JUMP TOOrchestrator REST APIsaclsGet Access lists settingsgetactionLogGet action/audit log entries.getCancel action guid keypostGet status of a particular action using guid keygetAre there any overlay actions in progressgetalarmAcknowledges alarms on appliance whose sequence IDs are provided in the request bodypostAcknowledges alarms whose IDs are provided in the request bodypostGet alarms configurationgetUpdate alarms configurationpostReturns active, historical, or all alarms for appliances whose ids provided in the request bodypostClears alarms whose sequence IDs are provided in the request bodypostClears alarms whose IDs are provided in the request bodypostReturns summary of active alarms for the appliancegetDelete all or specified customized alarm severitydeleteGet all or specified customized alarm severitygetCreate customized alarm severitiespostUpdate customized alarm severitiesputDelete alarm email delay configurationdeleteGet alarm email delay configurationgetCreate alarm email delay configurationpostUpdate alarm email delay configurationputGet Orchestrator and appliance alarm descriptionsgetReturns active, closed/historical, or all Orchestrator alarmsgetCapture comments for alarms on appliance whose sequence IDs are provided in the request bodypostCapture Comments for alarms whose IDs are provided in the request bodypostReturns alarm notificationgetSet alarm notificationpost(1) Returns summary of active Orchestrator alarms or summary of active alarms across all appliances (2) Returns summary of active Orchestrator alarms as well as summary of active alarms across all appliancesgetDelete disabled alarms configurationdeleteGet all disabled alarms configurationgetUpdate disabled alarms configurationpostapiKeyGet list of all API keysgetAdd new API keypostDelete API key entrydeleteUpdate API key entryputadminDistanceGets Admin Distance configurationsgetapplianceGet the all approved appliancesgetChange one or more appliances' grouppostChange a user's password on appliance.postTo get cached custom tag list for all appliances.getDelete for rediscovery.deleteGet the all denied appliancesgetDelete denied appliances.postReturns the all discovered appliancesgetAdd discovered appliances to OrchestratorpostAdd and approve discovered appliances.postDelete discovered appliances.deleteDeny discovered appliances.postTrigger discovered appliances updateputGets DNS Cache configurationsgetTo get cached HA peer data for all appliances.getTo get cached interface list for all appliances.getLists appliances ( appliance primary keys) that are queued on the Orchestrator for deletion.getDiscover denied appliance.postTo communicate with appliance DELETE APIs directly.deleteTo communicate with appliance GET APIs directly.getTo communicate with appliance POST APIs directly.postTo get stats config which will be synchronized to appliances.getTo modify stats config which will be synchronized to appliances.postTo get default stats config which will be synchronized to appliances.getTo get cached zone list for all appliances.getDelete an appliance from network.deleteGet appliance informationgetModify an appliance's IP address, username, password, networkRole, and webProtocol.postapplianceBackupBackup appliance configuration to Orchestrator databasepostDelete one specified backup record from the database table.deleteGet backup history.getRestore the appliance from the specified back.postapplianceExtraInfoDelete the extra information of an appliancedeleteGet the extra information of an appliancegetSaves the extra information for the appliancepostbridgeInterfaceStateLists the Bridge Interfaces State and pass through Tx InterfacegetnetworkRoleAndSiteTo verify or change a Network Role (hub / spoke) for appliancesgetTo verify or change a Network Role (hub / spoke) for appliances and to assign them to a sitepostpeerPriorityGet all peer priority data on the appliancegetsaveChangesSave the configuration changes in memory to a file for an array of appliances in OrchestratorpostapplianceResyncSynchronize a list of appliances.postappliancesSoftwareVersionsReturns ECOS software versions informationgetapplicationGroupGet all built-in and user-defined applicationsgetGet all built-in applications from all appliancegetGet all userDefined applications from all appliancegetGet all user-defined application group on appliancegetGet all applicationGroups on a appliancegetapplicationDefinitionReturns user defined AppExpress application configurationsgetCreate user defined application AppExpress application configpostReturns AppExpress group configurationsgetCreate/Modify AppExpress group configpostDeletes AppExpress groupdeleteReturns AppExpress group associationsgetCreate/Modify AppExpress group configpostreturn user defined application groupsget(1) Create user defined application groups (2) Change mode to application groups and user defined applicationspostSearch application groups based on wildcard and limitpostSearch applications based on wildcard and limitpostreturn user defined data for Compound classificationgetChange the order of user defined application related to Compound datapostDelete user defined application related to Compound datadeleteCreate/modify user defined application related to Compound datapostDelete user defined application related to Domain NamedeleteCreate/modify user defined application related to Domain NamepostDelete user defined application related to Domain NamepostCreate/modify user defined application related to Domain NamepostDelete user defined application related to Address MapdeleteCreate/modify user defined application related to Address MappostCreate/modify user defined application confidence to override portal provided Address Map for named appspostDelete user defined confidence value for the named applicationdeleteRetrieve user defined confidence value for the named applicationgetDelete user defined application related to Meter FlowdeleteCreate/modify user defined application related to Meter FlowpostDelete user defined application related to IP Protocol, TCP Port, UDP PortdeleteCreate/modify user defined application related to IP Protocol, TCP Port, UDP PortpostDelete user defined application related to SaaS datadeleteCreate/modify user defined application related to SaaS datapostRetrieve the modification times, and hash codes of application and group definitionsgetapplicationReturns bandwidth stats about applicationsgetauthenticationGet the authentication order and authorization informationgetloginUsed to login via JWT authenticationgetAuthentication for REST API HTTP SessionpostGet the current authentication status of the HTTP sessiongetSend a 2-factor code to user's mailbox for 2-factor authenticationpostLogout of current HTTP sessiongetLogin to Orchestrator using Oauth servergetReturns the Oauth state token needed to logingetAuthenticate user's password only, but doesn't mark user's status as loginpostUse to authenticate via SAMLpostLogout of Orchestrator via SAMLgetCheck the two factor authentication methods the user requires to loginpostCheck the two factor authentication methods the user has active using a reset password tokenpostavcModeReturns Orchestrator avc ModegetbannersLists the banner messages on each appliancegetbfdGet appliance BFD global level configuration data for specific VRF.getGet appliance BFD state information for all VRFs.getbgpGet all vrf neighbors configuration data.getGet All vrf BGP system configuration data.getGet specific neighbor configuration data.getGet BGP system configuration data.getGet all vrf bgp state details.getGet specific appliance bgp state details.getbrandCustomizationDelete all text brand customization configurationsdeleteGet text brand customization configurationsgetCreate new text brand customization configurationspostUpdate text brand customization configurationsputReturn file names for all the uploaded imagesgetDelete image for given type of brand customization and restore defaultdeleteUpload image for given type of brand customizationpostUpdate image for given type of brand customizationputbroadcastCliBroadcasts CLI commands to all the selected appliancespostbypassGet bypass mode settings of one appliance in Orchestrator.getToggles bypass mode - only effective on NX appliancespostcacheGet all built in applicationsgetGets the user applicationsgetsaasOptimizationGet SaaS Optimization configuration information for appliancegetGet reachability/RTT values for SaaS App subnets enabled for advertisementgetawsCloudDeploymentAdd AWS account for deploymentpostDelete AWS account by iddeleteGet AWS accountgetUpdate AWS accountputDeploy Cloud Hub(s) in AWSpostDestroy deployed appliances by deployment iddeleteGet AWS Cloud Hub deployment config by idgetUpdate comment of a deploymentputadd instance in an existing aws cloud deploymentpostGet AWS Cloud Hub deployment loggetGet AWS Cloud Hub deployment cloud resources infogetGet AWS Cloud Hub deployment statusgetazureCloudDeploymentAdd Azure account for deploymentpostDelete Azure subscription by iddeleteGet single Azure subscription by idgetUpdate Azure subscriptionputDeploy Cloud Hub(s) in AzurepostDestroy deployed appliances by deployment iddeleteGet Azure Cloud Hub deployment config by idgetUpdate comment of a deploymentputadd instance in an existing azure cloud deploymentpostGet Azure Cloud Hub deployment loggetGet Azure Cloud Hub deployment cloud resources infogetGet Azure Cloud Hub deployment statusgetgcpCloudDeploymentAdd gcp account for deploymentpostDelete gcp account by iddeleteGet single gcp account by idgetUpdate gcp accountputUpdate gcp instance commentputAdd instance(s) in an existing deploymentpostDestroy deployed appliancedeleteDeploy Cloud Hub(s) in GCPpostDestroy deployed appliances by deploymentdeleteGet GCP Cloud Hub deployment config by idgetGet GCP Cloud Hub deployment loggetGet gcp Cloud Hub deployment cloud resources infogetGet gcp Cloud Hub deployment statusgetdisksGet disks information.getconfigurationLimitGet configuration limit data from the specified appliance.getcustomApplianceTagsGets all users defined entriesgetcustomCertsGet list of all custom CA certificatesgetAdd new or update existing custom CA certificatepostDelete custom CA