Monitoring-IAP Streaming Event
This section provides information on the IAP device based streaming events within the Monitoring topic.
Protocol Buffer messages for IAP devices in Monitoring Topic
The following are the sample protocol buffer messages for IAP devices in the Monitoring Streaming topic.
message Swarm
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string swarm_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional string name = 3; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 4 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress public_ip_address = 5;
optional IpAddress ip_address = 6;
optional string firmware_version = 7; // Mandatory
message Tunnel
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string swarm_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional TunnelIndex index = 3;
optional CryptoType crypto_type = 4; // Mandatory
optional string peer_name = 5; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress peer_tun_ip = 6;
optional IpAddress tunnel_ip = 7;
optional Status status = 8 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional bool active = 9; // Mandatory
optional uint32 uptime = 10; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tunnel_id = 11; // Mandatory
message Interface
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 3; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 4 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress ipaddr = 5;
optional Duplex duplex_mode = 6;
optional string name = 7; // Mandatory
optional string port_number = 8; // Mandatory
optional IntfType type = 9; // Mandatory
optional string mode = 10;
optional uint32 vlan = 11;
optional PoeSupport has_poe = 12 [default = NA];
optional Status poe_state = 13 [default = UP];
optional Status oper_state = 14 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional Status admin_state = 15 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional SpeedType speed = 16; // Mandatory
optional uint32 mux = 17;
optional uint32 trusted = 18;
optional string slot = 19;
optional PortType phy_type = 20;
optional string sub_type = 21;
repeated uint32 allowed_vlan = 22;
optional uint32 native_vlan = 23;
optional bool vsx_enabled = 24;
optional StateDownReason state_down_reason = 25;
optional VlanModes vlan_mode = 26;
message VapInfo {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress radio_mac = 3; // Mandatory
optional bytes essid = 4; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress ap_mac = 5;
optional MacAddress bssid = 6;
message Radio
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string device_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 index = 3; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 4; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 5 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional string channel = 6; // Mandatory
optional uint32 band = 7; // Mandatory
optional uint32 channel_width = 8; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress ap_mac = 9;
message Ap
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string serial = 2; // Mandatory
optional string name = 3; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 4; // Mandatory
optional string cluster_id = 5; // Mandatory
optional Status status = 6 [default = UP]; // Mandatory
optional IpAddress ip_address = 7;
optional string model = 8; // Mandatory
optional string mesh_role = 9; // Mandatory
optional string mode = 10; // Mandatory
optional bool swarm_master = 11; // Mandatory
optional bool modem_connected = 12;
optional UplinkType uplink_type = 13;
optional string firmware_version = 14;
message Network {
optional Action action = 1 [default = UPDATE]; // Mandatory
optional string swarm_id = 2; // Mandatory
optional bytes essid = 3; // Mandatory
optional string security = 4; // Mandatory
optional string type = 5; // Mandatory
message DeviceStats
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint64 uptime = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint32 cpu_utilization = 4; // Mandatory for IAP and HP switches.
optional uint64 mem_total = 5; // Mandatory for IAP and HP switches.
optional uint64 mem_free = 6; // Mandatory for IAP and HP switches.
optional uint32 power_consumption = 7;
optional uint32 fan_speed = 8;
optional uint32 temperature = 9;
optional Status fan_status = 10;
optional uint32 max_power = 11;
optional uint32 poe_consumption = 12;
optional uint32 poe_budget = 13;
optional uint64 mem_utilization = 14;
message RadioStats
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint32 tx_drops = 6; // Mandatory
optional uint32 tx_power = 7; // Mandatory
optional uint32 noise_floor = 8; // Mandatory
optional uint32 utilization = 9; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bad = 10; // Mandatory
message VapStats
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress radio_mac = 2; // Mandatory
optional bytes network = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 6; // Mandatory
message TunnelStats
optional string swarm_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional TunnelIndex index = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tunnel_id = 6; // Mandatory
optional string tunnel_name = 7;
message InterfaceStats
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional MacAddress macaddr = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
optional uint32 power_consumption = 6;
optional uint64 in_errors = 7;
optional uint64 out_errors = 8;
optional uint64 in_discards = 9;
optional uint64 out_discards = 10;
optional uint64 in_packets = 11;
optional uint64 out_packets = 12;
optional uint32 in_other_err = 13;
optional uint64 in_multicast_pkt = 14;
optional uint64 in_broadcast_pkt = 15;
optional uint64 in_unicast_pkt = 16;
optional uint64 out_multicast_pkt = 17;
optional uint64 out_broadcast_pkt = 18;
optional uint64 out_unicast_pkt = 19;
optional uint64 in_fcs = 20;
optional uint64 in_alignment = 21;
optional uint32 out_excessive_collision = 22;
optional uint64 in_jabbers = 23;
optional uint64 in_fragmented = 24;
optional uint32 in_giant = 25;
optional uint32 in_runt = 26;
optional uint64 out_collision = 27;
optional uint32 out_late_collision = 28;
optional uint32 out_deferred = 29;
message RoleStats
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional string user_role = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
message VlanStats
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional uint32 vlan = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
message SsidStats
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional bytes essid = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 5; // Mandatory
message ModemStats
optional string device_id = 1; // Mandatory
optional uint32 timestamp = 2; // Mandatory
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 3; // Mandatory
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 4; // Mandatory
Parameters Descriptions
The following table lists the field, type, rule, and descriptions of the above mentioned protocol buffer messages
Field | Type | Rule | Description |
action | Action | Optional | Indicates the action.
