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Get real time per second statistics

Tunnel stats: Set 'type' to 'tunnel'. Set 'name' to one of the tunnel names or 'pass-through' or 'pass-through-unshaped'. 'filter' is not used for tunnel statistics.
TrafficType stats: Set the 'type' to 'trafficType' to retrieve two aggregate real-time stats: optimized, all-traffic. For optimized, set 'name' to '0' and for all-traffic, set 'name' to '3'. 'filter' is not used.
Application stats: Set 'type' to 'app'. Set 'name' to application name. 'filter' is required.
DSCP stats: Set 'type' to 'dscp', set name to one of DSCP values from '0' to '63'. 'filter' is required.
Traffic Class Stats: set 'type' to 'trafficClass', set 'name' to one of traffic classes from '0' to '9'. 'filter' is required.
Flow stats: set type to 'flow', name to '0' for TCP accelerated, '1' for TCP unaccelerated and '2' for non-TCP flows. 'filter' is required.
Shaper stats: Set 'type' to 'shaper'. Set 'name' to one of traffic classes from '0' to '9'.'filter' to traffic direction.
Drops stats: Set 'type' to 'drops'. Set 'name' to empty string
Important: Appliances store per second statistics for 3 seconds. You must poll at a frequency faster than 3 seconds to make sure to not have gaps in the results. The result format for all statistics looks like: '{'nameofstat': [time, value], [time, value], [time, value]}' where you get statistics for last three seconds.

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