mappingpostGet a role mappinggetUpdate a role mappingpatchReplace a role mappingputDelete a role mappingdeleteGet a role mapping by namegetUpdate a role mapping by namepatchReplace a role mapping by nameputDelete a role mapping by namedeleteServiceGet a list of ServicesgetCreate a new ServicepostGet a ServicegetUpdate some fields of a ServicepatchReplace a ServiceputDelete a ServicedeleteGet a Service by namegetUpdate some fields of a Service by namepatchReplace a Service by nameputDelete a Service by namedeleteEnable a ServicepatchEnable a Service by namepatchDisable a ServicepatchDisable a Service by namepatchReorder ServicespatchTACACSServiceDictionaryGet a list of TACACS+ Service DictionariesgetCreate a new TACACS+ Service DictionarypostGet a TACACS+ Service DictionarygetUpdate a TACACS+ Service DictionarypatchReplace a TACACS+ Service DictionaryputDelete a TACACS+ Service DictionarydeleteGet a TACACS+ Service Dictionary by namegetUpdate a TACACS+ Service Dictionary by namepatchReplace a TACACS+ Service Dictionary by nameputDelete a TACACS+ Service Dictionary by namedeleteEndpoint VisibilityAgentlessOnGuardSettingsGet a list of Agentless OnGuard SettingsgetAdd an Agentless OnGuard SettingpostGet an Agentless OnGuard SettinggetUpdate some fields of an Agentless OnGuard SettingpatchReplace an Agentless OnGuard SettingputDelete an Agentless OnGuard SettingdeleteGet an Agentless OnGuard Setting by namegetUpdate some fields of an Agentless OnGuard Setting by namepatchReplace an Agentless OnGuard Setting by nameputDelete an Agentless OnGuard Setting by namedeleteAgentlessOnGuardSubnetMappingGet a list of subnet mappingsgetAdd a subnet mappingpostGet a subnet mappinggetUpdate some fields of a subnet mappingpatchReplace a subnet mappingputDelete a subnet mappingdeleteGet a subnet mapping by namegetUpdate some fields of a subnet mapping by namepatchReplace a subnet mapping by nameputDelete a subnet mapping by namedeleteEnable Agentless OnGuard Settings on client subnetspatchDisable Agentless OnGuard Settings on client subnetspatchEnable Agentless OnGuard Settings on client subnets by subnet mapping namepatchDisable Agentless OnGuard Settings on client subnets by subnet mapping namepatchDeviceFingerprintPost device fingerprint attributes for profilingpostGet profiled devicegetDelete fingerprint of profiled devicedeleteFingerprintDictionaryGet a list of FingerprintsgetCreate a new FingerprintpostGet a FingerprintgetUpdate some fields of a FingerprintpatchReplace a FingerprintputDelete a FingerprintdeleteGet a Fingerprint by namegetUpdate some fields of a Fingerprint by namepatchReplace a Fingerprint by nameputDelete a Fingerprint by namedeleteNetworkScanGet a list of NetworkScangetAdd a NetworkScanpostGet a NetworkScangetUpdate some fields of a NetworkScanpatchUpdate all fields of a NetworkScanputDelete a NetworkScandeleteUpdate some fields of a NetworkScanpatchUpdate some fields of a NetworkScanpatchOnGuardActivityGet a list of Clearpass OnGuard EndpointsgetGet a Clearpass OnGuard Endpoint DetailsgetGet a Clearpass OnGuard Endpoint Details by host_macgetSend/Broadcast MessagepostSend/Broadcast NotificationpostOnGuardCustomScriptGet a list of OnGuard Custom ScriptsgetCreate a new OnGuard Custom ScriptpostGet an OnGuard Custom ScriptgetUpdate some fields of an OnGuard Custom ScriptpatchReplace an OnGuard Custom ScriptputDelete an OnGuard Custom ScriptdeleteGet an OnGuard Custom Script by namegetUpdate some fields of an OnGuard Custom Script by namepatchReplace an OnGuard Custom Script by nameputDelete an OnGuard Custom Script by namedeleteOnGuardGlobalSettingsGet OnGuard global settingsgetUpdate OnGuard global settingspostOnGuardSettingsGet OnGuard settingsgetUpdate OnGuard settingspostOnGuardZoneMappingGet Policy Manager Zones with associated authentication server IP addresses(Client Subnets and Server IPs)getPost Policy Manager Zones with associated authentication server IP addressespostGet Client Subnets and Server IPs for Policy Manager ZonegetUpdate authentication server IP addresses for Policy Manager ZonepatchPost Client Subnets and Server IPs for Policy Manager ZoneputDelete authentication server IP addresses for Policy Manager ZonedeleteGet Client Subnets and Server IPs for Policy Manager Zone by namegetUpdate authentication server IP addresses for Policy Manager Zone by namepatchPost Client Subnets and Server IPs for