JUMP TOAPI Endpointsafc.sitesGet an array of Aruba Fabric Composer configurationsgetAdd a new Aruba Fabric Composer configurationpostGet an Aruba Fabric Composer configuration by UUIDgetUpdate an Aruba Fabric Composer configuration by UUIDputDelete an Aruba Fabric Composer configuration by UUIDdeleteafc.sites.fabricsGet Fabrics from Aruba Fabric Composer Site instance by UUIDgetafc.sites.refreshRefresh data learned from a Aruba Fabric Composer instance by UUIDpostafc.sites.switchesGet switches from a Aruba Fabric Composer instance by UUIDgetafc.sites.verifyVerify connectivity of an Aruba Fabric Composer configuration by UUIDpostafc.sites.vrfsGet VRF from a Aruba Fabric Composer instance by UUIDgetafc.sites.vsxGet vsxes from a Aruba Fabric Composer instance by UUIDgetapplicationsGet an array of Application objectsgetAdd a new Application objectpostBulk delete ApplicationsdeleteGet a Application by UUIDgetUpdate a Application by UUIDputDelete a Application by UUIDdeletearuba.neteditsGet an array of Aruba NetEdit configurationsgetAdd a new Aruba NetEdit configurationpostGet an Aruba NetEdit configuration by UUIDgetUpdate an Aruba NetEdit configuration by UUIDputDelete an Aruba NetEdit configuration by UUIDdeletearuba.netedits.refreshRefresh data learned from a Aruba NetEdit instance by UUIDpostaruba.netedits.verifyVerify connectivity of an Aruba NetEdit configuration by UUIDpostaspath_listsRetrieve AS Path List objects.getCreates a AS Path List ConfigurationpostUpdate a single AS Path List object.putRetrieve a single AS Path List configuration.getDelete a single AS Path List configuration.deleteaspath_lists.associateAssociate AS Path List Configuration between switch scope and fabric scopepostaspath_lists.aspath_list_entriesRetrieve AS Path List Entry objects.getCreates a AS Path List Entry ConfigurationpostUpdate a single AS Path List Entry object.putRetrieve a single AS Path List Entry configuration.getDelete an AS Path List Entry configuration.deleteauditsGet list of Audit Log objects in order from most recent to least recent.getGet an Audit Log by UUIDgetauth.password_policyGet the system password policygetUpdate the system password policyputauth.sourcesGet an array of authentication sourcesgetDelete an Authentication Source by UUIDdeleteGet an authentication source by UUIDgetauth.sources.ldapAdd a new LDAP authentication sourcepostUpdate a LDAP authentication source by UUIDputauth.sources.ldap.verifyVerify an existing LDAP authentication source by UUIDpostauth.sources.pkiAdd a new PKI authentication sourcepostUpdate a PKI authentication source by UUIDputauth.sources.pki.verifyVerify an existing PKI authentication source by UUIDpostauth.sources.radiusConfigure Radius for AFCpostUpdate a Radius config for AFCputauth.sources.radius.verifyVerify an existing RADIUS authentication source by UUIDpostauth.tokenDelete an API access tokendeleteGet an API access tokenpostbackupsCreate a backuppostGet an array of backupsgetGet metadata about a backupgetDelete a backupdeleteUpdate a backup retention hours value.putbackups.schedulesCreate a backup schedulepostGet an array of backup schedulesgetGet info about a backup schedulegetUpdate a backup scheduleputDelete a backup scheduledeletebackups.uploadUpload a backuppostbackups.restoreRestore a backupputcertificates.sslGet current Certificate InformationgetReplace SSL/TLS Certificateputcertificates.ssl.regenerateRegenerate Self-Signed CertificatepostclustersGet an array of clustersgetGet a cluster by UUIDgetcommunity_listsRetrieve Community List objects.getCreates a Community List ConfigurationpostUpdate a single Community List object.putRetrieve a single Community List