Monitoring-Gateway Streaming Event
This section provides information on the Gateway device based streaming events within the Monitoring topic.
Protocol Buffer messages for Gateway devices in Monitoring Topic
The following are the sample protocol buffer messages for Gateway devices in the Monitoring Streaming topic.
message UplinkIpProbeStats {
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional uint32 link_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress ip_address = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint32 vlan = 5;
optional uint64 avg_rtt = 6;
optional uint64 max_rtt = 7;
optional uint64 min_rtt = 8;
optional uint64 avg_jitter = 9;
optional uint64 max_jitter = 10;
optional uint64 min_jitter = 11;
optional uint64 mos_quality = 12;
optional uint64 sd_avg_latency = 13;
optional uint64 ds_avg_latency = 14;
optional uint64 sd_avg_jitter = 15;
optional uint64 ds_avg_jitter = 16;
optional uint32 probe_status = 17;
optional uint32 loss_pct = 18;
optional uint64 vpnc_ip_addr = 19;
optional uint64 probe_ip_addr = 20;
message DeviceStats{
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint64 uptime = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint32 cpu_utilization = 4; // Mandatory for IAP and HP switches.
optional uint64 mem_total = 5; // Mandatory for IAP and HP switches.
optional uint64 mem_free = 6; // Mandatory for IAP and HP switches.
optional uint32 power_consumption = 7;
optional uint32 fan_speed = 8;
optional uint32 temperature = 9;
optional Status fan_status = 10;
optional uint32 max_power = 11;
optional uint32 poe_consumption = 12;
optional uint32 poe_budget = 13;
optional uint64 mem_utilization = 14;
message InterfaceStats {
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint32 power_consumption = 6;
optional uint32 in_errors = 7;
optional uint32 out_errors = 8;
optional uint32 in_discards = 9;
optional uint32 out_discards = 10;
optional uint32 in_packets = 11;
optional uint32 out_packets = 12;
optional uint32 in_other_err = 13;
optional uint32 in_multicast_pkt = 14;
optional uint32 in_broadcast_pkt = 15;
optional uint32 in_unicast_pkt = 16;
optional uint32 out_multicast_pkt = 17;
optional uint32 out_broadcast_pkt = 18;
optional uint32 out_unicast_pkt = 19;
optional uint32 in_fcs = 20;
optional uint32 in_alignment = 21;
optional uint32 out_excessive_collision = 22;
optional uint32 in_jabbers = 23;
optional uint32 in_fragmented = 24;
optional uint32 in_giant = 25;
optional uint32 in_runt = 26;
optional uint32 out_collision = 27;
optional uint32 out_late_collision = 28;
optional uint32 out_deferred = 29;
message UplinkWanStats {
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional uint32 link_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 compressed_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 uncompressed_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint64 savings_bytes = 6; // Mandatory
message UplinkStats {
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional uint32 link_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tunnel_tx_bytes = 6;
optional uint64 tunnel_rx_bytes = 7;
optional uint64 map_id = 8;
optional string map_name = 9;
message IkeTunnel {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint64 map_id = 3; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress peer_mac = 4; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress local_mac = 5;// Mandatory
optional IpAddress src_ip = 6; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress dst_ip = 7; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 8; // Mandatory
optional string map_name = 9; // Mandatory
message Interface {
enum Duplex {
HALF = 1;
FULL = 2;
AUTO = 3;
enum IntfType {
VLAN = 3;
SPLIT = 8;
STACK = 9;
MGMT = 10;
NONE = 11;
enum SpeedType {
SPEED_10 = 2;
SPEED_100 = 3;
SPEED_1000 = 4;
SPEED_10000 = 5;
enum PortType {
PT_RJ45 = 0;
PT_GBIC = 1;
PT_USB = 3;
PT_X2 = 4;
enum PoeSupport {
NA = 0;
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 3; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 4 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress ipaddr = 5;
optional Duplex duplex_mode = 6; //Mandatory
optional string name = 7;
optional string port_number = 8; // Mandatory
optional IntfType type = 9; // Mandatory
optional string mode = 10;
optional uint32 vlan = 11;
optional PoeSupport has_poe = 12 [default = NA]; // Mandatory
optional Status poe_state = 13 [default = UP];
optional Status oper_state = 14 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional Status admin_state = 15 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional SpeedType speed = 16; // Mandatory
optional uint32 mux = 17;
optional uint32 trusted = 18;
optional string slot = 19;
optional PortType phy_type = 20;
optional string sub_type = 21;
repeated uint32 allowed_vlan = 22;
message Vlan {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE];// Mandatory
optional uint32 vlan_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress ipv4 = 3;
optional IpAddress ipv6_ll = 4;
optional IpAddress ipv6_1 = 5;
optional IpAddress ipv6_2 = 6;
optional IpAddress ipv6_3 = 7;
optional Status oper_state = 8;
optional string description = 9;
optional Status admin_state = 10;
optional string addr_mode = 11;
message MobilityController {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE];// Mandatory
optional string serial = 2; // Mandatory
optional string name = 3; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 4; // Mandatory
optional string model = 5; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 6 [default = UP];// Mandatory
optional IpAddress public_ip_address = 7;
optional IpAddress ip_address = 8;
optional string firmware_version = 9; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress default_gateway = 10;
message Uplink {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint64 link_index = 3; // Mandatory
optional string name = 4; // Mandatory
optional string description = 5;
optional uint32 priority = 6; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 7; // Mandatory
optional Status wan_status = 8;
optional uint32 vlan = 9;
optional string vlan_description = 10;