Policy Manager Zone by nameputDelete authentication server IP addresses for Policy Manager Zone by namedeleteProfilerSubnetMappingGet a list of profiler subnet mappingsgetAdd a profiler subnet mappingpostGet a profiler subnet mappinggetUpdate some fields of a profiler subnet mappingpatchReplace a profiler subnet mappingputDelete a profiler subnet mappingdeleteGet a profiler subnet mappinggetUpdate some fields of a profiler subnet mappingpatchReplace a profiler subnet mappingputDelete a profiler subnet mappingdeleteWindowsHotfixGet a list of Windows HotfixesgetAdd a Windows HotfixpostGet a windows hotfixgetUpdate some fields of a windows hotfixpatchReplace a windows hotfixputDelete a windows hotfixdeleteGet a windows hotfix by kbid and osgetUpdate some fields of a windows hotfix by kbid and ospatchReplace a windows hotfix by kbid and osputDelete a windows hotfix by kbid and osdeleteGlobal Server ConfigurationAdminPrivilegeGet a list of admin privilegesgetCreate a new admin privilegepostGet an admin privilegegetUpdate some fields of an admin privilegepatchReplace an admin privilegeputDelete an admin privilegedeleteGet an admin privilege by namegetUpdate some fields of an admin privilege by namepatchReplace an admin privilege by nameputDelete an admin privilege by namedeleteAdminUserGet a list of admin usersgetCreate a new admin userpostGet an admin usergetUpdate some fields of an admin userpatchReplace an admin userputDelete an admin userdeleteGet an admin user by user_idgetUpdate some fields of an admin user by user_idpatchReplace an admin user by user_idputDelete an admin user by user_iddeleteAdminUserPasswordPolicyGet the admin user password policiesgetPut the admin user password policiesputPatch the admin user password policiespatchApplicationLicenseGet a list of application licensesgetCreate a new application licensepostGet a license by license idgetUpdate a license by license idputDelete a license by license iddeleteActivate license online by license idpatchActivate license offline by license idpatchGet application license summarygetAttributeGet a list of attributesgetCreate a new attributepostGet an attributegetUpdate some fields of an attributepatchReplace an attributeputDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute by namegetUpdate some fields of an attribute by namepatchReplace an attribute by nameputDelete an attribute by namedeleteClearPassPortalGet ClearPass PortalgetChange ClearPass PortalpostClusterDbSyncSynchronize subscriber with the publisherpostClusterWideParameterGet cluster wide parametersgetReplace cluster wide parametersputUpdate some cluster wide parameterspatchDataFilterGet a list of data filtersgetCreate a new data filterpostGet a data filtergetUpdate a data filterpatchReplace a data filterputDelete a data filterdeleteGet a data filter by namegetUpdate a data filter by namepatchReplace a data filter by nameputDelete a data filter by namedeleteFileBackupServerGet a list of file backup servergetCreate a new file backup serverpostGet a file backup servergetUpdate some fields of a file backup serverpatchReplace a file backup serverputDelete a file backup serverdeleteGet a file backup server by host_addressgetUpdate some fields of a file backup server by host_addresspatchReplace a file backup server by host_addressputDelete a file backup server by host_addressdeleteListAllPrivilegesReturns the list of system-defined privilegesgetLocalUserPasswordPolicyGet the local user password policygetPut the local user password policyputPatch the local user password policypatchMessagingSetupGET Messaging setupgetConfigure Messaging setuppostReset Messaging setup configurationdeleteOperatorProfileGet a list of operator profilesgetCreate a new operator profilepostGet an operator profilegetUpdate an operator profilepatchReplace an operator profileputDelete an operator profiledeleteGet an operator profile by namegetUpdate an operator profile by namepatchReplace an operator profile by nameputDelete an operator profile by namedeletePolicyManagerZoneGet list of Policy Manager ZonesgetCreate Policy Manager ZonepostGet Policy Manager ZonegetUpdate Policy Manager ZoneputDelete Policy Manager ZonedeleteGet Policy Manager Zone by namegetUpdate Policy Manager Zone by nameputDelete Policy Manager Zone by namedeleteSnmpTrapReceiverGet a list of Snmp Trap ReceivergetCreate a new Snmp Trap ReceiverpostGet a Snmp Trap