configuration.getDelete a single Community List configuration.deletecommunity_lists.associateAssociate Community List Configuration between switch scope and fabric scopepostcommunity_lists.community_list_entriesRetrieve Community List Entry objects.getCreates a Community List Entry ConfigurationpostUpdate a single Community List Entry object.putRetrieve a single Community List Entry configuration.getDelete a Community List Entry configuration.deletedhcp_relayGet DHCP relay configuration.getCreate DHCP relay configuration.postGet DHCP relay configuration.getUpdate DHCP relay configuration.putDelete DHCP Relay objectdeletedns_client_configurationsGet an array of DNS Client ConfigurationsgetAdd a new DNS Client ConfigurationpostGet a DNS Client Configuration by UUIDgetDelete a DNS Client Configuration by UUIDdeleteUpdate a DNS Client Configuration by UUIDputendpoint_groupsGet Endpoint GroupsgetDelete certain Endpoint GroupsdeleteCreate a Endpoint GrouppostGet a Endpoint GroupgetDelete certain Endpoint GroupdeleteUpdate a Endpoint GroupputevpnGet an array of EVPN objectsgetAdd a new EVPN objectpostDelete a list of EVPN objectsdeleteUpdate list of EVPN objectspatchDelete a EVPN by UUIDdeleteGet a EVPN object by UUIDgetUpdate a EVPN object by UUIDputevpn.evpn_routesGet a switches EVPN Routesgetevpn.multi_siteFabric Wide EVPN Multi Site ConfigurationpostGet an array of evpn multi-site objectsgetDelete a list of EVPN multi site objectsdeleteDelete a evpn multi site by UUIDdeleteGet a EVPN multi site object by UUIDgetUpdate a EVPN multi site object by UUIDputevpn.multi_site.reapplyReapply Fabric Wide stretch vlan configuration on border leader and Clear the stretch vlan and globacl setting configuration on older border leaderputevpn.reapplyReapply Fabric Wide EVPN Configurationpostevpn.settingsGet an array of EVPN Setings objectsgetUpdate an EVPN Settings object by Fabric UUIDputUpdate EVPN Settings Based on Switchespatchevpn.settings.switchesGet an array of EVPN Switch Setings objectsgetfabricsGet an array of Fabric objectsgetCreate a Fabric.postGet a Fabric by UUIDgetDelete a Fabric by UUIDdeleteUpdate fabric configuration by UUID.putfabrics.l2_leaf_spineGet an array of l2 leaf spine objectsgetDelete all l2leaf spinedeleteCreates single l2 leaf spine object for fabricpostUpdate a leaf spine object by UUIDputfabrics.leaf_spineGet an array of leaf spine peer objectsgetDelete all leaf spine peers in the given fabricsdeleteGet an array of leaf spine peer objects for given fabric idgetAdd a new leaf spine peer objectpostDelete all leaf spine peers of the given fabricdeleteGet a leaf spine peer object by UUIDgetUpdate a leaf spine peer object by UUIDputDelete a leaf pair object by UUIDdeletefabrics.multi_hop_vxlanRetrieve multi hop vxlan objects for fabrics.getCreates single multi hop vxlan object for fabricpostRetrieve single multi hop vxlan object for fabric.getUpdate single multi hop vxlan object for fabric.putRetrieve single multi hop vxlan object for fabric.getDelete multi hop vxlan object for fabric.deletefabrics.pvlansGet an array of Private VLAN objects from multiple fabricsgetDelete one or more Private VLANs objectsdeleteGet an array of Private VLAN objectsgetAdd a new Private VLAN objectpostDelete a Private VLAN by UUIDdeleteGet a Private VLAN by UUIDgetUpdate a Private VLAN by UUIDputfabrics.subleaf_leafGet an array of subleaf leaf objectsgetDelete all subleaf leafdeleteCreates single subleaf leaf object for fabricpostUpdate a subleaf leaf object by UUIDputfabrics.vsfGet an array of VSF stack peer objectsgetGet a vsf object by UUIDgetfabrics.vsxGet an array of VSX pair objectsgetDelete all VSX pairs for