certificatedeleteChecks whether appliances can connect to Portal and Orchestrator using the default or custom CA certificatespostReturns whether or not Orchestrator is currently using custom CA certificate trust storegetEnable or disable custom CA certificate trust storepostChecks whether Orchestrator can connect to Portal using the default or custom CA certificatespostVerify the custom CA certificatepostGet list of all default CA certificatesgetdbPartitionGets Orchestrator database partition detailsgetDeletes the table's partitiondeletedebugFilesCancel download the filepostDelete the Orchestrator or appliance debug filepostGet the proxy config settingsgetSet the proxy config settingspostGet the debug filesgetdeploymentValidate deployment configurationpostValidate deployment configuration for a discovered appliance.postGet the deployment configuration of the appliance, does a direct call to the appliance.getGet the deployment configuration of the appliance.getdhcpConfigGet orchestrator DHCP settingsgetSave orchestrator DHCP settingspostGet DHCP leases information.getGet list of reserved subnets from the DHCP poolgetReserve a subnet in the DHCP poolpostUpdate DHCP pool reservations list. This api can be used to clear up local reservations (that have not been configured on appliance yet)postRemove all DHCP pool reservationspostGet dhcpd leases report of failover stategetvrfDnatMapsGets Inter-Segment DNAT configurations of selected appliancegetdnsProxyGet the DNS proxy configgetexceptionGet all tunnel exceptionsgetCreate tunnel exceptionspostDelete tunnel exceptions for given idspostfileCreationThis API is to be used with fineuploader.js plugin. See fineuploader.compostflowReturns the so far accumulated bandwidth stats about the flowgetReturns flow detailsgetReturns more detailed info about the flowgetReclassifies the flow(s)postResets the flow(s)postReturns flow optimization detailsgetEnable or disable flow alertingpostReturns active, inactive, or both types of flows on the appliance based on the query parameters suppliedgetadvancedPropertiesGet Orchestrator advanced propertiesgetUpdate Orchestrator advanced propertiesputGet Orchestrator metadata of the advanced propertiesgetappliancePreconfigGet preconfigurationsgetCreate a preconfigurationpostUpdate preconfiguration given by preconfigIdputDelete one preconfigurationdeleteGet the default preconfiguration, this contains the template YAML which has all possible configuration items. You will have to base64 decode configData to see the YAML in plain textgetGet the first matching preconfiguration, matching by serial then tagpostValidate the preconfig given as request bodypostGet the appliance information that is relevant for preconfigurationgetGet the apply status of a preconfigurationgetApply preconfiguration to an already managed appliancepostApply preconfiguration to discovered appliancepostapplianceCrashHistoryThis method is obsolete, no longer support this APIgetapplianceRebootHistoryReturn or sends reboot history of all the appliancesgetapplianceWizardGet the handle for the currently applying wizard.getApplies the wizard to an appliance in the backgroundpostgmsBackupReturns orchestrator backup informationgetadd or update orchestrator backup config datapostCreate blueprint templategetTest the orchestrator backup remote server whether can connect.postdiscoveryReturns the configuration for DiscoverygetUpdates the discovery configuration with the object passed. Note: Replaces the whole configuration with the configuration passedpostdynamicTopologyConfigReturns the configuration for the dynamic topology tab.getUpdates the dynamic topology configuration for the given userpostgmsRegistrationGets setting for GMS registration on appliancegetupdate setting for GMS registration on appliancepostGets setting for GMS registration on appliancegetupdate setting for GMS registration on appliancepostgrnodeGet appliance positions on a map for topologygetUpdate appliance positionpostUpdate appliance position by nePkpostgroupAdd new grouppostGet root groupgetDelete a groupdeleteGet a single groupgetUpdate a grouppostgmsHttpsUploadupload the intermediate certs, certificate and key filespostValidate the certificate and keypostinterfaceLabelsReturns all the labels for the given typegetSave interface labels, will completely replace the current implementation.postPushes the active interface labels on Orchestrator to appliancepostinternalSubnetsGet the internal subnetsgetSave internal subnetspostipAllowListGet the IP addresses of the dropped requests to this servergetGet the external IP/mask allow listgetSet the external IP/mask allow listpostscheduledJobs2Get all the scheduled jobs in OrchestratorgetSchedule a new job in OrchestratorpostDeletes a schedule jobdeleteModify a scheduled job.putGet the historical jobs by parameter. If all parameter is empty. Get 1000 latest historical jobs entities.getGet the report view port.getUpdate the report view port.postStop a scheduled jobpostGet the historical stats collector jobs by parameter. If all parameter is empty. Get 1000 latest historical jobs entities.getGet all the scheduled jobs in stats collectorgetDelete stats collector jobs by job category and job id.deleteoverlayAssociationRemove appliances from overlayspostGet appliances in an overlaygetAdd appliances to overlayspostRemove an appliance from an overlaydeleteoverlaysGet the max number of overlaysgetPost regional overlay configurationspostGet regional overlay by overlayId and regionIdgetModify regional overlayputSaves a new overlay to the OrchestratorpostDeletes the overlay from the Orchestrator. Removes any appliances from the overlay and deletes any reports specifically for this overlay.deleteReturns one overlay that has the id of the passed overlayId parametergetUpdate the properties of an existing overlayputGet the overlay priority ordergetChange the overlay prioritiespostgmsPermissionGet the permission (read-write/read-only) of the user specified in userIdgetscheduleTimezoneReturns the configured timezone for scheduled jobs and reportsgetUpdates the schedule timezone used with for the scheduled jobs and reports.postservicesReturns all the servicesgetSave the service listpostReturns all the Third Party ServicesgetsessionTimeoutReturns information of auto logout and max login sessiongetUpdate auto logout and max login sessionputstatsRetentionGet Approximate Disk Space for stats.getEnable/Disable Stats collection for StatisticsputGet Stats collection Enable/Disable info.getUpdate Non Statistics Retention detailsputGet all Non Statistics Retention details.getUpdate Statistics Retention detailsputGet all Statistics Retention details.getReturns Orchestrator Stats Retention notification boolean flag valuegetUpdate Orchestrator Stats Retention notification boolean flag valuepostgmsStatsCollectionGets stats collection enable/disable detailsgetUsed to enable/disable stats collection by orchestratorpostTo get default values for stats collectiongettopologyConfigReturns the configuration for the topology tab. The key in the configuration will be the username.getUpdates the topology configuration for the given userpostReturns topology info in csv format.getReturns topology info in csv format.postReturns overlay tunnel's topology info for given nePks in csv format.postReturns passthrough tunnel's topology info for given nePks in csv format.postReturns underlay tunnel's topology info for given nePks in csv format.post/gms/topologyConfig/linkInfogetUpdate the map imagepostgmsServerReturns available orchestrator versionsgetReturns Orchestrator Operating system typegetReturns Orchestrator Disk Space notification boolean flag valuegetUpdate Orchestrator Disk Space notification boolean flag valueputReturns Orchestrator Root Password Changed notification boolean flag valuegetUpdate Orchestrator Root Password Changed notification boolean flag valuepostReturns orchestrator server brief information such as up time, release, timeZone, container mode etc...getReturns hello message.getReturns orchestrator server information such as used disk space, hostname,release etc...getReturns orchestrator server information such as hostname, up time, version, dbHelth, message etc...getgmsWizard/gms/wizardgetApplies the wizard to an appliance in the backgroundposthostNameGet the host name of orchestrator.getgmsLicenseGet current license key and informationgetSet Orchestrator license keypostValidate a new license keygetRetrieves in-memory AAS licensing runtime statsgetRetrieves current license usage for features that are enforced by AAS license tokensgetRetrieves AAS license limits (for display purposes only)getgmsRemoteAuthGet current configured RADIUS, TACACS+ or OAuth servers configurationgetGet all current configured JWT configurationsgetCreate a new JWT config. Returns the ID of the new configpostDelete JWT configuration matched to the JWT namedeleteUpdate JWT configuration matched to the JWT nameputGet all current configured OAuth servers configurationgetCreate a new OAuth server configpostDelete OAuth servers configuration matched to the iddeleteUpdate OAuth servers configuration matched to the idputDelete RADIUS server configdeleteGet RADIUS server config if it existsgetCreate or update RADIUS server configpostGet all currently configured SAML servers with serverId and it's configurationgetCreate a new SAML server configurationpostDelete SAML server configuration matched to the iddeleteUpdate SAML servers configuration matched to the server IdputDelete TACACS+ server configdeleteGet TACACS+ server config if it existsgetCreate or update TACACS+ server configpostGet available light versioned login typegetgmsSMTPGets SMTP detailsgetused to set SMTP settingspostDelete unverified emailspostSend a verification email to an email addresspostused to send test mailpostGet unverified email addressesgetverify an email addressgethaGroupsReturns a collection of appliances paired in a HA configurationgetModify appliances paired in a HA configurationposthealthReturns health summary of all appliancespostReturns summary of alarms for a given appliance for that time periodgetReturns health threshold configgetUpdate health threshold configurationpostReturns summary of jitter