Monitoring-CX Switch Streaming Event
This section provides information on the CX Switch device streaming events within Monitoring topic.
Protocol Buffer messages for CX Switches in Monitoring Topic
message DeviceStats {
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint64 uptime = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint32 cpu_utilization = 4; // Mandatory for IAP and HP
optional uint64 mem_total = 5; // Mandatory for IAP and HP
optional uint64 mem_free = 6; // Mandatory for IAP and HP
optional uint32 power_consumption = 7;
optional uint32 fan_speed = 8;
optional uint32 temperature = 9;
optional Status fan_status = 10;
optional uint32 max_power = 11;
optional uint32 poe_consumption = 12;
optional uint32 poe_budget = 13;
optional uint64 mem_utilization = 14;
message Interface {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 3; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 4 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress ipaddr = 5;
optional Duplex duplex_mode = 6;
optional string name = 7; // Mandatory
optional string port_number = 8; // Mandatory
optional IntfType type = 9; // Mandatory
optional string mode = 10;
optional uint32 vlan = 11;
optional PoeSupport has_poe = 12 [default = NA];
optional Status poe_state = 13 [default = UP];
optional Status oper_state = 14 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional Status admin_state = 15 [default = UP];// Mandatory
optional SpeedType speed = 16; // Mandatory
optional uint32 mux = 17;
optional uint32 trusted = 18;
optional string slot = 19;
optional PortType phy_type = 20;
optional string sub_type = 21;
repeated uint32 allowed_vlan = 22;
optional uint32 native_vlan = 23;
optional bool vsx_enabled = 24;
optional StateDownReason state_down_reason = 25;
optional VlanModes vlan_mode = 26;
optional uint32 timestamp = 27;
message InterfaceStats {
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint32 power_consumption = 6;
optional uint64 in_errors = 7;
optional uint64 out_errors = 8;
optional uint64 in_discards = 9;
optional uint64 out_discards = 10;
optional uint64 in_packets = 11;
optional uint64 out_packets = 12;
optional uint32 in_other_err = 13;
optional uint64 in_multicast_pkt = 14;
optional uint64 in_broadcast_pkt = 15;
optional uint64 in_unicast_pkt = 16;
optional uint64 out_multicast_pkt = 17;
optional uint64 out_broadcast_pkt = 18;
optional uint64 out_unicast_pkt = 19;
optional uint64 in_fcs = 20;
optional uint64 in_alignment = 21;
optional uint32 out_excessive_collision = 22;
optional uint64 in_jabbers = 23;
optional uint64 in_fragmented = 24;
optional uint32 in_giant = 25;
optional uint32 in_runt = 26;
optional uint64 out_collision = 27;
optional uint32 out_late_collision = 28;
optional uint32 out_deferred = 29;
message DeviceNeighbours {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional string port = 3; // Mandatory
optional string remote_device_id = 4;
optional string remote_port = 5;
optional string remote_port_number = 6;
optional string vlan_id = 7;
message SwitchVlan {
optional uint32 id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
repeated string tagged_ports = 3;
repeated string untagged_ports = 4;
optional uint32 primary_vlan_id = 5;
optional string primary_vlan_type = 6;
repeated string promiscuous_ports = 7;
repeated string isl_ports = 8;
optional bool is_management_vlan = 9;
optional bool is_voice_enabled = 10;
optional bool is_jumbo_enabled = 11;
optional bool is_igmp_enabled = 12;
optional IpAddress ipaddress = 13;
enum VlanStatus {
UP = 1;
DOWN = 2;
optional VlanStatus status = 14;
optional string oper_state_reason = 15;
enum VlanType {
optional VlanType type = 16;
repeated string access_ports = 17;
message VSXState {
enum DeviceRole {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2;
optional DeviceRole role = 3;
optional DeviceRole peer_role = 4;
optional string isl_port = 5;
optional string peer_isl_port = 6;
optional IpAddress keepalive_peer_ip = 7;
optional IpAddress keepalive_src_ip = 8;
optional uint64 last_sync_timestamp = 9;
optional MacAddress mac = 10;
optional MacAddress peer_mac = 11;
optional bool config_sync_disable = 12;
enum ISLPDeviceState {
optional ISLPDeviceState islp_device_state_value = 13;
enum ISLState {
IN_SYNC = 1;
optional ISLState config_sync_state_value = 14;
optional ISLState isl_mgmt_state_value = 15;
optional ISLState nae_state_value = 16;
optional ISLState https_server_state_value = 17;
Parameters Descriptions
The following table lists the field, type, rule, and descriptions of the above mentioned protobuf messages
Field | Type | Rule | Description |
timestamp | uint32 | optional | Indicates the time of the occurrence of the event. |
device_id | string | optional | Indicates the serial number of the switch. |