fabricdeleteGet an array of VSX pair objects for given fabric idgetAdd a new VSX pair objectpostDelete all VSX pairsdeleteGet a VSX pair object by UUIDgetUpdate a VSX pair object by UUIDputDelete a VSX pair object by UUIDdeletefabrics.vsxes.reapplyReapply VSX pair objectspostfabrics.vxlan_tunnelsGet an array of vxlan tunnel endpoint peer objectsgetfabrics.l2_leaf_spine.peersAdd a new leaf spine peer objectpostGet a l2 leaf spine peer object by UUIDgetUpdate a l2 leaf spine peer object by UUIDputDelete a leaf spine peer object by UUIDdeletefabrics.leaf_spine_workflowAdd multiple leaf spine peer objectspostReapply Leaf Spine Configurationputfabrics.leaf_spine_workflow.settingsGet leaf spine bulk settingsgetfabrics.subleaf_leaf.peersAdd a new subleaf leaf peer objectpostGet a subleaf leaf peer object by UUIDgetUpdate a subleaf leaf peer object by UUIDputDelete a subleaf leaf peer object by UUIDdeletefabrics.vsxesAdd multiple VSX pair objectspostfabrics.vsxes.mergeMerge VSX pair objectsputfabrics.vsxes.settingsGet VSX bulk settingsgetfabrics.ospf_routers_summaryRetrieve OSPF status summary for fabricgetfirewall.log.client_configurationsGet an array of Firewall Log configurationsgetAdd a new Firewall log Client ConfigurationpostGet a Firewall log Client Configuration by UUIDgetDelete a Firewall log Client Configuration by UUIDdeleteUpdate a Firewall log Client Configuration by UUIDputfirewall.profile.client_configurationsGet an array of Firewall Profile objectsgetGet a Firewall Profile by UUIDgetUpdate a Firewall Profile by UUIDputhigh_availability.api_stateGet the API HA state.gethigh_availability.config.reinit_replicationReinitialize configuration replication on a HA node.posthigh_availability.config.statusGet status of config replication on an HA cluster.gethigh_availability.stateGet the HA state for a service.gethigh_availability.statusGet cluster status objectgethigh_availability.vipsGet an array of Virtual IPsgetCreate a new Virtual IPpostModify a Virtual IPputDelete a Virtual IPdeleteGet a Virtual IPgethostsGet an array of hostsgetPatch request to update host objectspatchGet a host by UUIDgethosts.vswitchesAdd a Distributed Virtual Switch(DVS)posthosts.vswitches.add_hostsAdd hosts to a Distributed Virtual Switch(DVS)posthosts.vswitches.add_pvlan_vnicsAdd VM vnics to PVLAN Portgroups of Distributed Virtual Switch(DVS)posthosts.vswitches.add_pvlansAdd PVLANs to a Distributed Virtual Switch(DVS)posthosts.vswitches.lagsAdd LAGs to a Distributed Virtual Switch(DVS)posthpe.ilo_amplifiersGet an array of HPE iLO Amplifier configurationsgetAdd a new HPE iLO Amplifier configurationpostGet a HPE iLO Amplifier configuration by UUIDgetUpdate a HPE iLO Amplifier configuration by UUIDputDelete a HPE iLO Amplifier configuration by UUIDdeletehpe.ilo_amplifiers.refreshRefresh data learned from Ilo Amplifier instance by UUIDposthpe.ilo_amplifiers.verifyVerify connectivity of a HPE iLO Amplifier configuration by UUIDposthpe.simplivitysGet an array of HPE Simplivity configurationsgetAdd a new HPE Simplivity configurationpostGet a HPE Simplivity configuration by UUIDgetUpdate a HPE Simplivity configuration by UUIDputDelete a HPE Simplivity configuration by UUIDdeletehpe.simplivitys.refreshRefresh data learned from a HPE Simplivity instance by UUIDposthpe.simplivitys.verifyVerify connectivity of a HPE Simplivity configuration by UUIDpostintegration_setsGet an array of integration setsget/integration_setspatchintegrationsGet an array of integrationsgetlagsDelete multiple provisioned LAG objectsdeleteGet an array of LAG objectsgetPatch request to update LAG objectspatchAdd a new provisioned LAG objectpostDelete a provisioned