Presence Streaming Event
The Presence events can be used to obtain the details of all associated and unassociated clients detected by AP devices.
The presence analytics is available in the REST API as well. Further analysis on the streaming data can potentially lead to obtain frequently visiting clients, passerby clients and find the dwell time for each client.
Presence Topic Protocol Buffer File
message mac_address
required bytes addr ;
message proximity
optional string device_id
optional mac_address sta_eth_mac
optional mac_address radio_mac
optional int32 rssi_val
optional bool associated
optional mac_address ap_eth_mac
message rssi
optional mac_address sta_eth_mac
optional mac_address radio_mac
optional int32 rssi_val
optional uint32 noise_floor
optional bool associated
optional string device_id
optional mac_address ap_eth_mac
Parameters Descriptions
The following table lists the field, type, rule, and, descriptions of the above mentioned protobuf file
Field | Type | Rule | Description |
device_id | string | Optional | Indicates the serial number of the AP. |
sta_eth_mac | mac_address | Optional | Indicates the station or client MAC address. |
radio_mac | mac_address | Optional | Indicates the AP radio MAC address from which a client is reported. |
rssi_val | uint32 | Optional | Indicates the RSSI value of the client. |
associated | bool | Optional | Indicates whether the client is connected or not. |
ap_eth_mac | mac_address | Optional | Indicates the MAC address of an AP from which the client is reported. |
noise_floor | uint32 | Optional | Measures the signal created from the sum of all the noise sources and unwanted signals. |
Examples for the Presence Message
Following are the sample examples for the presence streaming event:
- Proximity—The pa_proximity_event reports which AP hears the client at the strongest RSSI, indicating which AP is closest to the client/station, and this event will be provided for each device once in every 60 seconds.
device_id: "CNCFJSS4WF"
sta_eth_mac {
addr: "3CA9F433EB34"
radio_mac {
addr: "B45D5062FCF0"
rssi_val: -80
associated: false
ap_eth_mac {
addr: "B45D50CE2FCE"
- RSSI—The pa_rssi_event contains a list of RSSI information of all unassociated and associated clients/stations,
detected by an AP device, and this event will be provided for each device once every 60 seconds.
sta_eth_mac {
addr: "B827EBD9CEB2"
radio_mac {
addr: "B45D5062FCF0"
rssi_val: -66
noise_floor: 92
associated: false
device_id: "CNCFJSS4WF"
ap_eth_mac {
addr: "B45D50CE2FCE"
Updated about 2 years ago
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