AppRF Streaming Event
AppRF stream is the flow of all the client sessions, that is intra-internet bound happening in the network. Deep packet inspection on each client session is carried out and the sessions are classified into well-known application, application category, web category and web reputation. In addition, client's association details such as device type, client MAC on which the session happened, SSID and user role to which the client is associated with are available in the Apprf event messages.
In order for the AppRF Streaming Topic to have detailed messages, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) configuration needs to be enabled for the devices. An AppRF message contains a list of all the client sessions for a given device (Instant AP).
AppRF Streaming Topic Protocol Buffer File
package Apprf;
message mac_address
optional bytes addr = 1;
message ip_address
enum addr_family
optional addr_family af = 1;
optional bytes addr = 2;
message apprf_session
optional string customer_id = 1;
optional uint64 timestamp = 2;
optional string serial_number = 3;
repeated client_firewall_session client_firewall_session = 4;
repeated url_detail_record url_detail_record = 5;
optional string ap_name = 6;
optional uint32 session_duration = 7;
message client_firewall_session
optional ip_address client_ip = 1;
optional mac_address client_mac = 2;
optional ip_address dest_ip = 3;
optional ingress_type_t ingress_type = 4;
enum ingress_type_t
optional uint32 ip_proto = 5;
optional string vlan = 6;
optional uint32 uplink_id = 7;
optional string uplink_name = 8;
optional uint32 app_id = 9;
optional string app_name = 10;
optional uint32 app_cat_id = 11;
optional string app_cat = 12;
optional uint32 web_cat_id = 13;
optional string web_cat = 14;
optional uint32 web_rep_score = 15;
optional string web_rep = 16;
optional string dest_url_prefix = 17;
optional string domain = 18;
enum app_enforcement_status
optional app_enforcement_status session_flags = 19;
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 20;
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 21;
optional uint64 rtt = 22;
optional uint64 c2s_rtt = 23;
optional uint64 s2c_rtt = 24;
optional uint64 packet_loss = 25;
optional uint64 c2s_packet_loss = 26;
optional uint64 s2c_packet_loss = 27;
optional string ssid = 28;
optional string user_name = 29;
optional string user_role = 30;
optional string device_type = 31;
optional uint64 timestamp = 32;
optional bool preauth_flag = 33;
optional unit32 dest_port = 34;
message url_detail_record
enum url_http_method
required ip_address client_ip = 1;
required ip_address dest_ip = 2;
required mac_address client_mac = 3;
optional bytes dest_url_prefix = 4;
optional uint32 hit_count = 5;
optional url_http_method http_method = 6;
optional uint64 last_hit_timestamp = 7;
Parameters Descriptions
The following table lists the field, type, rule, and descriptions of the above mentioned protobuf definition
Field | Type | Rule | Description |
addr | bytes | Optional | Indicates the address field in bytes. |
addr_family | enum | Indicates the enum address family. Contains one of the following:
| |
af | addr_family | Optional | Indicates the IP version. |
customer ID | string | Optional | Indicates the customer ID. |
timestamp | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the time of the session. |
serial_number | string | Optional | Indicates the serial number of the client. |
client_firewall_session | message | Repeated | Indicates the client sessions data. |
url_detail_record | message | Repeated | Indicates the visited url information. |
ap_name | string | Optional | Indicates the name of the access point. |
session_duration | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the time duration since the last statistics were streamed out for the device. |
client_ip | ip_address | Optional | Indicates the IP information of the user who has triggered the event. This is determined by the client IP address. |
client_mac | mac_address | Optional | Indicates the MAC address of the client. |
dest_ip | ip_address | Optional | Indicates the destination IP address of the client. |
ingress_type_t | enum | Indicates the client connection type, Wireless (WLAN) or Wired (WIRED). It contains any one of the following:
| |
ip_proto | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the network protocol. |
vlan | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the customer configured user role. |
uplink_id | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the device uplink ID of the session. |