LAG by UUIDdeleteGet a LAG by UUIDgetUpdate a LAG by UUIDputlags.mergeMerge independent MLAG entities into MLAG pair entitiesputlags.verifyVerify the lldp neighbour information of portspostlicensesDelete all licensesdeleteGet an array of license objectsgetUpload activated license informationpostGet license information by license keygetDelete license information by license keydeletelicenses.checkGet licenses check for requested count of licenses.getlicenses.statusGet licenses statusgetmac_attachmentsGet a list of MAC attachments filtering output by query parameters.getGet MAC attachment by UUIDgetmac_attachments.refreshRefresh MAC attachments in persistent store.putmetric_collectorsGet list of hosted metric collectorsgetGet a specific metric collectorgetmonitor_agentsGet a list of monitor agentsgetCreate a new monitor agentpostUpdate one or more monitor agents using JSON patch(es) with their UUIDspatchGet a monitor agentgetDelete a monitor agentdeleteUpdate a monitor agent by UUIDputmonitor_agents.groupsGet a list of monitor agent groupsgetCreate a new monitor agent grouppostGet a monitor agent group.getDelete a monitor agent groupdeleteUpdate a monitor agent group by UUIDputneighbor_discovery.configurationsGet an array of neighbor discovery configurationsgetAdd a new Neighbor Discovery Configuration switch overridepostGet a neighbor discovery configuration by UUIDgetModify an existing neighbor discovery protocol configurationputDelete a Neighbor Discovery Configuration by UUIDdeleteneighbor_discovery.neighbor.refreshRefresh neighbor discovery neighbors in persistent storeputneighbor_discovery.neighborsGet all neighbor discovery neighborsgetAdd a user-defined NeighborpostDelete a user-defined neighbor by UUIDdeleteGet neighbor discovery neighbor by UUIDgetModify an existing user-defined neighbor discovery neighborputneighbor_discovery.statisticsGet neighbor discovery statisticsgetnetworksGet an array of Network objectsgetUpdate a Network object by UUIDputGet a Network by UUIDgetntp_client_configurationsGet an array of NTP configurationsgetAdd a new NTP Client ConfigurationpostGet a NTP Client Configuration by UUIDgetDelete a NTP Client Configuration by UUIDdeleteUpdate a NTP Client Configuration by UUIDputnutanix.prismsGet an array of Nutanix Prism configurationsgetAdd a new Nutanix Prism configurationpostGet a Nutanix Prism configuration by UUIDgetUpdate a Nutanix Prism configuration by UUIDputDelete a Nutanix Prism configuration by UUIDdeletenutanix.prisms.refreshRefresh data learned from a Nutanix Prism instance by UUIDpostnutanix.prisms.verifyVerify connectivity of a Nutanix Prism configuration by UUIDpostopenapiGet the Aruba Fabric Composer OpenAPI SchemagetpeersGet an array of Peer objectsgetpensando.alertsGet list of Pensando Alert objects in order from newest to oldest.getGet a Pensando Alert by UUIDgetpensando.dssGet an array of Pensando DSS objects known to PSMgetRegister a Pensando DSS resident on a switch and admit it to PSMpostGet a Pensando DSS resolved by related switch UUIDgetDecommission and delete a particular Pensando DSS from PSM and remove related switch configuration.deletepensando.psmsGet an array of Pensando PSM configurationsgetAdd a new Pensando PSM configurationpostGet an Pensando PSM configuration by UUIDgetUpdate an Pensando PSM configuration by UUIDputDelete an Pensando PSM configuration by UUIDdeletepensando.psms.refreshRefresh data learned from a Pensando PSM instance by UUIDpostpensando.psms.verifyVerify connectivity of an Pensando PSM configuration by UUIDpostpingAruba Fabric Composer API status checkgetpoliciesGet an array of policy objectsgetAdd a new Policy