Getting Started with PyEdgeConnect
Overview of Python and PyEdgeConnect
What is Python?
Python is a high-level programming language that is used widely across various disciplines. Highly regarded for its simplified syntax, beginner-friendliness, and abundance of third party libraries, Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world. the networking community especially embraces Python due in no small part to extensive vendor support as well as a low barrier of entry for getting started with automation and scripting.
About the Aruba EdgeConnect Python SDK
This package is a python wrapper for leveraging the API for Aruba Orchestrator and EdgeConnect SD-WAN systems.
API's are documented via swagger directly on Orchestrator and EdgeConnect web interfaces under "Support > REst API"
Many, but not all API functions have been implemented yet. Development is underway to continue the add further functions.
Getting started and install
Python version
Requires Python 3.7+
Once Python 3.7+ is installed on the system, its recommended to use a virtual environment to install the package to.
Creating a virtual environment
In the directory you'd like to wrote your project/script, setup a python virtual environment with the desired python version and activate. This is important if you have other versions of python installed on your system.
:~$ python3.9 -m venv my_new_project
:~$ source my_new_project/bin/activate
(my_new_project) :~$ python --version
Python 3.9.13
Installing pyedgeconnect via Pip
Now we are ready to install the package and run your python code.
Going forward, these commands assume you're within a Python 3.7+ venv, or Python 3.7+ is the exclusive Python version installed in regard to referencing the use of pip. If that is not the case, you can specifically append python3.x -m ahead of the pip install ...
Install from PyPi
$ pip install pyedgeconnect
$ pip list
Package Version
---------------------- -----------------------------
... ...
pyedgeconnect x.y.z
... ...
Install from GitHub
To install the most recent version of pyedgeconnect, open an interactive shell and run:
$ pip install git+
$ pip list
Package Version
---------------------- -----------------------------
... ...
pyedgeconnect x.y.z
... ...
To install a specific branch use the @branch syntax
$ pip install git+<branch_name>
Install the Development branch
$ pip install git+
Install dev options
For editing the code and general testing you can specify the [dev] extras which will include ["black","flake8","flake8-rst-docstrings","sort","sphinx", "sphinx_rtd_theme"]
To install from the remote repo with the [dev] extras option use the following syntax:
$ pip install pyedgeconnect[dev]
$ pip install git+[dev]
Updated over 1 year ago