Installing Aruba's AOS-CX NAPALM drivers
Instructions for installing the AOS-CX NAPALM drivers
Before installation, users may want to create a Python virtual environment in order to isolate this Python project and it's dependencies. Instructions in creating a Python virtual environment and more information can be found on this page
Base Installation for Linux
The recommended way that users can start base installation of NAPALM is through pip (as pip3).
pip3 install napalm
As of release 3.0.0+, NAPALM offers support for Python 3.6+ only
Base Installation for Windows 10
Due to some support issues with dependencies, when NAPALM was updated to version 3, it created issues with Windows 10 installations. Until those dependencies are resolved, it would be safe to install with NAPALM version 2.5.0
python -m pip install napalm==2.5.0
The specific dependencies that are causing issues are fcntl and clitable, which are called through textfsm.
Installing the AOS-CX Community Driver
Similarly, users can install the AOS-CX NAPALM community driver through pip3.
pip3 install napalm-aruba-cx
Alternatively, AOS-CX NAPALM drivers can be manually installed if the directories are copied into the NAPALM folder.
If installing manually, the user also must then edit the files in the 'napalm' folder where you installed NAPALM to include "aoscx" in the list.
As listed in the requirements.txt file, the AOS-CX NAPALM driver makes use of the AOS-CX REST interface, so these dependencies are also installed.
AOS-CX NAPALM Current Support Functionality
Function Name | Description |
get_arp_table | Get the ARP table from a device. |
get_bgp_neighbors | Get the BGP Neighbors from a device. |
get_bgp_neighbors_detail | Get a detailed BGP neighbor from a device. |
get_config | Get configuration from the device. |
get_facts | Get the version, serial number, vendor, model, and uptime from a device. |
get_interfaces | Get list of interfaces from a device. |
get_interfaces_ip | Get list of interface IP addresses from a device. |
get_lldp_neighbors | Get the list of LLDP Neighbors from a device. |
get_lldp_neighbors_detail | Get LLDP Neighbor details from a device. |
get_mac_address_table | Get the MAC Address table from a device. |
get_ntp_servers | Gets NTP information from a network device. |
get_route_to | Shows an IP route on a device. |
get_snmp_information | Get the SNMP information of a device. |
is_alive | Check to see if the connection to the device is up. |
ping | Execute a ping command from the device. |
Updated 8 months ago