Parameters Descriptions
The following table lists the field, type, rule, and descriptions of the above mentioned protobuf messages:
Field | Type | Rule | Description |
device_id | string | Optional | Indicates the serial number of the associated device. |
link_id | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the uplink ID of the associated device. |
timestamp | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the time of occurrence of the event. |
ip_address | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the IP address of the device. It contains the following:
vlan | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the associated VLAN connection. |
avg_rtt | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the average round trip time of the uplink. |
max_rtt | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the maximum round trip time of the uplink. |
min_rtt | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the minimum round trip time of the uplink. |
avg_jitter | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the average jitter of the uplink. |
max_jitter | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the maximum jitter of the uplink. |
min_jitter | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the minimum jitter of the uplink. |
mos_quality | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the quality of the uplink. |
sd_avg_latency | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the average latency from source to destination. |
ds_avg_latency | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the average latency from destination to source. |
sd_avg_jitter | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the average jitter from source to destination. |
ds_avg_jitter | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the average jitter from destination to source. |
probe_status | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the status of the probe. |
loss_pct | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the packet loss in the uplink. |
vpnc_ip_addr | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the VPNC IP address of the BGW. |
probe_ip_addr | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the probe IP address. |
uptime | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the gateway uptime. |
cpu_utilization | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the CPU utilization of the gateway. |
mem_total | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the total memory of the gateway. |
mem_free | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the free memory of the gateway. |
power_consumption | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the power consumption of the gateway. |
fan_speed | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the gateway fan speed. |
temperature | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the gateway temperature. |
fan_status | status | Optional | Indicates the gateway fan status, UP or DOWN. |
max_power | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the maximum power of the gateway. |
poe_consumption | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) consumption of the gateway. |
poe_budget | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) budget of the gateway. |
mem_utilization | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the memory utilization percentage of the gateway. |
macaddr | MacAddress | Optional | Indicates the MAC address of the device, addr which indicates the address. |
tx_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes transmitted. |
rx_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes of received. |
in_errors | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of input errors. |
out_errors | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of output errors. |
in_discards | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of input discards. |
out_discards | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of output discards. |
in_packets | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of incoming packets. |
out_packets | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of outgoing packets. |
in_other_err | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of other errors. |
in_multicast_pkt | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of incoming multicast packets. |
in_broadcast_pkt | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of incoming broadcast packets. |
in_unicast_pkt | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of incoming unicast packets. |
out_multicast_pkt | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of outgoing multicast packets. |
out_broadcast_pkt | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of outgoing broadcast packets. |
out_unicast_pkt | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of outgoing unicast packets. |
in_fcs | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of incoming fcs octets. |
in_alignment | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of incoming frame alignments. |
out_excessive_collision | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of excessive collisions in outgoing packets. |
in_jabbers | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of excessive jabber packets received. |
in_fragmented | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of fragments in incoming packet. |
in_giant | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of oversized or giant packets received. |
in_runt | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of undersize and fragment packets received. |
out_collision | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of collisions in outgoing packets. |
out_late_collision | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of collisions in outgoing packets. |
out_deferred | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of deferred outgoing packets. |
compressed_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes compressed by WAN uplink. |
uncompressed_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes uncompressed by WAN uplink. |