for a given appliance for that time periodgetReturns summary of latency for a given appliance for that time periodgetReturns summary of loss for a given appliance for that time periodgetReturns summary of mos for a given appliance for that time periodgetvxoaHostnameadd/updates the gms hostnameposthttpsCertificateReturns the HTTPS certificate on the specified appliancegetIdleTimeClear idle timegetIncrement idle timegetikelessGET Ikeless key material configuration, seed lifetime, max activation wait time, whether persist seedgetChange Ikeless key material configuration, seed lifetime, max activation wait time, whether persist seedpostGet UDP IPSec key status history on orchestratorgetGet UDP IPSec key status for all appliancesgetGet UDP IPSec key status for an appliancesgetinboundShaperGet inbound shapers settingsgetinterfaceStateGet node configuration data from Orchestrator database or from the specified appliance.getipObjectsUpload a CSV file for bulk upload. The API returns the status and a list of groups that got imported.posttrigger an immediate merge of address groupspostRemoves an ACL group objectdeletereturn ACL group objectgetCreate/Replace an ACL address group objectpostReplace an ACL address group objectput(1) Returns all ACL service group objects (2) Returns an ACL service group objectgetCreate/Replace an ACL service group objectpostReplace an ACL service group objectputDelete an ACL service group objectdeleteUpload a CSV file for bulk upload. The API returns the status and a list of groups that got imported.posttrigger an immediate merge of service groupspostGet an estimate of the memory that would be consumed by the configuration type.getlicenseRetrieves license Management SettingsgetRetrieves NX licensed appliancesgetRetrieves portal licensed appliancesgetGrant an appliance a base license via Cloud PortalpostDelete an appliance's license token via the appliancedeleteRevoke an appliance a base license via Cloud PortalpostChanges ec appliance license settingspostChanges ec appliance account and license settingspostRetrieves portal account license summarygetRetrieves portal account license summary for primary and secondary accountsgetGet the appliance's account by nePkgetGet the discovered appliance's account by discoveredIdgetRetrieves VX licensed appliancesgetlinkAggregationGet all link aggregation data on the appliancegetlinkIntegrityPOST operation to start link integrity test between two appliances.postOperation to retrieve current link integrity test status for desired appliance.getlocationLookup the latitude,longitude of an addressgetloggingGet logging settings form appliance or gmsdbgetsessionReturns all the current sessionsgetloopbackOrchGet loopback orchestration settinggetSet loopback orchestration settingpostGet loopback pool allocation infogetGet loopback pool history by segmentgetReclaim all deleted ip addresses or Reclaim deleted ip address by iddeleteReclaim deleted ip addresses by Segment IDdeletemaintenanceModeGet maintenance mode appliancesgetSet maintenance mode for appliancespostmapsDelete certain uploaded mappostGet list of uploaded mapsgetmgmtServicesGets Management Services configurations of selected appliancegetmulticastGet multicast config info on the appliancegetGet multicast enabled info on the appliancegetGet multicast interface state info on the appliancegetGet multicast neighbor state info on the appliancegetGet multicast route state info on the appliancegetnatReturns all NAT ConfiggetGet NAT MapsgetReturns all NAT PoolsgetnatPolicyGet NAT all inbound/outbound settingsgetGet NAT policy settingsgetGet dynamic NAT rules settingsgetnetFlowGet flow export data from appliance or gmsdbgetnetworkMemoryErase Network Memory on one or more appliances.postgmsNotificationRemove the message of notification banner.deleteGet the message of notification banner.getAdd or update the message of notification banner.postoptimizationPolicyGet route policy settingsgetospfGet all segments OSPF Interfaces configurations.getGet all segments system level OSPF configuration.getGet appliance's OSPF areas configuration data.getGet OSPF interfaces configuration data.getGet appliance's OSPF system level configuration data.getGets all segments OSPF interfaces state.getGets all segments OSPF neighbors state.getGets all segments OSPF state.getGets the state of the OSPF interfaces.getGets the state of the OSPF neighbors.getGets the state of the OSPF.getoverlayManagerPropertiesGet the overlay manager properties in the Orchestrator.getSet the overlay manager properties in the Orchestrator.postGet the default overlay manager properties in the Orchestrator.getpauseOrchestrationGet all appliances' nePks which are paused from orchestrationgetSet all appliances' nePks which are intended to be paused from orchestrationpostportForwardingGet port forwarding rules on a ECOS.getportProfilesDelete a Deployment Profile template matching the iddeleteGet a Deployment Profile template matching the idgetCreate a new Deployment Profile templatepostUpdate a Deployment Profile template matching the idputCheck if an interface label is in use by any of the existing deployment profilesgetqosPolicyGet qos policy settingsgetrbacApplianceAccessGroupGet all appliance access groups / assetsgetCreate or update appliance access group / asset.postDelete appliance access group / asset by namedeleterbacAssignmentDelete rbacAssignment by usernamedeleteGet rbacAssignment by usernamegetCreate or update rbacAssignment.postrbacRoleGet all roles.getCreate role or Update existing role.postDelete role By name. If role is assigned to one or more users then API will return HTTP 423deleteGet list of accessible menusgetrbacLegacyApiGet list of all legacy APIsgetAdd new legacy APIpostUpdate legacy APIputDelete legacy APIdeletereachabilityGet the reachability status from the appliancegetGet the reachability status from the OrchestratorgetrealtimeStatsGet per second statistics from a ECOS appliancepostregionsGet region associationgetCreate region associationpostUpdate region associationputGet region association by region IDgetDelete region by regionIddeleteGet region by regionIdgetUpdate regionsputCreate regionpostreleasesGets all the Releases for orchestrator and ecosgetGet release notificationsgetDelay a release notificationpostDismiss a release notificationpostremoteLogReceiverGet a remote log receivergetAdd remote log receiver(s) with configuration provided in the request bodypostUpdate remote log receiver(s) with data provided in the request bodyputDelete a remote log receiverdeleteTo get all websocket receiver connection statusgetGet latest alarm or audit log event sequence idgetTo query specific log(s) with log type and sequence id(s) provided in the request bodypostdnsGet the current DNS IP address and domain names configured for an appliance.getrestApiConfigGet the REST API configgetSet the REST API configpostrestRequestTimeStatsReturns summary of time used info of rest requests sent to appliancesgetThe time used details of all rest requests sent to an appliance's specific resource through portal web socket or web socketgetrmaWizardApplies the RMA wizardpostroutePolicyGet route policy settingsgetbuiltInPoliciesGet built-in policy informationgetsecuritySettingsReturns advanced security settingsgetConfigure advanced security settingspostReturns protection profilesgetsecurityMapsGet Security Policies configured on the appliancegetactiveSessionsReturns all the current active sessionsgetDelete certain sessionspostshaperGet shapers settingsgetshellGets shell access setting on OrchestratorgetSets shell access setting on OrchestratorpostvrfSnatMapsGets Inter-Segment SNAT configurations of selected appliancegetsnmpGet SNMP information.getspPortalNumber of times account key has been changedgetCurrent account key change statusgetRequest Portal to generate a new account keyputDelete old account key from PortaldeleteAssign EC-SP licenses on PortalpostGet EC-SP licenses from PortalgetUnassign EC-SP licenses on PortalpostGet account license feature from PortalgetGet account license type from PortalgetTest if appliance is reachable via websocket from orchestratorgetGet application groups from portalgetReturns user defined AppExpress application configurationsgetGet the hash code for application groups data from portalgetGet Broadcast Message from Silver Peak PortalgetGet application definition for Compound data from portalgetGet the hash code for application definition data for Compound data from portalgetGet Silver Peak Cloud Portal registration informationgetPost Silver Peak Cloud Portal registration informationpostPost Silver Peak Cloud Portal registration information for secondary accounts. Note: This replaces the entire existing secondary accounts configuration with the configuration passedpostGet Orchestrator to Silver Peak Portal connectivity statusgetGet Orchestrator to Portal connectivity statusgetGet Appliance to Portal connectivity statusgetCreate a casepostGet application definition for Domain Name from portalgetGet the hash code for application definition data for Domain Name from portalgetGet geolocation information for a single ip from portalgetGet geolocation information for multiple ip's from portalpostGet application definition data for Address Map from portalgetGet the last update time for application definition data for Address Map from portalgetSearch application definition data for Address Map from portalgetGet count for application definition data for Address Map from portalgetGet service id to service details mappinggetGet count of internet services on this appliancegetGet a list of unique countries in the internet services databasegetGet a list of unique saas applications in the internet services databasegetGet IP Protocol Numbers datagetGet application definition for Meter Flow from portalgetGet the hash code for application definition data for Meter Flow from portalgetGet application definition for IP Protocol, TCP Port, UDP Port from portalgetGet the hash code for application definition data for IP Protocol, TCP Port, UDP Port from portalgetGet current GMS-Portal registration statusgetInitiate GMS-Portal RegistrationpostGet current GMS-Portal registration status for