swarm_id | String | Optional | Indicates the virtual controller swarm id. |
name | String | Optional | Indicates the device name. |
status | Status | Optional | Indicates the status UP or DOWN. Default: UP |
public_ip_address | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the public IP address. It contains the following:
ip_address | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the device IP address. It contains the following:
firmware_version | String | Optional | Indicates the device firmware version. |
crypto_type | CryptoType | Optional | Indicates the crypto certificate type. |
peer_name | String | Optional | Indicates the peer name. |
peer_tun_ip | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the peer tunnel IP address. It contains the following:
tunnel_ip | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the tunnel IP address. It contains the following:
active | Bool | Optional | Indicates the tunnel active status. |
uptime | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the tunnel uptime. |
tunnel_id | Uint64 | Optional | Indicates the tunnel ID. |
device_id | String | Optional | Indicates the associated serial number. |
macaddr | MacAddress | Optional | Indicates the mac address.
ipaddr | IpAddress | Optional | Indicates the IP address of the device. |
duplex_mode | Duplex | Optional | Indicates the duplex mode. Contains the following:
port_number | String | Optional | Indicates the port number. |
type | IntfType | Optional | Indicates the interface type. Contains any of the following:
mode | String | Optional | Indicates the device mode. |
vlan | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the assigned VLAN. |
poe_state | Status | Optional | Indicates the POE enabled device status, UP or DOWN. |
oper_state | Status | Optional | Indicates the operational status. |
admin_state | Status | Optional | Indicates the administrative state as UP or DOWN. |
speed | SpeedType | Optional | Indicates the speed information. Contains any of the following:
mux | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the mux information. |
trusted | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the trusted information. |
slot | String | Optional | Indicates the slot information. Usually it's name. |
phy_type | PortType | Optional | Indicates the port type. Contains any of the following:
sub_type | String | Optional | Indicates the sub type name. |
allowed_vlan | Uint32 | Repeated | Indicates the list of allowed VLANs. |
native_vlan | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the native VLAN ID. |
vsx_enabled | Bool | Optional | Indicates the boolean value whether the vsx is enabled or not. |
state_down_reason | StateDownReason | Optional | Indicates the state down reason. Contains any one of the following:
vlan_mode | VlanModes | Optional | Indicates the VLAN mode. Contains any of the following:
radio_mac | MacAddress | Optional | Indicates the AP Radio mac address.
essid | Bytes | Optional | Indicates the ESSID. |
ap_mac | MacAddress | Optional | Indicates the AP mac address.
bssid | MacAddress | Optional | Indicates the BSSID. |
index | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the AP Radio index. |
channel | String | Optional | Indicates the AP channel. |
band | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the AP band.