objectpostDelete certain policiesdeleteGet a policy by UUIDgetUpdate a Policy configuration by UUIDputDelete a policy by UUIDdeletepolicies.cloneClone Policy configurations by UUIDpostpolicy_distribution_targetsAdd a new PDT.postGet an array of PDTsgetDelete all PDTdeleteUpdate type or remove policies associated with the PDTspatchGet PDT with given UUID.getUpdate a PDT by UUIDputDelete PDT with given UUIDdeletepolicy_groupsGet an array of policy group objectsgetAdd a new Policy Group objectpostDelete certain policy groupsdeleteGet a policy group by UUIDgetUpdate a Policy Group by UUIDputDelete a policy group by UUIDdeleteportsGet an array of Port objectsgetPatch Request to update Port objectspatchGet a Port by UUIDgetUpdate a Port configuration by UUIDputports.dsm.statisticsGet a list of Distributed Services Module Port statistic objectsgetGet a Distributed Services Module Port's statisticsgetports.statisticsGet a list of port statistic objectsgetGet a Port's statisticsgetprefix_listsRetrieve prefix List objects.getCreates a prefix List ConfigurationpostUpdate a single prefix List object.putRetrieve a single prefix List configuration.getDelete a single prefix List configuration.deleteprefix_lists.associateAssociate prefix List Configuration between switch scope and fabric scopepostprefix_lists.prefix_list_entriesRetrieve prefix List Entry objects.getCreates a prefix List Entry ConfigurationpostUpdate a single prefix List Entry object.putRetrieve a single prefix List Entry configuration.getDelete a prefix List Entry configuration.deletequalifiersGet QualifiersgetBulk delete QualifiersdeleteCreate a QualifierpostGet a QualifiergetDelete a QualifierdeleteUpdate a QualifierputradiusGet all Radius configsgetCreate a Radius config for switch and fabricspostGet a Radius config for switch or fabricgetDelete a Radius config for switch or fabricdeleteUpdate a Radius config for switches and fabricsputremote_device_accessGet Remote Device Access configuration.getUpdate Remote Device Access properties.putremote_device_access.check_connectionRun check connection command to specified target or defaults.postresource_poolGet an array of resource pools.getAdd a new resource pool configurationpostDelete all the Resource Pools created.deleteGet a resource pool by UUIDgetDelete a Resource Pool by UUIDdeleteUpdate a Resource Pool by UUIDputroute_mapsRetrieve Route Map objects.getCreates a Route Map ConfigurationpostUpdate a single Route Map object.putRetrieve a single Route Map configuration.getDelete a single Route Map configuration.deleteroute_maps.associateAssociate Route Map Configuration between switch scope and fabric scopepostroute_maps.route_map_entriesRetrieve Route Map Entry objects.getCreates a Route Map Entry ConfigurationpostUpdate a single Route Map Entry object.putRetrieve a single Route Map Entry configuration.getDelete a Route Map Entry configuration.deleterulesGet RulesgetCreate a RulepostDelete certain RulesdeleteGet a RulegetUpdate a RuleputDelete certain ruledeleterules.cloneClone Rule configurations by UUIDpostsettingsGet an array of settingsgetGet a setting by keygetUpdate a setting by keyputsflow_configurationsGet an array of sFlow configuration objectsgetAdd a new sFlow configuration objectpostDelete an sFlow configuration by UUIDdeleteGet an sFlow configuration by UUIDgetUpdate an sFlow configuration by UUIDputsmart_nicsGet an array of smart nic objectsgetGet a smart nic by UUIDgetsnmp_configurationsGet an array of SNMP configurationsgetAdd a new SNMP configurationpostGet a SNMP configuration by UUIDgetDelete a SNMP configuration by UUIDdeleteUpdate a SNMP configuration by UUIDputspanning_treeGet the list