secondary accountsgetInitiate GMS-Portal Registration for secondary accountspostGet application definition for SaaS data from portalgetGet the hash code for application definition data for SaaS data from portalgetDebug API to view current status of all Portal related servicesgetGet TCP/UDP ports datagetGet list of top internet sitesgetGet traffic behavior categories from portalgetGet the hash code for traffic behavior categories data from portalgetGet Zero Touch Provisioning information from Silver Peak PortalgetPost Zero Touch Provisioning information to Silver Peak PortalpostsslGet all SSL certificates on the appliancegetsslCACertificateThis API will take certificate date and return certificate information in textpostValidate the SSL CA certificate file.postGet all CA SSL certificates on the appliance.getThis API will take certificate date and return certificate informationpostThis API will take certificate date and return certificate information in textpostsslSubstituteCertValidate the SSL Substitute certificatepostGet all SSL Substitute certificates on the appliance.getaggregateStatsGet aggregate appliance stats data for a single appliance filter by query parameters.getGet aggregate appliance stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate application stats data for a single appliance filter by query parametersgetGet aggregate application stats data filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate application stats data for a single appliance filter by query parametersgetGet aggregate application stats data filter by query parameterspostGet tunnel availability aggregate stats for a single appliance filter by query parametersgetGet network role availability aggregate stats for all appliance in networkgetGet interface availability aggregate stats for all appliance in networkgetGet aggregated stats of appliance reachability for the selected appliance in networkgetGet tunnels availability for third party servicesgetGet aggregate boost stats data for a single appliance filter by query parametersgetGet aggregate boost stats datapostGet aggregate dns stats data for a single appliance filter by query parameters.getGet aggregate dns stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate tunnel drc stats data for a single appliance filter by query parameters.getGet aggregate tunnel drc stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate dscp stats data for a single appliance filter by query parametersgetGet aggregate dscp stats data filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate flow stats data for a single appliance filter by query parametersgetGet aggregate flow stats data filter by query parameterspostGet active flow counts by NE idpostGet aggregate interface stats datapostGet aggregate interface overlay transport stats datapostGet aggregate jitter stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate jitter stats data filter by query parameters.getGet aggregate Mean Opinion Score stats datagetGet aggregate Mean Opinion Score stats datapostGet aggregate ports stats data filter by query parameters.getGet aggregate ports stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate security policy stats datagetGet aggregate security policy stats datapostGet aggregate topTalkers stats data for a single appliance filter by query parameters.getGet aggregate topTalkers stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate topTalkers stats data for a single appliance filter by query parameters.getGet aggregate Traffic Behavioral stats data filter by query parametersgetGet aggregate Traffic Behavioral stats data for a single appliance filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate trafficClass stats data for a single appliance filter by query parametersgetGet aggregate traffic class stats data filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate tunnel stats data for a single appliance filter by query parameters.getGet aggregate tunnel stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate application stats data filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate application stats data filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate user stats data filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate user stats data filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate dns stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate interface overlay transport stats datapostGet aggregate Mean Opinion Score stats datapostGet aggregate overlay bandwidth stats data filter by query parameterspostGet aggregate ports stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate shaper stats datapostGet aggregate topTalkers stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate tunnel stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate tunnel stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate tunnel stats data filter by query parameters.postGet aggregate topTalkers destination stats data.postavailabilityThresholdSettingsGet availability threshold settingsgetSet availability threshold settingspostdnsInfoGet domain name by IP address from dns stats tablegettimeseriesStatsGet appliance time series stats data filter by certain query parameters.getGet appliance time series stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.postStats of appliance Process State.getGet availability tunnel timeseries data.getGet availability interface timeseries data.getGet availability appliance timeseries data.getGet new application time series stats data filter by certain query parameters.getGet new application time series stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.postGet new user time series stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.postGet boost time series stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getGet tunnel time series drc stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getGet tunnel time series drc stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.postGet dscp time series stats data filter by certain query parameters.getGet dscp time series stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.postGet flow time series stats data filter by certain query parameters.getGet flow time series stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.postGet flow time series stats data filter by certain query parameters.getGet interface time series stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getGet interface overlay transport time series stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getGet internalDrops time series stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getGet time series jitter stats data filter by query parameters.getGet memory statistics data of the appliance IDs for the specified duration of time.postGet memory statistics data in specific time rangegetGet Mean Opinion Score time series stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getGet security policy time series stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getGet Shaper time series stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.getGet Shaper time series stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.postGet traffic class time series stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getGet traffic class time series stats data filter by certain query parameters and certain appliance IDs.postGet tunnel time series stats data of a single appliance filter by certain query parameters.getReturns Traffic Behavioral timeseries statsgetstatsCollectionAssign stats collector to list of appliancepostGet stats collector assignments for provided appliance ids(NePk)postGet stats collector backup configurationgetAdd or update stats collector backup configurationpostTest the stats collector backup remote server whether it can connect.postGet whether stats collector backup uses gms backup configurationgetSet whether stats collector backup should use gms backup configurationpostGet all stats collector configurationsgetAdd new stats collectorpostUpdate stats collectorputDelete stats collectordeleteDiscontinue legacy stats collectionpostEnable new stats collectionpostGet migration statusgetGet health status of all stats collectorsgetGet appliances in network which are not compitable with new stats collection and needs to be upgradedgetsubnetsConfigure an appliance's subnets.postGet a discovered appliance's subnets information.getConfigure appliance's subnet sharing optionspostGet an appliance's subnets information.getappSystemDeployInfoGet Appliance System Deployment InformationgetappSystemStateInfoGet Appliance System State InformationgettcaGet system threshold crossing alertsgettcpdumpPOST operation to start the packet capture process.postGET operation to show current packet capture process status.getGet the primary keys of all running tcp dumps.gettemplateReturns the association map of template groups for appliances.getAssociates the templates with a specific appliance. The array posted is the complete association for that appliance.postReturns the list of template groups applied to the appliancegetReturns history of applied templates by nePkgetCreates a new template grouppostDeletes a template groupdeleteReturns all template configurations or for the specified template groupgetCreates a new template group from an existing one or updates the configuration of the requested template grouppostDeletes existing template grouppostReturns the order that template groups will be applied ingetPost the order that template groups should be applied in, groups not listed are not in a deterministic orderpostReturns the selected templates in the template groupgetSelects the provided templates in the request bodypostthirdPartyLicensesGets all third party licenses informationgetthirdPartyServicesGet Aruba Central site and appliances mappinggetManually assign appliance to the aruba central sitepostDelete SubscriptiondeleteReturns Aruba Central subscriptiongetAdd/Update SubscriptionpostReturns list of AWS VPN Connections created for appliances associated to Transit Gateway in Global Network.getGets all AWS VPN Connection BGP Peer Status of appliancegetReturns AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager