(USE WITH CAUTION) Will cause a wifi network outage!
Starts an ftm scan for the given floor-id.
Ftm scanning will faciliate using automatic AP placement within the floorplan manager as it will allow the system to collect inter-ap ranging information in a much shorter time frame.
During an ftm scan, all wifi client connectivity on the 5GHz radio will be disrupted for the system calculated scan duration. When the scan completes the network will automatically restore itself.
Only one scan can be active on a floor at any time.
The other pre-requisites for starting an FTM scan are:
- APs on the given floor-id must be 'ftm-monitor' capable (ie. Running AOS firmware version 10.7.1 or greater)
- APs on the given floor-id must be configured in the same regulatory domain (ie. configured with the same country code)
- APs on the given floor must be synchronized with the same ntp server