of switches with the stp configurations applied.getPatch Request to update switch STP global parameters.patchGet a switches with the stp configurations applied.getUpdate STP configuration on a switch.putspanning_tree.stp_configurationCreate a spanning tree configuration.postGet all spanning tree configurations.getDelete multiple spanning tree configurationsdeleteGet a spanning tree configuration.getUpdate a spanning tree configurationputDelete a spanning tree configuration.deletespanning_tree.stp_instance_portsGet STP instance details.getspanning_tree.stp_port_configurationGet list of STP Port Configurations for all switches.getPatch Request to update STP Port objectspatchGet a switch STP Port Configurations.getUpdate a STP port configurationputstatistics.configuration.portsGet an array of port statistic configurationsgetGet a port statistic configurationgetUpdate port statistics configurationputsupport_bundlesAdd a support bundlepostGet an array of support bundlesgetDelete all support bundlesdeleteGet metadata about a support bundlegetDelete a support bundle by namedeleteswitchesGet an array of Switch objectsgetPatch Request to update a Switch objectpatchGet a Switch by UUIDgetDelete a Switch by UUIDdeleteswitches.checkpointCreate a one-time or system generated checkpoint.postGet an array of checkpointsgetDelete multiple checkpointsdeleteGet metadata about a checkpointgetDelete a checkpointdeleteswitches.checkpoint.rollbackRollback a fabrics or switches to a checkpoint.postswitches.checkpoint.schedulesCreate a checkpoint schedulepostGet an array of checkpoint schedulesgetDelete all checkpoint schedulesdeleteGet info about a checkpoint schedulegetUpdate a checkpoint scheduleputDelete a checkpoint scheduledeleteswitches.checkpoint.snapshotGet metadata about a snapshotgetGet metadata about a checkpoint snapshotgetswitches.cli_commandsCLI commands to switchespostswitches.cli_configsGET CLI configs from switchesgetCLI configs to switchespostswitches.discoverDiscover switchespostswitches.downlinkGet an array of downlink switch objectsgetAdd a new downlink switch objectpostDelete a downlink switch by UUID. This will delete all associated configuration relating to this particular switch (there is no undo)deleteUpdate a downlink switch by UUID.putGet a downlink switch by UUIDgetswitches.dsmGet an array of Distributed Services Module objects by switch uuidsgetGet an array of Distributed Services Module objects by switch uuidgetswitches.dsm.portsGet an array of Distributed Services Module Port objects by switch uuidsgetGet an array of Distributed Services Module Port objects by switch uuidgetswitches.dsm.statisticsGet a list of Distributed Services Module Flow statistic objectsgetGet a Distributed Services Module Flow's statisticsgetGet a Distributed Services Module Flow's statisticsgetswitches.modulesGet all modulesgetGet a list of modulesgetPatch a list of modulespatchGet a modulegetswitches.rebootReboot switchesputswitches.reconcilePerform a soft config check on a list of switches.putswitches.save_configPerform a save config on a list of switches or fabrics.putswitches.softwareGet an array of switch software statesgetGet a switch software state by UUIDgetswitches.software.imagesDelete all switch software imagesdeleteGet an array of switch software imagesgetDelete a switch software image by namedeleteGet metadata about a switch software imagegetUpload a switch software imageputswitches.software.stagingsGet an array of switch software staging processesgetAdd a new switch software staging processpostAbort a switch software staging process by UUIDdeleteGet a switch software staging by UUIDgetswitches.software.upgradesGet