uptime | uint64 | optional | Indicates the switch uptime. |
cpu_utilization | uint32 | optional | Indicates the CPU utilization. |
mem_total | uint64 | optional | Indicates the total memory. |
mem_free | uint64 | optional | Indicates the free memory. |
power_consumption | uint32 | optional | Indicates the power consumption of the device. |
fan_speed | uint32 | optional | Indicates the fan speed of the device. |
temperature | uint32 | optional | Indicates the temperature of the device. |
fan_status | Status | optional | Indicates the status of the device fan as UP or DOWN. |
max_power | uint32 | optional | Indicates the maximum power of the device. |
poe_consumption | uint32 | optional | Indicates the POE consumption of the device. |
poe_budget | uint32 | optional | Indicates the POE budget of the device. |
mem_utilization | uint64 | optional | Indicates the memory utilization. |
action | Action | optional | Indicates the action. Contains one of the the following:
macaddr | MacAddress | optional | Indicates the MAC address of the interface. |
status | Status | optional | Indicates the status of the interface as UP or DOWN. |
ipaddr | IpAddress | optional | Indicates the IP address. |
duplex_mode | Duplex | optional | Indicates the duplex mode. |
name | string | optional | Indicates the name. |
port_number | string | optional | Indicates the port number. |
type | IntfType | optional | Indicates the type of the interface. |
mode | string | optional | Indicates the mode of interface. |
vlan | uint32 | optional | Indicates the VLAN associated with the interface. |
has_poe | PoeSupport | optional | Indicates the POE support information. |
poe_state | Status | optional | Indicates the status of the POE enabled device as UP or DOWN. |
oper_state | Status | optional | Indicates the operational status of the POE as UP or DOWN. |
admin_state | Status | optional | Indicates the administrative status of the POE as UP or DOWN. |
speed | SpeedType | optional | Displays information about the speed. For example, Auto or Invalid. |
mux | uint32 | optional | Displays information about the MUX. |
trusted | uint32 | optional | Displays information about the trusted devices. |
slot | string | optional | Displays information about the slot. |
phy_type | PortType | optional | Indicates the type of port. |
sub_type | string | optional | Indicates the sub-type of the port. |
allowed_vlan | uint32 | repeated | Indicates the list of allowed VLANs. |
native_vlan | uint32 | optional | Indicates the ID of the native VLAN. |
vsx_enabled | bool | optional | Indicates the boolean value whether VSX is enabled or not. |
state_down_reason | StateDownReason | optional | Indicates the reason of the state down. |
vlan_mode | VlanModes | optional | Indicates the mode of VLAN. |
tx_bytes | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of bytes transferred. |
rx_bytes | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of bytes received. |
in_errors | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of input errors. |
out_errors | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of output errors. |
in_discards | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of input discards. |
out_discards | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of output discards. |
in_packets | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of incoming packets. |
out_packets | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of outgoing packets. |
in_other_err | uint32 | optional | Indicates the number of other errors. |
in_multicast_pkt | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of incoming multicast packets. |
in_broadcast_pkt | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of incoming broadcast packets. |
in_unicast_pkt | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of incoming unicast packets. |
out_multicast_pkt | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of outgoing multicast packets. |
out_broadcast_pkt | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of outgoing broadcast packets. |
out_unicast_pkt | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of outgoing unicast packets. |
in_fcs | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of incoming FCS octets. |
in_alignment | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of incoming frame alignments. |
out_excessive_collision | uint32 | optional | Indicates the number of excessive collisions in outgoing packets. |
in_jabbers | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of excessive jabber packets received. |
in_fragmented | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of fragments in incoming packet. |
in_giant | uint32 | optional | Indicates the number of oversized or giant packets received. |