connectivity statusgetReturns recommended tunnel setting for AWS Transit Gateway Network ManagergetReturns map of Global Network ID to list of AWS Transit Gateway Objects available in Orchestrator cachegetReturns Appliance to AWS TransitGateway AssociationgetReturns map of Global Network ID to Global Network NamegetGet primary and backup interface label order configured using which Vpn Connections will be created in AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager.getSet primary and backup interface label order configured using which Vpn Connections will be created in AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager.postReturns AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager Orchestration Pause stategetSet AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager pause orchestration configuration.postReturn polling interval in seconds to get the latest Global Network and associated Transit Gateways from AWS PortalgetDelete AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager SubscriptiondeleteReturns AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager subscriptiongetAdd/Update AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager SubscriptionpostReturns Appliance to AWS TransitGateway AssociationgetPosts Appliance to AWS TransitGateway associationpostGet tunnel settings configured to build AWS VPN Connection tunnels.getSet tunnel settings configured to build AWS VPN Connection tunnels.postGet VTI Subnet and Mask for the AWS Subnet Global PoolgetUpdate VTI Subnet and Mask for the AWS Subnet Global PoolpostGet all VTI Subnets from AWS Subnet Global PoolgetReturns list of Azure VPN Sites created for appliances associated to Virtual Wan.getGets Azure VWAN VPN Connection BGP Peer Status of appliancegetReturns Azure VWAN connectivity statusgetReturns recommended tunnel setting for AzuregetGet primary interface label order configured using which Vpn Sites will be created in Azure.getSet primary interface label order configured using which Vpn Sites will be created in Azure.postReturns Azure Orchestration Pause stategetPosts Azure Orchestration Pause statepostDelete Azure SubscriptiondeleteReturns Azure subscriptiongetAdd/Update Azure SubscriptionpostGet tunnel settings configured to build Azure Virtual WAN pass through tunnels.getSet tunnel settings configured to build Azure pass through tunnels.postReturns Appliance to Virtual WAN association for AzuregetPosts Appliance to Virtual WAN association for AzurepostDelete check point subscriptiondeleteGet check point subscriptiongetSet check point subscriptionpostGet check point connectivity statusgetGet interfaces configured for which sites will be created on check point.getSet interfaces configured for which sites will be created on check point.postGet default tunnel settings configured to build Check Point CloudGuard Connect pass through tunnels.getGet tunnel settings configured to build Check Point CloudGuard Connect pass through tunnels.getSet tunnel settings configured to build Check Point CloudGuard Connect pass through tunnels.postGet check point pause orchestration configuration.getSet check point pause orchestration configuration.postReturn time gap in seconds between two times of downloading locations and sub-locations from Check Point CloudGuard Connect portalgetGet check point sites configuration.postDelete existed configured LAN subnets of the appliance.deleteGet configured LAN subnets of the appliance.getAdd configured LAN subnets of the appliance.postGet configured LAN subnets of the appliance.getAssociate a appliance to Check Point Harmony.postGet configured ipsla setting with Check Point HarmonygetSaves ipsla setting with Check Point HarmonypostGet configured LAN subnets of the appliance.getAssociate a appliance to Check Point Harmony.postDelete ClearPass Policy Manager account configuration.deleteGet ClearPass Policy Manager account details using IDgetUpdate ClearPass Policy Manager account configuration.putAdd new ClearPass Policy Manager account.postPause individual ClearPass Policy Manager orchestration.putGet all ClearPass Policy Manager configurationgetGet ClearPass Policy Manager account connectivity statusgetPosts ClearPass Policy Manager login eventpostPosts ClearPass Policy Manager logout eventpostFilter ClearPass Policy Manager eventsgetGet username and role list for given IP and time rangegetGet ClearPass Policy Manager pause orchestration.getSet ClearPass Policy Manager pause orchestration.postReset ClearPass Policy Manager service endpointputGet ClearPass Policy Manager service endpoint statusgetReturns Service Orchestration BIO Breakout stategetSet Service Orchestration BIO Breakout state.postEnable/Disable IPSLA settings for Service ProvidergetEnable/Disable IPSLA Settings for Service Provider.postReturns IPSLA settings for Service ProvidergetPosts IPSLA Settings for Service Provider.postReturns recommend tunnel setting for Service OrchestrationgetGet primary and backup interface labels configured for a Service Provider.getSet primary and/or backup interfaces for a Service Provider.postReturns Service Orchestration Pause stategetSet Service Orchestration Pause state.postReturns appliance to remote endpoint association.getUpdates appliance to remote endpoint association.postAdd list of Remote Endpoints to existing remote endpoints of the Service Provider.postDeletes Remote Endpoint entriesdeleteGet remote endpoints for service id.getSet Remote Endpoints list for the service.postReturns list of Service Provider Connections created for appliances associated to Remote Endpoints.getGets all ServiceProvider Tunnels with IP SLA's status of the appliance. The response contains <nePk_labelId>, <connectionStatus> map.getGet all Service Providers configured for Third Party OrchestrationgetGets ServiceProvider Tunnel IKE identifier - local, primary remote, backup remote identifiers for every network interface.getGet all Service Providers configured for Third Party OrchestrationgetAdd new Service ProviderpostGet tunnel settings configured for a Service Provider.getSet tunnel settings for a Service Provider.postReturns Appliance to Zscaler associationgetPosts Appliance to Zscaler associationpostReturns Zscaler configuration, including tunnel setting, selected interface label ordergetUpdate Returns Zscaler configuration, including tunnel setting, selected interface label orderpostReturns Zscaler connectivity statusgetReturns Appliance to Zscaler countriesgetPosts Standard Alpha2 country to Zscaler country. Use | as separator to add more mappings.postReturns list of countries with ISO 2 code to Zscaler country.getReturns Appliance to Zscaler default timezonesgetReturns recommend tunnel setting for ZscalergetReturns IPSLA settings for ZscalergetPosts IPSLA Settings for Zscaler.postEnable/Disable IPSLA settings for ZscalergetEnable/Disable IPSLA Settings for Zscaler.postReturns calculated Zscaler locations and sub-locations entries and their gateway options and bandwidth control based on current gateway options configurationgetReturns Tunnel Setting for every Interface label.getPosts InterfaceTunnelSetting for every interface label.postReturns Zscaler Location and Sub-Location gateway options and bandwidth control configurationgetUpdate Zscaler Location and Sub-Location gateway options and bandwidth control configurationpostReturns whether to use current location configuration to controll locations or sub-locations gateway options or bandwidth controlgetUpdate whether to use current location configuration to controll locations or sub-locations gateway options or bandwidth controlpostGet all VPN, Location, discovered and configured ZEN override data for one or more appliancespostGets all Zscaler Tunnels with IP SLA's status of the appliance. The response contains <nePk_labelId>, <connectionStatus> map.getReturns Pause Zscaler Orchestration configurationgetupdate pause Zscaler Orchestration configurationpostReturn time gap in seconds between two times of downloading locations and sub-locations from Zscaler Internet Access portalgetReturns Zscaler Task Manager status for all the appliances. This API is used only for debugging if any appliance is not getting Zscaler orchestrated.getDelete user configured ZEN override datadeleteAdd/Update user configured ZEN override datapostReturns all user configured ZEN Override datagetDelete SubscriptiondeleteReturns Zscaler subscriptiongetAdd/Update SubscriptionpostReturns Standard Timezone to Zscaler timezonesgetPosts Standard Timezone to Zscaler time zone. Use | as separator to add more mappings.postGets Zscaler VPN location of the appliance.getDelete SubscriptiondeleteReturns Netskope subscriptiongetAdd/Update SubscriptionpostReturns Netskope connectivity statusgetReturns Netskope configuration, including tunnel setting, selected interface label ordergetUpdate Returns Netskope configuration, including tunnel setting, selected interface label orderpostReturns Tunnel Setting for every Interface label.getPosts InterfaceTunnelSetting for every interface label.postReturns recommended tunnel setting for Netskope.getReturns IPSLA settings for NetskopegetPosts IPSLA Settings for Netskope.postEnable/Disable IPSLA settings for NetskopegetEnable/Disable IPSLA Settings for Netskope.postReturns Appliance to Netskope associationgetPosts Appliance to Netskope associationpostGets all Netskope Tunnels with IP SLA's status of the appliance. The response contains <nePk_labelId>, <connectionStatus> map.getGet all Location data for one or more appliancespostReturns Pause Netskope Orchestration configurationgetupdate pause Netskope Orchestration configurationpostReturn time gap in seconds between two times of downloading locations from Netskope Internet Access portalgetReturns Netskope Task Manager status for all the appliances. This API is used only for debugging if any appliance is not getting Netskope orchestrated.getbondedTunnelsConfigurationGet the current list of tunnels statepostGet bonded tunnels for all appliancesgetGet bonded tunnels a physical tunnel belongs togettunnelsConfigurationGet the current list of tunnels statepostInitiate a traceroute on a tunnelpostGet traceroute state for a tunnelpostGet tunnel id's of physical tunnels of an appliance with particular stategetSearch total tunnel count, all appliancesgetGet all tunnels between appliancespostSearch physical tunnels, all appliancesgetReturns individual tunnel count by overlay on selected appliancespostthirdPartyTunnelsConfigurationGet the current list of tunnels statepostSearch pass through tunnelsgetuiUsageStatsAdd usage count for one UI featurepostupgradeAppliancesUpgrade appliances with optionpostCheck ECOS version compatibility for appliance upgrades through PortalpostuserAccountGets all user details and sessions of appliancegetuserReturns user details. Gets user by username if providedgetCreates a new user or updates it. 