an array of switch software upgrade processesgetAdd a new switch software upgrade processpostAbort a switch software upgrade process by UUIDdeleteGet a switch software upgrade by UUIDgetswitches.modules.resetPerform a reset on list of modules.putswitches.change_passwordChange the administrator password for a switchpostswitches.clear_passwordClear the administrator password for a switchpostsyslog_client_configurationsGet an array of Syslog configurationsgetAdd a new Syslog Client ConfigurationpostGet a Syslog Client Configuration by UUIDgetDelete a Syslog Client Configuration by UUIDdeleteUpdate a Syslog Client Configuration by UUIDputsystemGet the system objectgetUpdate the systemputtagsGet an array of tagsgetAdd a new tagpostGet a tag by UUIDgetUpdate a tag by UUIDputDelete a tag by UUID and remove from related objectsdeletetags.uuidsAdd a set of object UUIDs to the object type of the given tagpostUpdate (replace) the set of object UUIDs for the object type of the given tagputtransceiversGet an array of transceiver objects.getusersGet an array of usersgetAdd a new userpostGet a user by UUIDgetUpdate a user by UUIDputDelete a user by UUIDdeleteusers.currentGet the current usergetusers.current.change_passwordChange the password of the logged in userpostusers.current.update_preferencesUpdate the preferences of the logged in userputversionsGet the Aruba Fabric Composer API and Software Versionsgetvlan_groupsGet an array of VLAN group objectsgetAdd a new VLAN Group objectpostDelete a VLAN group by UUIDdeleteGet a VLAN group by UUIDgetUpdate a VLAN Group by UUIDputvmware.nsxtGet an array of VMware NSX-T configurationsgetAdd a new VMware NSX-T configurationpostGet a VMware NSX-T configuration by UUIDgetUpdate a VMware NSX-T configuration by UUIDputDelete a VMware NSX-T configuration by UUIDdeletevmware.nsxt.refreshRefresh data learned from a VMware NSX-T instance by UUIDpostvmware.nsxt.verifyVerify connectivity of a VMware NSX-T configuration by UUIDpostvmware.plugin.registerRegister the Aruba Fabric Composer vSphere Web Client Plugin with vCenterpostvmware.sddcsGet an array of VMWare SDDC configurationsgetAdd a new SDDC Pack configurationpostGet a VMWare SDDC configuration by UUIDgetUpdate a VMWare SDDC configuration by UUIDputDelete a VMWare SDDC configuration by UUIDdeletevmware.sddcs.refreshRefresh data learned from a VMWare SDDC instance by UUIDpostvmware.sddcs.verifyVerify connectivity of a VMWare SDDC configuration by UUIDpostvmware.vcentersGet an array of VMware vSphere configurationsgetAdd a new VMware vSphere configurationpostGet a VMware vSphere configuration by UUIDgetUpdate a VMware vSphere configuration by UUIDputDelete a VMware vSphere configuration by UUIDdeletevmware.vcenters.refreshRefresh data learned from a VMware vSphere instance by UUIDpostvmware.vcenters.registerRegister the Aruba Fabric Composer vSphere Client Plugin by UUIDpostvmware.vcenters.verifyVerify connectivity of a VMware vSphere configuration by UUIDpostvrfsGet an array of vrf objectsgetAdd a new vrf objectpostDelete all vrfsdeleteGet a vrf object by UUIDgetUpdate a vrf object by UUIDputDelete a vrf object by UUIDdeletevrfs.reapplyRe-apply VRFs to switchespostvrfs.bgpRetrieve VRF's global configurationgetUpdate VRF's global BGP configurationputRetrieve VRF's switch-level configurationgetUpdate VRF's switch-level BGP configurationputDelete VRF's switch-level BGP configurationdeletevrfs.bgp.statusRetrieve VRF's BGP stategetvrfs.bgp.summaryRetrieve VRF's BGP summarygetvrfs.ip_interfacesCreate one or more IP Interface objectspostDelete all IP Interfaces on a specified VRFdeleteRetrieve all IP Interfaces on a specified