in_runt | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of undersize and fragment packets received. |
out_collision | uint64 | optional | Indicates the number of collisions in outgoing packets. |
out_late_collision | uint32 | optional | Indicates the number of late collisions in outgoing packets. |
out_deferred | uint32 | optional | Indicates the number of defers in outgoing packets. |
port | string | optional | Indicates the port where the neighboring device is connected. |
remote_device_id | string | optional | Indicates the ID of the remote neighboring device. |
remote_port | string | optional | Indicates the remote port name where the neighboring device is connected. |
remote_port_number | string | optional | Indicates the remote port number where the neighboring device is connected. |
vlan_id | string | optional | Indicates the VLAN ID of the device. |
id | uint32 | optional | Indicates the ID of the VLAN. |
tagged_ports | string | repeated | Indicates the list of the tagged ports. |
untagged_ports | string | repeated | Indicates the list of the untagged ports. |
primary_vlan_id | uint32 | optional | Indicates the primary VLAN ID. |
primary_vlan_type | string | optional | Indicates the type of the primary VLAN. |
promiscuous_ports | string | repeated | Indicates the list of the promiscuous ports. |
isl_ports | string | repeated | Indicates the list of the ISL ports. |
is_management_vlan | bool | optional | Displays the boolean value indicating whether it is a management VLAN or not. |
is_jumbo_enabled | bool | optional | Displays the boolean value indicating whether jumbo is enabled or not. |
is_igmp_enabled | bool | optional | Displays the boolean value indicating whether IGMP is enabled or not. |
vlan_state | VlanStatus | Indicates the VLAN state. It contains the following:
| |
status | VlanStatus | optional | Indicates the status of the VLAN. |
oper_state_reason | string | optional | Indicates the reason of the operational status. |
type | VlanType | Indicates the type of the VLAN:
| |
access_ports | string | repeated | Indicates the list of access ports where this VLAN is applied. |
role | DeviceRole | Indicates the role of the device. It contains the following:
| |
role | DeviceRole | optional | Indicates the role of the device as primary or secondary. |
peer_role | DeviceRole | optional | Indicates the role of the peer VSX device as primary or secondary. |
isl_port | string | optional | Displays information about the ISL port. |
peer_isl_port | string | optional | Displays information about the ISL port of the peer VSX device. |
keepalive_peer_ip | IpAddress | optional | Indicates the IP address of the peer VSX device. |
keepalive_src_ip | IpAddress | optional | Indicates the IP address of the source VSX device. |
last_sync_timestamp | uint64 | optional | Displays the last VSX sync time. |
peer_mac | MacAddress | optional | Indicates the MAC address of the peer VSX device. |
config_sync_disable | bool | optional | Displays the boolean indicating whether the Config Sync is enabled or disabled. |
ISLP_device_state | ISLPDeviceState | Indicates the state of the ISLP device. It contains the following:
| |
ISL_state | ISLState | Indicates the state of the ISL. It contains the following:
| |
config_sync_state_value | ISLState | optional | Indicates the ISL state, Config state to be one of the states in enum ISLState. |
isl_mgmt_state_value | ISLState | optional | Indicates the value of the ISL management state. |
nae_state_value | ISLState | optional | Indicates the value of the ISL NAE state. |
https_server_state_value | ISLState | optional | Indicates the ISL State value for HTTPS Server state. |
Examples for CX Switch Streaming Events within Monitoring Topic
device_id: "DZ0001581"
timestamp: 1601898300
uptime: 364223
mem_utilization: 52
action: UPDATE
device_id: "DZ0001581"
macaddr {
addr: "\360\\\031\311\367j"
status: DOWN
duplex_mode: FULL
name: "eth0"
port_number: "0"
type: BRIDGE
vlan: 1
oper_state: DOWN
admin_state: DOWN
speed: SPEED_1000
allowed_vlan: 1
allowed_vlan: 2
allowed_vlan: 4094
device_id: "TWJCKSP01C"
macaddr {
addr: " L\003\225\352v"
timestamp: 1603163100
tx_bytes: 3155
rx_bytes: 2002
in_packets: 25
out_packets: 49
in_other_err: 0
in_multicast_pkt: 24
in_broadcast_pkt: 0
in_unicast_pkt: 1
out_multicast_pkt: 0
out_broadcast_pkt: 3
out_unicast_pkt: 46
action: UPDATE
device_id: "DZ0001581"
port: 3
remote_device_id: "DZ0001581"
remote_port: 4
remote_port_number: 2
vlan_id: 1
id: 26
name: VLAN26
status: UP
type: STATIC
voice: false
oper_state: UP
oper_state_down_reason: OK
peer_role: SECONDARY
isl_port: 1/1/3
peer_isl_port: 1/1/3
keepalive_peer_ip {
addr: ACFFFFD2
keepalive_src_ip {
addr: ACFFFFD1
mac {
addr: 3C2C99F8DD40
peer_mac {
addr: 5480283EB000
Updated about 2 years ago