'Status: Active/Inactive. Role: Admin Manager/Network Monitor'postDeletes the specified userdeleteForgot passwordpostReturns a barcode to scan with an authentication application to set up app based two factor authentication for your accountgetResets user passwordpostChanges user passwordpostloopbackGet loopback interface configuration on the appliancegetvtiGet VTI interface configuration on the appliancegetvrfReturn Routing Segmentation enable defined in OrchestratorgetUpdate Routing Segmentation enablepostDelete specific segment DNAT policiesdelete(1) Get all DNAT Policies configured on the orchestrator (2) Get DNAT Policies of required source segmentgetEdit DNAT Policies of required source segmentpostGet all Security Policies configured on the orchestratorgetEdit orchestration Security policiespostGets all security mapsgetDelete required segmentdeleteReturns required or all Segment defined in OrchestratorgetModify existing SegmentputAdd new SegmentpostReturns all disabled Inter-Segment SNAT rules defined in OrchestratorgetAdd/Edit Inter-Segment SNAT rulespostvrrpGet a list of VRRP instances configured on the appliancegetapplianceUpgradeDelete ECOS imagedeleteGet ECOS imagesgetwccpGet WCCP service groups settings for the appliance.getGet WCCP system settings for the appliancegetGet WCCP stategetzonesReturns all Zones defined in OrchestratorgetAdd/Edit ZonespostReturns End to End Zone Based Firewall Config in OrchestratorgetAdd/Edit End to End Zone Based Firewall ConfigpostReturns Next Id that should be assigned to a new ZonegetUpdate Next IdpostReturns vrfSegmentZoneMap detailsgetReturns vrf firewall zones mapgetavailabilityTimeSettingsGet availability time settings for provided appliance ids(NePk)postPost availability time settings for appliancespostapplianceCPUstatsRetrieve CPU history data and upload to Orchestrator databasepostCancel CUP stats fetch requestgetCUP stats fetch request statusgetMax Timestamp of CPU stats that are available on OrchestratorgetAppliance CPU timeseries statsgetScheduledPDFreportsReturns list of schedule reportsgetidpsGet IDPS configurationgetSet IDPS configurationputGet IDPS signaturesgetGet IDPS signatures diffgetGet IDPS signatures rulesgetGet IDPS signatures profilesgetSet IDPS signatures profilespostGet IDPS profile stategetSet IDPS profile stateputGet IDPS stategetSet IDPS stateputUpdate IDPS signature from portalgetOrchestrator High AvailablabilityGet HA mode orchestrator server infogetGet HA notification configurationgetUpdate HA notification configurationputGet all orchestrator instancesgetUpdate HA instance commentputDecommission orchestrator instancedeletePromote current instance to be the new primary orchestratorputCheck primary instance HTTP statusgetUpdate HA cluster reachability configpostGet HA cluster reachability configgetvxlanReturns common VXLAN settingsgetReturns vrf and vni mapgetStatsDebugGet all StatisticsP99 entriesgetSilver Peak Unity ECOS REST APIsloginCreate a new authenticated HTTP sessionpostDetermine if the session denoted by the cookie 'vxoaSessionID' in the HTTP header is still authenticatedgetLogout of session denoted by the cookie 'vxoaSessionID' in the HTTP headerpostipObjectsRetrieves the address groups hash.getTrigger address groups file processing.postRetrieves the service groups hash.getTrigger service groups file processing.postscalarsGet the VXOA scalars.getstatisticsGet aggregate appliance statisticsgetGet aggregate application statisticsgetGet aggregate Traffic Class statisticsgetGet cumulative Linux ifconfig statistics for each interface on the appliancegetGet the oldest minute and latest minute for which per minute statistics are availablegetGet specific minute statistics filegetGet real time per second statisticspostflowsReturns the so far accumulated bandwidth stats about the flowgetReturns flow detailsgetReturns more detailed info about the flowgetReturns active, inactive, or both types of flows on the appliance based on the query parameters suppliedgetReclassifies the flow(s)postResets the flow(s)postalarmReturns active alarmsgetAcknowledges alarms whose sequence IDs are providedpostClears alarms whose sequence IDs are providedpostDelete closed alarms whose sequence IDs are providedpostGet Orchestrator alarm descriptionsgetNotes captured for alarms whose sequence IDs are providedpostcnprocessstate of processgetmanagementInterfaceGet the management interface address.getSet management interface addresspostlicenseGet appliance license key and its validitygetSet license keypostDelete license token on appliance.deleteValidate a license keypostdeploymentGet the current deployment configurationgetModify the deployment settingspostvalidate the deployment settingspostnetworkInterfacesGet appliance's network interface information.getSet appliance's network interface configuration.postnetworkRoutesGet appliance's management/LAN network routes and WAN next-hops information.getSet appliance's management and LAN network routes configuration.postnexthopsGet appliance's data path next hops information.getvrrpGet a list of VRRP instances configured on this appliancegetAdd/Modify VRRP instances on this appliancepostAdd/Modify VRRP instances on this appliance from OrchestratorpostwccpGet WCCP service groups settings.getModify the current WCCP service groups settings.postGet WCCP service group {groupId} settings.getModify WCCP service group {groupId} settings.postGet WCCP system settings.getModify the current WCCP system settings.postGet WCCP state.getlocalSubnetsApi to find the preferred routes based on the posted entriespostGets routing peers information.getGets all configured, learned subnets from remote Silverpeak appliances and automatically learned local subnets.getGets all segments configured, learned subnets from remote Silverpeak appliances and automatically learned local subnetsgetGets specified segment configured, learned subnets from remote Silverpeak appliances and automatically learned local subnets.getGet configured local subnets only.getAdd or delete configured local subnetspostAdds routes to existing routespostDeletes routes specified in the Array.postGet configured subnets of a specified segment.getAdd or delete configured subnets of a specified segment.posttunnelAdd multiple tunnels in one shot.postSet all tunnels on the system to the settings provided.postDelete multiple tunnels in one shot.postGet multiple tunnels in one shot.postGet multiple tunnels state in one shot.postGet a list of interface IP addresses which can be used as passthrough tunnel source IP addresses on this appliance.getFind tunnels with matching aliasesgetGet the current list of physical tunnelsgetGet a list of interface IP addresses which can be used as tunnel source IP addresses on this appliance.getGet the current list of tunnels and their configuration fields only.getAdd/delete and modify tunnels.postDelete a tunnel by id (name)deleteGet a specific tunnel by id (name)getModify or add a single tunnel by id (name)postStart MTU discovery on the list of input tunnels.postGet the current list of tunnels and their configuration as well as some state information like uptime and operational stategetSet the ipsec preshared key for multiple tunnels.postbondedTunnelFind bonded tunnels with matching aliasesgetGet the current list of bonded tunnelsgetGet the current list of tunnels and their configuration fields only.getAdd and modify tunnels.postDelete a tunnel by id (name)deleteGet a specific tunnel by id (name)getDelete multiple bonded tunnelspostGet multiple bonded tunnelspostGet multiple bonded tunnels statepostGet the current list of tunnels and their configuration as well as some state information like uptime and operational stategetGet a specific bounded tunnel live view state by id (name)getthirdPartyTunnelFind pass through tunnels with matching aliasesgetGet the current list of third party tunnelsgetGet the current list of tunnels and their configuration fields only.getAdd and modify tunnels.postDelete a tunnel by id (name)deleteGet a specific tunnel by id (name)getDelete multiple third party tunnelspostGet multiple third party tunnelspostGet multiple third party tunnels statepostGet the current list of tunnels and their configuration as well as some state information like uptime and operational stategetroutePolicyGet dependency information for route mapgetGet current route policiesgetModify current route policiespostDelete multiple rules from multiple mapspostDelete route map {mapName}.deleteGet the setting of route map {mapName}.getoptimizationPolicyGet current optimization policiesgetModify current optimization policiespostGet default rules for optimization mapgetDelete multiple rules from multiple mapspostDelete optimization map {mapName}.deleteGet the setting of optimization map {mapName}.getqosPolicyGet current qos policiesgetModify current qos policiespostGet default rules for qos mapgetDelete multiple rules from multiple mapspostDelete DSCP overrides on the appliancedeleteGet currently defined DSCP overridesgetUpdate/Create DSCP overrides on the appliancepostDelete qos map {mapName}.deleteGet the setting of qos map {mapName}.getshaperGet the shaper configurationgetModify shaper configurationpostDelete shaper configuration for an interfacedeleteGet the shaper configuration for a particular WAN interfacegetModify shaper configuration for an interfacepostinboundShapersGet the shaper configurationgetModify shaper configurationpostDelete shaper configuration for an interfacedeleteGet the shaper configuration for a particular