Monitoring-Client Streaming Event
This section provides information on the Clients based streaming events within Monitoring topic.
Protocol Buffer messages for Clients in Monitoring Topic
message ClientStats
optional string device_id = 1;
optional MacAddress macaddr = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory.
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory.
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint32 rx_retries = 6; // Mandatory
optional uint32 tx_retries = 7; // Mandatory
optional uint32 speed = 8;
optional uint32 signal_in_db = 9;
optional uint32 snr = 10;
message WiredClient
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 2; // Mandatory
optional string name = 3; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress ip_address = 4;
optional string username = 5;
optional string associated_device = 6; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress interface_mac = 7;
optional string user_role = 8;
optional uint32 vlan = 9;
optional AuthType auth_type = 10;
message WirelessClient
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 2; // Mandatory
optional string name = 3; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress ip_address = 4;
optional string username = 5;
optional string associated_device = 6;
optional MacAddress radio_mac = 7; // Mandatory
optional bytes network = 8;
optional string user_role = 9;
optional string manufacturer = 10; // Mandatory
optional string os_type = 11; o
optional string connection = 12;
optional uint32 maxspeed = 13;
optional uint32 vlan = 14;
Parameters Descriptions
The following table lists the field, type, rule, and descriptions of the above mentioned protobuf messages
Field | Type | Description |
device_id | String | Indicates the associated device serial number. |
macaddr | MacAddress | Indicates the client Mac address. |
timestamp | uint32 | Indicates the time of occurrence. |
tx_bytes | uint64 | Displays the number of bytes transmitted. |
rx_bytes | uint64 | Displays the number of bytes received. |
rx_retries | uint32 | Indicates the Rx retries. |
tx_retries | uint32 | Indicates the Tx retries. |
speed | uint32 | Indicates the speed. |
signal_in_db | uint32 | Indicates the signal in decibel. |
snr | uint32 | Indicates the snr value. |
action | Action | Indicates the action and can have one of the following:
name | string | Indicates the client hostname. |
ip_address | IpAddress | Indicates the client IP address. |
username | string | Indicates the client username. |
associated_device | string | Indicates the associated device serial number. |
interface_mac | MacAddress | Indicates the user role. |
vlan | uint32 | Indicates the associated VLAN. |
auth_type | AuthType | Indicates the type of authentication. |
radio_mac | MacAddress | Indicates the radio Mac address. |
network | bytes | Indicates the network ESSID name. |
manufacturer | string | Indicates the client manufacturer information. |
os_type | string | Indicates the client OS information. |
connection | string | Indicates the connection protocol. |
maxspeed | uint32 | Indicates the maximum speed. |
Examples for Clients based Streaming Events within Monitoring Topic
device_id: "DZ0001581"
macaddr {
addr: "\360\030\230\362\327\216"
timestamp: 1601899200
tx_bytes: 20072
rx_bytes: 48670
rx_retries: 0
tx_retries: 0
action: DELETE
macaddr {
addr: "\360\030\230\362\327\216"
name: "arubas-Mini-2"
ip_address {
addr: "\254\037b\271"
username: "arubas-Mini-2"
associated_device: "DZ0001581"
user_role: "wired-SetMeUp"
vlan: 3333
auth_type: NONE
action: UPDATE
macaddr {
addr: "\000\017i\214p\000"
ip_address {
addr: "\335\'\355\023"
associated_device: "EFFV000002"
radio_mac {
addr: "\350\022-F\020\000"
network: "wlan-00001"
user_role: "wireless"
manufacturer: "SEW Eurodrive GmbH & Co. KG"
os_type: "Unclassified Device"
connection: "802.11GN"
maxspeed: 288
vlan: 598
Updated about 2 years ago