VRFgetGet an Interface by unique identifiergetUpdate an Interface specified by unique identifierputDelete an Interface specified by unique identifierdeletevrfs.ip_interfaces.statusRetrieve VRF's IP Interfaces stategetvrfs.ip_static_routesCreate one or more IP Static Route objectspostDelete all IP Static Routes to a VRFdeleteUpdate an IP Static Route object associated with a VRF by UUIDputGet an IP Static Route object associated with a VRF by UUIDgetDelete an IP Static Route object associated with a VRF by UUIDdeletevrfs.ip_tables.arpGet ARP table for VRF switchgetvrfs.ip_tables.ip_routeGet IP routes for VRF switchgetvrfs.networksGet an array of Network objects for the given VRFgetCreate a Network in the given VRFpostGet a Network by UUIDgetDelete a Network by UUIDdeleteUpdate a Network object by UUIDputvrfs.ospf_globalRetrieve the OSPF global configuration for a virtual routing forwardinggetUpdate OSPF global configuration for a virtual routing forwardingputvrfs.ospf_neighbors.statusRetrieve all OSPF neighbors status for a virtual routing forwardinggetvrfs.ospf_routersRetrieve the OSPF routers configuration for a virtual routing forwardinggetCreate OSPF router configuration for a virtual routing forwardingpostUpdate OSPF router configuration for a virtual routing forwardingputRetrieve OSPF router configuration for a virtual routing forwardinggetDelete OSPF router configuration for a virtual routing forwardingdeletevrfs.ospf_routers.summaryRetrieve VRF's OSPF status summarygetvrfs.ospf_routers.areasCreate OSPF area configuration for a virtual routing forwardingpostGet OSPF areas configuration for a virtual routing forwardinggetUpdate OSPF area configuration for a virtual routing forwardingputDelete OSPF area configuration for a virtual routing forwardingdeleteGet OSPF area configuration for a virtual routing forwardinggetvrfs.ospf_routers.areas.interfacesCreate OSPF interface configuration for a virtual routing forwardingpostRetrieve OSPF interface configuration for a virtual routing forwardinggetUpdate OSPF interface configuration for a virtual routing forwardingputRetrieve OSPF interface configuration virtual routing forwardinggetDelete OSPF interface configuration virtual routing forwardingdeletevrfs.ospf_routers.areas.interfaces.statusRetrieve OSPF interface status for a virtual routing forwardinggetvrfs.ospf_routers.areas.rangesCreate OSPF Area rangepostRetrieve OSPF Area RangesgetUpdate OSPF Area Range configurationputRetrieve OSPF Area Range configurationgetDelete OSPF Area Range configurationdeletevrfs.ospf_routers.areas.vlinksCreate OSPF Area Virtual LinkpostRetrieve OSPF Area Virtual LinksgetUpdate OSPF Area Virtual Link configurationputRetrieve OSPF Area Virtual Link configurationgetDelete OSPF Area Virtual Link configurationdeletevrfs.ospf_routers.summary_addressesCreate OSPF router summary addressespostGet OSPF ASBR summary addresses configurationgetUpdate OSPF ASBR summary addresses configurationputDelete OSPF ASBR summary addressesdeleteGet OSPF ASBR summary addressesgetvrfs.overlayRetrieve a VRF's Overlay configurationgetCreate Overlay configurationpostRetrieve VRF's overlay configurationgetDelete overlay configuration on a specified VRFdeleteUpdate Overlay configurationputvrfs.switchesRetrieve VRF's switches configurationgetRetrieve VRF's attributes per switchgetUpdate VRF switch configurationputvrfs.underlayRetrieve VRF's underlay configurationgetCreate Underlay configurationpostRetrieve VRF's underlay configurationgetDelete underlay configuration on a specified VRFdeleteUpdate Underlay configurationputUpdate Underlay configurationput https://example.com/api/vrfs/{vrf_uuid}/underlay/{uuid}