WAN interfacegetModify shaper configuration for an interfaceposttrafficClassGet the traffic names.getModify the traffic names.postnatPolicyGet current NAT policiesgetModify current NAT policiespostDelete multiple rules from multiple mapspostDelete NAT map {mapName}.deleteGet the setting of NAT map {mapName}.getpeersGet the peers of current appliance.getGet the silver peak peers of current appliance.getaclsGet the current Access lists settings.getModify the current Access lists settings.postDelete Access list {aclName}.deleteGet the setting of Access list {aclName}.getGet dependency information for ACLgetuserDefinedApplicationsGet all dependencies of a specific user applicationgetGet all dependencies of a specific user groupgetdelete all user defined applicationsdeleteGet all the user defined applicationsgetadd/updates the user defined app(s)postDelete user application by prioritydeleteGet user defined application matching a prioritygetapplicationGroupsGets all user groupsgetadd/updates the details of group(s)postDelete group by namedeleteGet a specific group by namegetlogModify both logging configurations and remote receivers in one requestpostGet logging configurations including minimum log level, maximum log file size and number of log files.getModify logging configurations including minimum log level, maximum log file size and number of log files.postGet remote logging receivers.getModify remote logging receiverspostflowRedirectionGet the flow redirection configuration.getEnable/disable flow redirection. Add flow redirection peers.postGet the flow redirection stategetsystemInfoGet system information on the appliance.getproxyInfoGet Proxy information of the appliance.getsystemGet appliance's system level configuration data.getSet appliance's system level configuration.postGet a specific system configuration attributegetsaasOptimizationGet SaaS Optimization configuration informationgetModify SaaS Optimzation configuration informationpostGet SaaS Optimization licensing statusgetGet SaaS Optimization monitoring informationgettcpdumpGET operation to download an archive of packet capture filesgetGET operation to show number of finished processes and total number of processesgetGET operation to fetch list of interface for tcpdump capturing.getPOST operation to start an packet capture process.postGET operation to show current packet capture process status.getPOST operation to stop current packet capture process.postdnsGet the current DNS IP address and domain names configured for your appliance.getModify DNS IP address and domain names configured for your appliance.postlinkIntegrityGET operation to retrieve interface IP address for a given pathget[Client Side] POST operation to start link integrity testpost[Server Side] POST operation to start link integrity testpostGET operation to retrieve link integrity test statusgetPOST operation to stop current link integrity testpostrebootChecks if appliance requires a rebootgetGet the process info of node.getGet processes that require restartgetRequest a process to be restartedpostGet the Last Reboot Information of the Appliance.getGet the reboot state.getRequest for reboot.postspPortalGet Silver Peak Portal registration and configuration informationgetConfigure Silver Peak PortalpostGet connectivity status of Silver Peak PortalgetConfigure EC license requestpostGet portal token and licensing stategetGet Silver Peak Portal registration informationgetRegister appliance with Silver Peak PortalpostinternetDatabaseGet geolocation information for a multiple ip's from portalpostGet geolocation information for a single ip from portalgetGet ip to service id mappinggetGet service id to service details mappinggetGet count of internet services on this appliancegetGet a list of unique countries in the internet services databasegetGet a list of unique saas applications in the internet services databasegetGet a list of unique saas applications or organizations in the internet services databasegetnetFlowGet the netFlow settings on the appliance.getApply the netFlow settings on the appliance.postGet the netFlow statsgetsaveChangesSave the changes in memory to a file in the appliance.postsnmpGet the current SNMP server settings configured for your appliance.getSet the SNMP server settings for your appliance.postGet interface indices infogetbuiltInAppsReturns built-in applicationsgetReturns built-in applications along with their portsgetdateTimeNtpGet the current Date/Time settings.getupdate the current Date/Time settings.posthostnameGet the Hostname of the Appliance.getSet the Hostname of the Appliance. This requires a manual restart of nodejspostnetworkMemoryErase network memoryposthelloGet the host name of appliance.getwebconfigGets the web Server Session Management Attributes.getModifies the web Server Session Management Attributes. Must restart nodejs manually.postuploadFileuploads the file from local diskpostbypassReturns info about current bypass mode settingsgetToggles bypass mode - only effective on NX appliancespostauthenticationGet the current authentication order and authorization information for your appliance.getModify authentication order and authorization information for your appliance.postGet the current RADIUS server settings configured for your appliance.getModify RADIUS server settings for your appliance.postGet the current TACACS+ server settings configured for your appliance.getModify TACACS server settings for your appliance.postgmsGet all the Orchestrators managing this appliancegetUpdate Orchestrator that will manage this appliancepostTests various protocol connectivity status between the appliance and Orchestrator that is managing this appliancegetUnregister an Orchestrator from managing this appliancedeletedebugFilesGet the debug files on the appliance.getCancel zipping the debug files on the appliance.postGenerate the Sys Dump file on the appliance.getGet the status of generating Sys Dump file on the appliance.getDelete the debug file on the appliance.postDownload the debug file on the appliance.getZip the debug files on the appliance.postGet the status of zipping the debug file on the appliance.getdiskUsageGet the disk usage of the appliance.getsoftwareUpgradeInstall imagepostCancel installing imagepostGet the current software versions of two partitionsgetSet the next root partitionpostUpgrade software and reboot or notpostGet the status of software upgrade progressgettimeGet current time on the appliance.getbannersGet the current login banner and message of the day.getModify the current login banner and message of the day.posttcaGet all tca data.getModify all tca datapostGet system tca by tca idgetModify the tca info by idpostGet all tunnel tca data.getGet tca data for a specified tunnel namegetModify tunnel tca data for a specified tunnel namepostlogViewerGet date range of the specified type log filegetGet a certain type of log file content.getdisksReturns disks information about this appliance.getInsert into or remove from this appliance some disk or disks.postpingTraceRun the ping or traceroute commands on the appliance.postStop the running the ping or traceroute commands on the appliance.deleteGet the result of running the ping or traceroute commands on the appliance.getsslCertsPost the certificates details to appliancepostGet all SSL certificates on the appliancegetPost the SSL certificates to the appliancepostPush the SSL certificates from Orchestrator to the appliancepostsslSubstituteCertGet all SSL Substitute certificates on the appliance.getApply the SSL Substitute certificate to the appliance.postSend request to the administrator for new CertificatepostCreate the SSL Substitute certificate file.postExport the SSL Substitute certificate file.postValidate the SSL Substitute certificatepostPush the SSL Substitute certificates from Orchestrator to the appliance.postsslCACertsGet a list of well known CA Certificates downloaded from PortalgetValidate the SSL CA certificate file.postGet all CA SSL certificates on the appliancegetApply the CA SSL certificates to the appliancepostPush the SSL certificates from Orchestrator to the appliancepostconfigdbGet the backup/restore files information of this appliance.getBackup current appliance configuration in a new file.postDownload some backup file to the computer from the appliance.getChange the configuration of the appliance to the one stored in the specified backup file.postCopy some backup file from /tmp/ to /config/db/ on the appliance.postDelete some existed backup file from this appliance.deleteusersGets all users detailsgetadd/updates used account detailspostDelete certain sessionsposteventManagementAppliance notifies Orchestrator when a configuration change is made. If for some reason the change events didn't reach Orchestrator, Orchestrator can call this api to get any configuration events that it missedgetget the current event notification stategetturn on/off event notification to OrchestratorpostThe last configuration and state events sent by appliance to OrchestratorgetList of resources whose changes will be notified to OrchestratorgetAppliance notifies Orchestrator when a state change happens on appliance. If for some reason the change events didn't reach Orchestrator, Orchestrator can call this api to get any state events that it missedgetcliRun single cli command on the appliancepostRun multiple cli commands on the appliancepostsysLimitsGet appliance's system limits configuration data.getSet appliance's system limits configuration.postGet a specific system limits attributegetinterfacesGet interface related information.getGet a specific interfaces attributegetmemoryGet memory info on the appliance.getfileOpsUpload, download or delete a filepostthirdPartyLicensesGets all third party licenses informationgetinterfaceLabelsReturns all the labels for both types of interfaces, wan and langetSaves both Wan and Lan labelspostReturns all the labels for the given typegetDelete the {labelId} in {type}deleteoverlaysGet the overlays stored in the appliancegetAdd and update multiple overlays for the appliancepostDeletes the overlay from the appliance.deleteReturns one overlay that has the id of the passed overlayId parameterget/overlays3/config/{overlayId}postDeletes