ReceivergetUpdate some fields of Snmp Trap ReceiverpatchReplace a Snmp Trap ReceiverputDelete a Snmp Trap ReceiverdeleteGet a Snmp Trap Receiver by namegetUpdate some fields of Snmp Trap Receiver by namepatchReplace a Snmp Trap Receiver by nameputDelete a Snmp Trap Receiver by namedeleteInsightAlertGet all Insight alert configurations.getCreate an Insight alert configuration.postGet an Insight alert configuration by id.getPartial update of an Insight alert configuration by id.patchComplete update of an Insight alert configuration by id.putDelete an Insight alert configuration by id.deleteGet an Insight alert configuration by name.getPartial update of an Insight alert configuration by name.patchComplete update of an Insight alert configuration by name.putDelete an Insight alert configuration by name.deleteEnable an Insight alert configuration by id.patchDisable an Insight alert configuration by id.patchMute an Insight alert configuration by id.patchUnmute an Insight alert configuration by id.patchEnable an Insight alert configuration by name.patchDisable an Insight alert configuration by name.patchMute an Insight alert configuration by name.patchUnmute an Insight alert configuration by name.patchReportGet all Insight report configurations.getCreate an Insight report configuration.postGet an Insight report configuration by id.getPartial update of an Insight report configuration by id.patchComplete update of an Insight report configuration by id.putDelete an Insight report configuration by id.deleteGet an Insight report configuration by name.getPartial update of an Insight report configuration by name.patchComplete update of an Insight report configuration by name.putDelete an Insight report configuration by name.deleteEnable an Insight report configuration by id.patchDisable an Insight report configuration by id.patchEnable an Insight report configuration by name.patchDisable an Insight report configuration by name.patchRun an Insight report by id.postRun an Insight report by name.postSession ControlActiveSessionGet a list of active sessionsgetGet an active sessiongetActiveSessionDisconnectDisconnect active sessionpostActiveSessionReauthorizeGet reauthorization profile(s) for an active sessiongetReauthorize active sessionpostSessionActionPerforms active session disconnect with a synchronous or asynchronous action & filter by multiple fields.postPerforms active session disconnect with a synchronous or asynchronous action & filter by mac-address.postPerforms active session disconnect with a synchronous or asynchronous action & filter by username.postPerforms active session disconnect with a synchronous or asynchronous action & filter by client-ip-address.postPerforms active session reauthorize with a synchronous or asynchronous action & filter by multiple fields.postPerforms active session reauthorize with a synchronous or asynchronous action & filter by mac-address.postPerforms active session reauthorize with a synchronous or asynchronous action & filter by username.postPerforms active session reauthorize with a synchronous or asynchronous action & filter by client-ip-address.postReturns the current status of a disconnected or reauthorized active session by the action ID.getEnforcement ProfileCaptivePortalProfileGET a list of Captive Portal ProfilesgetAdd a Captive Portal ProfilepostGet a Captive Portal ProfilegetUpdate some fields of a Captive Portal ProfilepatchReplace a Captive Portal ProfileputDelete a Captive Portal ProfiledeleteGet a Captive Portal Profile by namegetUpdate some fields of a Captive Portal Profile by namepatchReplace a Captive Portal Profile by nameputDelete a Captive Portal Profile by namedeleteDURClassGET a list of PoliciesgetAdd a DUR ClasspostGet a DUR ClassgetUpdate a DUR ClasspatchReplace a DUR ClassputDelete a DUR ClassdeleteGet a DUR Class by namegetUpdate a DUR Class by namepatchReplace a DUR Class by nameputDelete a DUR Class by namedeleteEnforcementProfileGet a list of Enforcement ProfilesgetCreate a new Enforcement ProfilepostGet an Enforcement ProfilegetUpdate an Enforcement ProfilepatchReplace an Enforcement ProfileputDelete an Enforcement ProfiledeleteGet an Enforcement Profile by namegetUpdate an Enforcement Profile by namepatchReplace an Enforcement Profile by nameputDelete an Enforcement Profile by namedeleteEthertypeAccessControlListGET a list of Ethertype Access Control ListsgetAdd a Ethertype