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Get properties set for groups.

For each group in the provided list, the following properties for the group are returned

  • Device types(AccessPoints, Gateways, Switches, SD_WAN_Gateway) to be allowed in the group

  • Architecture(Instant / AOS10) for the access points and gateways in the group or
    SD_WAN_Gateway which would be applicable when group contains SD_WAN_Gateway devices.

  • Network role(Standard / Microbranch) for access points in the group.
    Standard network role is applicable for both AOS10 and Instant architecture.
    Microbranch network role for access points is applicable only for AOS10 architecture.

  • Network role(BranchGateway / VPNConcentrator / WLANGateway) for gateways in the group.
    BranchGateway and VPNConcentrator network role are applicable for both AOS10 and Instant architecture.
    WLANGateway network role is applicable only for AOS10 architecture.

  • Switch device types (AOS_S, AOS_CX) to be allowed in the group if the group can have switches.

  • List of device types for which monitor only mode is to be enabled. Currently, this is available only
    for AOS_S and AOS_CX switches in groups where switches are managed using UI mode of configuration.

  • NewCentral: Flag to specify that the group is compatible with New Central workflows.

In addition to the above properties, the AOS version(8X or 10X) set for the group is specified
under the "AOSVersion" field and the "MonitorOnlySwitch" field indicates if the Monitor Only mode
for switches is enabled for the group.

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