channel_width | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the AP channel width. |
serial | String | Optional | Indicates the AP serial number. |
cluster_id | String | Optional | Indicates the AP cluster ID. |
model | String | Optional | Indicates the AP model. |
mesh_role | String | Optional | Indicates the AP mesh role. |
swarm_master | Bool | Optional | Indicates the swarm master status. |
modem_connected | Bool | Optional | Indicates the modem connected status. |
uplink_type | UplinkType | Optional | Indicates the AP uplink type. |
security | String | Optional | Indicates the network security. |
type | String | Optional | Indicates the network type. |
timestamp | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the time of occurrence. |
uptime | Uint64 | Optional | Indicates the AP uptime. |
cpu_utilization | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the CPU utilization. |
mem_total | Uint64 | Optional | Indicates the total memory. |
mem_free | Uint64 | Optional | Indicates the free memory. |
power_consumption | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the power consumption of the device. |
fan_speed | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the device fan speed. |
temperature | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the device temperature value. |
fan_status | Status | Optional | Indicates the device fan status. |
max_power | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates max power of the device. |
poe_consumption | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the device POE consumption. |
poe_budget | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the device POE budget. |
mem_utilization | Uint64 | Optional | Indicates the device memory utilization. |
tx_bytes | Uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes transmitted. |
rx_bytes | Uint64 | Optional | Indicates the number of bytes received. |
tx_drops | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the number of transmission drop. |
tx_power | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the Radio Tx power. |
noise_floor | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the Radio noise floor. |
utilization | Uint32 | Optional | Indicates the Radio utilization. |
rx_bad | Uint64 | Optional | Indicates the Rx error . |
network | Bytes | Optional | Indicates the network ESSID name. |
tunnel_name | String | Optional | Indicates the tunnel profile name. |
user_role | String | Optional | Indicates the user role. |
Examples for IAP Streaming Events within Monitoring Topic
action: UPDATE
swarm_id: "bd200b80010c1214284383336e6de41915ac6c2f789a667bfb"
name: "SetMeUp-C0:20:D4"
status: UP
public_ip_address {
addr: "\000\000\000\001"
ip_address {
addr: "\000\000\000\000"
firmware_version: ""
action: UPDATE
swarm_id: "b491b01b019aeb978245ecd067490b159bfd52c36aec3e0dd5"
crypto_type: CA_CERT
peer_name: ""
peer_tun_ip {
addr: "\000\000\000\000"
tunnel_ip {
addr: "\000\000\000\000"
status: DOWN
active: false
uptime: 1601896140
tunnel_id: 1
action: UPDATE
device_id: "DZ0001581"
macaddr {
addr: "\360\\\031\311\367j"
status: DOWN
duplex_mode: FULL
name: "eth0"
port_number: "0"
type: BRIDGE
vlan: 1
oper_state: DOWN
admin_state: DOWN
speed: SPEED_1000
allowed_vlan: 1
allowed_vlan: 2
allowed_vlan: 4094
action: ADD
device_id: "CNDSHN74L6"
{ addr: " \246\315Au\200" }
essid: "000-guest-live"
{ addr: " \246\315\314\027X" }
{ addr: " \246\315Au\200" }
action: UPDATE
device_id: "CNDGK2R5GX"
index: 1
macaddr {
addr: " \246\315\270\326\200"
status: UP
channel: "6"
band: 0
channel_width: 20
ap_mac {
addr: " L\003\036\351\374"
action: UPDATE
serial: "CNDSHN74L6"
name: "20:a6:cd:cc:17:58"
{ addr: " \246\315\314\027X" }
cluster_id: "31a376e40130e120331994a72e42f46b96379ff8c00065f83c"
status: DOWN
{ af: ADDR_FAMILY_INET addr: "\n\035\006\262" }
model: "325"
mesh_role: "Unknown"
mode: "access"
swarm_master: true
modem_connected: false
uplink_type: ETHERNET
firmware_version: ""
action: DELETE
swarm_id: "b491b01b019aeb978245ecd067490b159bfd52c36aec3e0dd5"
essid: "252-tunnel"
security: "WPA2 Personal"
type: "Employee"
device_id: "DZ0001581"
timestamp: 1601898300
uptime: 364223
cpu_utilization: 7
mem_total: 490090496
mem_free: 234157664
mem_utilization: 52
device_id: "DZ0001581"
macaddr {
addr: "\360\\\031\037v\260"
timestamp: 1601899200
tx_bytes: 0
rx_bytes: 0
tx_drops: 0
tx_power: 18
noise_floor: 92
utilization: 1
rx_bad: 160
device_id: "DZ0001581"
radio_mac {
addr: "\360\\\031\037v\240"
network: "252-tunnel"
timestamp: 1601899200
tx_bytes: 0
rx_bytes: 0
swarm_id: "b491b01b019aeb978245ecd067490b159bfd52c36aec3e0dd5"
timestamp: 1601899200
tx_bytes: 0
rx_bytes: 0
tunnel_id: 0
tunnel_name: "mythili-tunnel"
device_id: "DZ0001581"
user_role: "wired-SetMeUp"
timestamp: 1601899200
tx_bytes: 48670
rx_bytes: 20072
device_id: "DZ0001581"
vlan: 3333
timestamp: 1601899200
tx_bytes: 48670
rx_bytes: 20072
device_id: "DZ0001581"
essid: "000-sanity"
timestamp: 1601899200
tx_bytes: 0
rx_bytes: 0
device_id: "DZ0001581"
timestamp: 1601899200
tx_bytes: 48670
rx_bytes: 20072
Updated about 2 years ago