uplink_name | string | Optional | Indicates the device uplink name of the session. |
app_id | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the app unique ID. AppRF supports 500+ apps and each each one has an unique ID. |
app_name | string | Optional | Indicates the app name. AppRF supports 500+ apps. |
app_cat_id | uint32 | Optional | Indicates app category ID. AppRF supports 500+ apps and each one is assigned an app category ID. |
app_cat | string | Optional | Indicates the App category. AppRF supports 500+ apps and each app is assigned a category. |
web_cat_id | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the web ID for the destination visited. |
web_cat | string | Optional | Indicates the web category. |
web_rep_score | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the web reputation score for the destination visited. |
web_rep | string | Optional | Indicates the web reputation for the destination visited, which is mapped using the web_rep_score. |
dest_url_prefix | string | Optional | Indicates the URL link in the session, where the client made access. |
app_enforcement_status | enum | Indicates the app enforcement status. It contains the following:
| |
session_flags | app_enforcement_status | Optional | Indicates the app enforcement status. It contains the enum app_enforcement_status. |
tx_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes transmitted. |
rx_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes of received. |
rtt | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the round trip time of the associated session. |
c2s_rt | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the client to server round trip time. This field is only supported in BGW messages. |
s2c_rtt | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the server to client round trip time. This field is only supported in BGW messages. |
packet_loss | uint64 | Optional | Indicates packet loss during communication. This field is only supported in BGW messages. |
c2s_packet_loss | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the client to server packet loss in the network. |
s2c_packet_loss | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the server to client packet loss in the network. |
ssid | string | Optional | Indicates the client SSID. |
username | string | Optional | Indicates the client name in the network. |
user_role | string | Optional | Indicates the customer configured user role. |
device_type | string | Optional | Indicates the client device type. |
preauth_flag | bool | Optional | Indicates customer to filter out any blocked session that has preauth_flag = true. |
dest_port | unit32 | Optional | Indicates the destination port of the streamed AppRF sessions. |
url_http_method | enum | Indicates the enum fields that classify the HTTP Requests, which can be one of the following:
| |
dest_url_prefix | bytes | Optional | Indicates the URL that the client visited. |
hit_count | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of visits (hits) that the client URL has. |
http_method | url_http_method | Optional | Indicates the HTTP properties of the client URL. |
last_hit_timestamp | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the last visited timestamp of the URL in the session. |
Examples for the AppRF Message
The .proto file shown above consists of many messages. But, the message "apprf_session" contains all other messages nested in it. Therefore, the message apprf_session should be used to deserialize the AppRF events.
Following are the sample events received for the AppRF Streaming Topic:
- IAP Message
customer_id: "6e81148a580444c0a3aa1e24171151d9"
timestamp: 1613616317
serial_number: "CNDRJSSCFT"
client_firewall_session {
client_ip {
addr: "\300\250\024\025"
dest_ip {
addr: "\254\331\244n"
ingress_type: INGRESS_WLAN
ip_proto: 0
app_id: 240
app_cat_id: 1
web_cat_id: 25
web_rep_score: 5
dest_url_prefix: ""
session_flags: ENF_PERMIT
tx_bytes: 6918
rx_bytes: 111964
rtt: 0
packet_loss: 0
ssid: "NA"
user_role: "UD"
device_type: "Others"
timestamp: 1607041697
- BWG Event
customer_id: "111952018"
timestamp: 1615322941
serial_number: "MCD1360044"
client_firewall_session {
client_ip {
addr: "\300\250\n\001"
dest_ip {
addr: "\n,\021\361"
ingress_type: INGRESS_WIRED
ip_proto: 17
vlan: Engineer
app_id: 10000
app_cat_id: 6
web_cat_id: 100
web_rep_score: 0
session_flags: ENF_PERMIT
tx_bytes: 588115
rx_bytes: 809977
rtt: 1
c2s_rtt: 3
s2c_rtt: 0
packet_loss: 2423
c2s_packet_loss: 4847
s2c_packet_loss: 0
ssid: "NA"
user_role: "UD"
device_type: "Others"
timestamp: 1607040992
Updated 3 months ago