Access Control ListpostGet a Ethertype Access Control ListgetUpdate a Ethertype Access Control ListpatchReplace a Ethertype Access Control ListputDelete a Ethertype Access Control ListdeleteGet a Ethertype Access Control List by namegetUpdate a Ethertype Access Control List by namepatchReplace a Ethertype Access Control List by nameputDelete a Ethertype Access Control List by namedeleteMACAccessControlListGET a list of MAC Access Control ListsgetAdd a MAC Access Control ListpostGet a MAC Access Control ListgetUpdate some fields of a MAC Access Control ListpatchReplace a MAC Access Control ListputDelete a MAC Access Control ListdeleteGet a MAC Access Control List by namegetUpdate some fields of a MAC Access Control List by namepatchReplace a MAC Access Control List by nameputDelete a MAC Access Control List by namedeleteNATPoolGET a list of NAT PoolsgetAdd a NAT PoolpostGet a NAT PoolgetUpdate some fields of a NAT PoolpatchReplace a NAT PoolputDelete a NAT PooldeleteGet a NAT Pool by namegetUpdate some fields of a NAT Pool by namepatchReplace a NAT Pool by nameputDelete a NAT Pool by namedeleteNetDestinationGET a list of Net DestinationsgetAdd a Net DestinationpostGet a Net DestinationgetUpdate some fields of a Net DestinationpatchReplace a Net DestinationputDelete a Net DestinationdeleteGet a Net Destination by namegetUpdate some fields of a Net Destination by namepatchReplace a Net Destination by nameputDelete a Net Destination by namedeleteNetServiceGET a list of Net ServicesgetAdd a Net ServicepostGet a Net ServicegetUpdate some fields of a Net ServicepatchReplace a Net ServiceputDelete a Net ServicedeleteGet a Net Service by namegetUpdate some fields of a Net Service by namepatchReplace a Net Service by nameputDelete a Net Service by namedeletePolicerProfileGET a list of Policer ProfilesgetAdd a Policer ProfilepostGet a Policer ProfilegetUpdate some fields of a Policer ProfilepatchReplace a Policer ProfileputDelete a Policer ProfiledeleteGet a Policer Profile by namegetUpdate some fields of a Policer Profile by namepatchReplace a Policer Profile by nameputDelete a Policer Profile by namedeletePolicyGET a list of PoliciesgetAdd a PolicypostGet a PolicygetUpdate a PolicypatchReplace a PolicyputDelete a PolicydeleteGet a Policy by namegetUpdate a Policy by namepatchReplace a Policy by nameputDelete a Policy by namedeleteQoSProfileGET a list of QoS ProfilesgetAdd a QoS ProfilepostGet a QoS ProfilegetUpdate some fields of a QoS ProfilepatchReplace a QoS ProfileputDelete a QoS ProfiledeleteGet a QoS Profile by namegetUpdate some fields of a QoS Profile by namepatchReplace a QoS Profile by nameputDelete a QoS Profile by namedeleteSessionAccessControlListGET a list of Session Access Control ListsgetAdd a Session Access Control ListpostGet a Session Access Control ListgetUpdate some fields of a Session Access Control ListpatchReplace a Session Access Control ListputDelete a Session Access Control ListdeleteGet a Session Access Control List by namegetUpdate some fields of a Session Access Control List by namepatchReplace a Session Access Control List by nameputDelete a Session Access Control List by namedeleteStatelessAccessControlListGET a list of Stateless Access Control ListsgetAdd a Stateless Access Control ListpostGet a Stateless Access Control ListgetUpdate some fields of a Stateless Access Control ListpatchReplace a Stateless Access Control ListputDelete a Stateless Access Control ListdeleteGet a Stateless Access Control List by namegetUpdate some fields of a Stateless Access Control List by namepatchReplace a Stateless Access Control List by nameputDelete a Stateless Access Control List by namedeleteTimeRangeGET a list of Time RangesgetAdd a Time RangepostGet a Time RangegetUpdate some fields of a Time RangepatchReplace a Time RangeputDelete a Time RangedeleteGet a Time Range by namegetUpdate some fields of a Time Range by namepatchReplace a Time Range by nameputDelete a Time Range by namedeleteVoIPProfileGET a list of VoIP ProfilesgetAdd a VoIP ProfilepostGet a VoIP ProfilegetUpdate some fields of a VoIP ProfilepatchReplace a VoIP ProfileputDelete a VoIP ProfiledeleteGet a VoIP Profile by namegetUpdate some fields of a VoIP Profile by namepatchReplace a VoIP Profile by nameputDelete a VoIP Profile by namedeleteGet a list of Windows Hotfixesget https://clearpass-hostname/api/windows-hotfixGet a list of Windows Hotfixes.