savings_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes saved by compression by WAN uplink. |
tunnel_tx_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the tunnel transmit packet in bytes. |
tunnel_rx_bytes | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the tunnel receive packet in bytes. |
map_id | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the map ID of the gateway. |
map_name | string | Optional | Indicates the alias map name of the gateway tunnel. |
action | action | Optional | Displays the gateway device message (ADD/UPDATE/DELETE). |
peer_mac | MacAddress | Optional | Indicates the encrypted peer MAC address of the gateway, addr which indicates the address. |
local_mac | MacAddress | Optional | Indicates the encrypted local MAC address of the gateway, addr which indicates the address. |
src_ip | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the encrypted source IP address of the gateway. It contains the following:
dst_ip | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the encrypted destination IP address of the gateway. It contains the following:
status | status | Optional | Indicates the status (UP/ DOWN) of the gateway tunnel. |
duplex_mode | duplex | Optional | Indicates the gateway device duplex mode. It contains the following:
type | IntfType | Optional | Indicates the interface being used on the gateway:
speed | SpeedType | Optional | Indicates the speed of the uplink interface:
phy_type | PortType | Optional | Indicates the type of physical interface in use:
has_poe | PoeSupport | Optional | It is applicable for switches and contains the following:
name | string | Optional | Indicates the interface name, uplink name, and hostname of a gateway. |
port_number | string | Optional | Indicates the interface port number of the gateway. |
mode | string | Optional | Indicates the interface mode. |
poe_state | status | Optional | Indicates the POW enabled device status, UP or DOWN |
oper_state | status | Optional | Indicates the gateway port state. |
admin_state | status | Optional | Indicates the gateway port admin state. |
mux | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the mux information of the gateway. |
trusted | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the trusted information of the gateway. |
slot | string | Optional | Indicates the slot information, for example, the name of the gateway. |
sub_type | string | Optional | Indicates the sub-type name. |
allowed_vlan | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the list of allowed VLANs in the network. |
ipv4 | IpAddress | Optional | It contains the following:
ipv6_ll | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the IPv6 address. |
ipv6_1 | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the IPv6 address. |
ipv6_2 | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the IPv6 address. |
ipv6_3 | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the IPv6 address. |
description | string | Optional | Indicates the description of the physical interface. |
addr_mode | string | Optional | Indicates mode of the IP address, static or dynamic. |
serial | string | Optional | Indicates the serial number of the gateway. |
model | string | Optional | Indicates the model number of the gateway. |
public_ip_address | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the public IP address of the gateway. It contains the following:
private_ip_address | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the private IP address of the gateway. It contains the following:
firmware_version | string | Optional | Indicates the gateway firmware version. |
default_gateway | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the default IP address of the gateway. It contains the following:
link_device | uint64 | Optional | Indicates the gateway uplink ID. |
priority | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the gateway uplink priority. |
wan_status | status | Optional | Indicates the status of the uplink interface. |
vlan_description | string | Optional | Indicates the description of the VLAN. |
Examples for the Gateway Streaming Events within Monitoring Topic
device_id: "TWJCKSP01C"
link_id: 101
timestamp: 1603162855
ip_address {
addr: ""
vlan: 1
avg_rtt: 0
max_rtt: 0
min_rtt: 0
avg_jitter: 0
max_jitter: 0
min_jitter: 0
mos_quality: 0
sd_avg_latency: 0
ds_avg_latency: 0
sd_avg_jitter: 0
ds_avg_jitter: 0
probe_status: 0
loss_pct: 100000
probe_ip_addr: 134744072
device_id: "TWJCKSP01C"
timestamp: 1603162800
uptime: 678004
cpu_utilization: 5
mem_total: 7946727424
mem_free: 4115969638
device_id: "TWJCKSP01C"
macaddr {
addr: " L\003\225\352v"
timestamp: 1603163100
tx_bytes: 3155
rx_bytes: 2002
in_packets: 25
out_packets: 49
in_other_err: 0
in_multicast_pkt: 24
in_broadcast_pkt: 0
in_unicast_pkt: 1
out_multicast_pkt: 0
out_broadcast_pkt: 3
out_unicast_pkt: 46
device_id: "TWJCKSP01C"
link_id: 0
timestamp: 1603163155
compressed_bytes: 0
uncompressed_bytes: 0
savings_bytes: 0
device_id: "TWJCKSP01C"
link_id: 105
timestamp: 1603163155
tx_bytes: 30300
rx_bytes: 15000
action: UPDATE
device_id: "CG0020759"
map_id: 17696
peer_mac {
addr: "\000\032\036\003=\210"
local_mac {
addr: " L\003\006q`"
src_ip {
addr: "\300\250\013\t"
dst_ip {
addr: "\254\250e\n"
status: DOWN
map_name: "default-local-vpnip-data-ipsecmap-00:1a:1e:03:3d:88-link1"
action: DELETE
device_id: "CG0020759"
macaddr {
addr: " L\003\006qo"
status: DOWN
duplex_mode: AUTO
name: "GE0/0/14"
port_number: "14"
mode: "Access"
vlan: 13
oper_state: DOWN
admin_state: DOWN
speed: SPEED_1000
slot: "0"
sub_type: "2"
action: UPDATE
vlan_id: 12
ipv4 {
addr: "\300\250\014\t"
oper_state: UP
description: ""
admin_state: UP
addr_mode: "S"
action: ADD
serial: "CG0020759"
name: "Aruba70101"
macaddr {
addr: " L\003\006q`"
model: "A7010"
status: UP
public_ip_address {
addr: "=_\232\022"
ip_address {
addr: "\300\250\013\t"
firmware_version: ""
default_gateway {
addr: "\n\021\215\200"
action: ADD
device_id: "CG0020759"
link_index: 101
name: "uplink101"
description: "link1-0/0/12"
priority: 200
status: UP
wan_status: UP
vlan: 11
vlan_description: ""
public_ip_address {
addr: "\000\000\000\000"
private_ip_address {
addr: "\300\250\013\t"
Updated about 2 years ago