multiple overlayspostdhcpdGet dhcpd configuration.getGet dhcpd leases information.getGet dhcpd leases report of failover stategetbgpGet BGP neighbors configuration data.getadd/updates BGP neighbors configuration data.postadd/updates BGP neighbors configuration data.postDeletes neighbors specified in the Array.postDelete specific neighbor list.deleteGet specific neighbor configuration data.getadd/updates specific neighbor configuration data.postGet appliance's BGP system level configuration data.getSet appliance's BGP system level configuration data.postGet appliance BGP Global level configuration data.getSet appliance's BGP global level configuration data.postDelete all segment neighbors.deleteGet neighbors of all segment.getadd/updates all segments BGP neighbors data.postGet specific all segment BGP configuration.getPost all segments BGP configurationpostDelete all/specific segment neighbors.deleteGet neighbors of a specific segment.getadd/updates all segment BGP neighbors configuration data.postDelete single segment neighbor.deleteGet a single neighbor with specific segment.getPOST a single neighbor with specific segment.postGet specific segment BGP configuration.getSet specific segment BGP configurationpostGets the state of the BGP and its neighbors configuration data.getDelete specific/all segment BGP stategethttpsCertsUploadGet the certificate infogetSet the certificate infopostValidate the certificate file and keyposttopSitesGet list of top internet sitesgettcpUdpPortsGet TCP/UDP ports datagetipProtocolNumbersGet list of IP Protocol NumbersgetbacktraceGet the crash info of this appliance.getpeerPriorityListDelete some the peer host priorities of current appliance.deleteGet the peer priority list of current appliance.getAdd or modify the peer priority list of current appliance.postpeerPriorityList2Delete some the peer host priorities of current appliance.deleteGet the peer priority list of current appliance.getAdd or modify the peer priority list of current appliance.poststatsConfigGet stats config of this appliance.getSet stats config of this appliance.postinternalSubnetsGet the internal subnetsgetSave internal subnetspostpppoeGet config of PPPoE.getModify the config of PPPoEpostGet PPPoE interfaces state.getDelete PPPoE {pppoeName}.deleteipSlaGet current IP SLA Manager RulesgetPost IP SLA rules.postDelete IP SLA ManagerdeleteGet IP SLA Manager Rule infogetPost IP SLA rule.postGets IP SLA Managers state detailsgetapplicationDefinitionSearch application based on pattern and limitpostGet application groupsgetGet the hash code for application groupsgetGet the hash code for application namesgetGet the current application definition for Compound rulesgetGet the hash code for application definition for Compound rulesgetGet the current application definition for Domain NamegetGet the hash code for application definition for Domain NamegetGet application definition data for IP Intelligence from portalgetGet the timestamp for application definition for IP IntelligencegetGet the current application definition for Meter FlowgetGet the hash code for application definition for Meter FlowgetGet the current application definition for IP Protocol, TCP Port, UDP PortgetGet the hash code for application definition for IP Protocol, TCP Port, UDP PortgetGet the hash code for application definition for SaaSgeturlDownloadGET /urlDownload to get the status of all the downloads performed within last 24 hours.getCheck reachability of a URL and/or download contentspostGet urlDownload test resultgetdnsCacheGets DNS Cache configurationsgetPOSTs DNS Cache configurationspostipsecUdpGet the IPSEC UDP local and peer portsgetConfigure IPSEC UDP PortspostadminDistanceGet the admin distance config of current appliance.getModify the admin distance config of current appliance.postportForwardingGet port forwarding rules on this VXOA.getSet gms marked port forwarding rules on this VXOA by gms.postSet port forwarding rules on this VXOA by user.posttunGlobalConfigGet the current global configuration for tunnelgetUpdate the current global configuration for tunnelpostxcvrGet transceiver status for a 10Gig interfacegetospfGet all segments OSPF Interfaces configurations.getSet all segments OSPF interfaces configuration.postGet all segments system level OSPF configuration.getSet all segments specific system level OSPF configuration.postGet appliance's OSPF areas configuration data.getSet appliance's OSPF areas configuration data.postGet OSPF interfaces configuration data.getadd/updates OSPF interfaces configuration data.postGet appliance's OSPF system level configuration data.getSet appliance's OSPF system level configuration data.postGet segment specific OSPF Interfaces.getSet Segment specific OSPF interfaces.postGet Segment specific system level OSPF configuration.getSet Segment specific system level OSPF configuration.postGets all segments OSPF interfaces state.getGets all segments OSPF neighbors state.getGets all segments OSPF state.getGets the state of the OSPF interfaces.getGets the state of the OSPF neighbors.getGets the state of the OSPF.getGets OSPF interfaces state of a specific segment.getGets OSPF neighbors state of a specific segment.getGets the OSPF state of a specific segment.getzonesReturns all zonesgetAdd/Edit ZonespostReturns End to End Zone Based Firewall Config in OrchestratorgetAdd/Edit End to End Zone Based Firewall ConfigpostDelete Zone by iddeleteReturn Zone by idgetAdd/Edit Zone by idpostsecurityMapsGet Security PoliciesgetAdd/Edit Security PoliciespostGet Security Policies by map namegetDelete Security Policy by zone mapdeleteGet Security Policies by map name & zone mapgetDelete rule by prioritydeleteGet Security Policies SettingsgetEdit Security Policies SettingspostGet Security Policies Settings by map namegetbuiltInPoliciesGet current built-in policiesgetrunningConfigStart a job to generate running configpostFet running config datagetGet status of the backend handler jobgetnslookupDelete DNS lookup cachedeleteGet DNS lookup cachegetGet IP for a given FQDNgetGet IP for a given FQDN resolved using an appliance interfacegetregionsGet all regionsgetSet regionspostGet region configurationgetSet region configurationpostmulticastGet multicast configuration, including rendezvous point and interfaces configurationgetSet multicast configurationpostGet multicast enable / disable stategetEnable / disable multicastpostGet multicast interfaces stategetGet multicast neighbors stategetGet multicast routes stategetnatGet NAT MapsgetAdd/Edit Branch NAT rulespostDelete NAT Map by namedeleteGet NAT Map by namegetDelete NAT Map RuledeleteGet NAT Map RulegetAdd/Edit NAT Map RulepostReturns all NAT PoolsgetUpdate NAT PoolspostDelete NAT Pool by iddeleteReturn NAT Pool by idgetUpdate NAT Pool by idpostloopbackGet config of loopback interfaces.getModify the config of loopback interfacespostDelete loopback interface {loopbackName}.deleteGet loopback interface {loopbackName}.getUpdate or create loopback interface {loopbackName}.postvtiGet config of vti interfaces.getModify the config of vti interfacespostDelete vti interface {vtiName}.deleteGet vti interface {vtiName}.getUpdate or create vti interface {vtiName}.postAdd or modify multiple config of vti interfacespostDelete multiple config of vti interfacespostdnsProxyGet the DNS proxy configgetModify the DNS proxy configpostmgmtServicesGet the management services data of current appliance.getModify the management services config of current appliance.postredistRouteMapsGet current redistribution MapsgetPost list of route redistribution maps.postcustomApplianceTagsGets all users defined entriesgetadd/updates users defined entriespostsecurityGet advanced security settingsgetSet advanced security settingspostGet protection profilesgetSet protection profilespostGet protection profile for zoneIdgetDelete protection profile for zoneIddeleteGet dos thresholds statusgetGet dos thresholds status for zoneIdgetikelessActive Ikeless seedpostGet the seed statusgetUpdate Ikeless seedpostvrfZonesMapReturns vrf firewall zones mapgetAdd/Edit vrf firewall zones mappostvrfsReturn Routing Segmentation enablegetUpdate Routing Segmentation enablepostGet all D-NAT PoliciesgetEdit D-NAT PoliciespostDelete multiple rules from multiple mapspostDelete specific segment D-NAT policiesdeleteGet D-NAT Policies of required source segmentgetEdit D-NAT Policies of required source segmentpostDelete D-NAT Policies of required ruledeleteGet D-NAT Policies of required rulegetEdit D-NAT Policies of required rulepostReturn all SegmentsgetAdd new SegmentpostDelete required segmentdeleteReturn required SegmentgetModify existing SegmentpostReturns Inter-Segment S-NAT rulesgetAdd/Edit Inter-Segment S-NAT rulespostidsipsUpdate config of idsips enginepostGets evennts of idsips enginegetUpdate signature of idsips enginepostGets state of idsips enginegetUpdate state of idsips enginepostGets stats of idsips enginegetcustomCaCertsGet list of all custom CA certificatesgetAdd new or update existing custom CA certificatepostDelete custom CA certificatedeleteChecks whether appliances can connect to Portal and Orchestrator using the default or custom CA certificatespostReturns whether or not appliance is currently using custom CA certificate trust storegetEnable or disable custom CA certificate trust storepostlinkAggregationGets all link aggregation groupsgetadd/updates link aggregation groupspostGets all link aggregation groups state detailsgetGet state details of bonded interface by namegetbfdGet appliance BFD global level configuration data for all VRFs.getGet appliance BFD global level configuration data for specific VRF.getSet appliance's BFD global level configuration data for specific VRF.postGet appliance BFD state information for all VRFs.getswaggerDocsConfigGet the configuration details of the swagger documentation.getcpureturns the CPU usage data in JSON queue format for the past 5 minutes, or since the specified time parameter in request, as well as a timestamp with the current timegetSessionAffinityConfigset session affinity configpostreturns session affinity configurationgetDelete certain sessionspost http://localhost:3001/rest/json/users/sessions/delete