JUMP TOACP Audit TrailauditGet all audit logsgetGet details of an audit loggetACP OFC Api HandlerFlowhandlerEnable/Disable the Syslog App.postEnable Syslog App on a list of given device SerialIDs.postCheck Status of Syslog App for given SerialIDs.postCheck Status of Enabled Flow SerialIDgetAIOpsWi-Fi Connectivity DashboardWi-Fi Connectivity at GlobalgetWi-Fi Connectivity at SitegetWi-Fi Connectivity at GroupgetAI Insights ListList AI Insights for a NetworkgetList AI Insights for a SitegetList AI Insights for an APgetList AI Insights for a ClientgetList AI Insights for a GatewaygetList AI Insights for a SwitchgetAI Insight DetailsAI Insight Details for a NetworkgetAI Insight Details for a SitegetAI Insight Details for an APgetAI Insight Details for a ClientgetAI Insight Details for a GatewaygetAI Insight Details for a SwitchgetAirGroupSummaryGet AirGroup Traffic Summary in terms of PacketsgetRetrieves device summarygetTrendGet temporal data about AirGroup based on the parameter passedgetListRetrieves list of labelsgetGet all the uncached services encountered by AirGroupgetRetrieves a list of all hostnamesgetDistributionRetrieves a summary of all the services queried for.getRetrieves a summary of the servers connected to AirGroupgetStatsRetrieves the suppression factorgetAirMatchRadioGet reporting radio of a specific radio MACgetGet all reporting radio for a customergetGet nbr pathloss of a neighbor MAC heard by a specific radio MACgetGet all nbr pathloss for a customer and bandgetGet RF events of a specific radio MACgetGet radar and noise RF events of a specific radio MACgetGet history of a specific radio MACgetGet all nbr pathloss for a customer and radio MACgetGet all static radios for a customergetGet EIRP distributiongetGet EIRP reasonsgetGet information about radiogetGet neighbor stats informationgetGet all RF events of a tenant idgetGet all radar and noise RF events of a tenantgetGet EIRP reasonsgetGet board limits of a specific radio MACgetGet radio neighbor listgetAPGet AP info of a specific AP ethernet MACgetGet AP info for all AP'sgetGet number of AP's and AP modelsgetReturns all device (AP) running configuration for a customergetReturns device (AP) running configurationgetChange a device running configputReturns device (AP) running configurationgetChange a device running configputReturns all device (AP) running configuration for a customergetGet feasibility ap info of a specific AP ethernet MACgetGet AP neighbor listgetGet AP neighbor listgetTelemetryBootstrappostPurgepostSolutionGet optimizations for tenantgetRun the algorithm for the solutionpostGet solution of a specific radio MACgetGet all solutions for a customergetGet optimizations for tenant's requested partitiongetMiscellaneousGets radios deployment statusgetReturns all device (AP) running configuration for all customersgetReturns device (AP) running configurationgetScheduleRMQ message triggers a recompute of the schedule due to change in tenant timezone/deploy hour detailspostRMQ message triggers a runnow job for a certain tenantpostGet the schedule of all jobs computed by the schedulergetGet the jobs to be sent to deployer for AirMatch solution deploymentgetGet the list of jobs generated by schedulergetGet the list of unique timezone and deploy hours per tenantgetTrigger - RMQ message with on-demand compute for a provided tenant idpostRadio feasibilityTrigger update of radio feasibilityputGet radio feasibility of a specific radio MACgetGet all radio feasibility for a customergetGet radio_feasibility of a specific radio MACgetGet all radio feasibility for a customergetGet feasibility radio info of a specific radio MACgetDeployerGet a list of pending deployments for a tenant idgetTrigger computation complete messagepostRMQ message generates southbound test action-msgpostTrigger test-config updatepostRF domainGet partition informationgetStart partition processpostAppRFOverview(Deprecated) Gets Top N Apprf StatisticsgetGets Top N Apprf Statistics (V2 Version)getApplicationsGets Top N ApplicationsgetWeb CategoriesGets Top N Web categoriesgetApp CategoriesGets Top N App categoriesgetWeb ReputationsGets Top Web ReputationsgetAppRF IAP Meta InfoGets Web Reputation id to name mappinggetGets Application id to name mappinggetGets Application Category id to name mappinggetGets Web Category id to name mappinggetAudit Event LogsauditGet all audit events for all groupsgetGet details of an audit event/loggetAuthentication & PolicyAuthentications and SessionsFetch list of authentications using Aruba Air Pass.getFetch list of authentications using Cloud Identity.getFetch details of a specific authentication using either Cloud Identity or Aruba Air Pass.getFetch list of sessions using Aruba Air Pass.getFetch list of sessions using Cloud Identity.getClient PolicyFetch network access policy for registered clients.getConfigure or update network access policy for registered clients.putDelete existing Client Policy.deleteReset Client Policy.putClient RegistrationFetch list of registered clients.getAdd registered client.postDelete registered client.deleteUpdate registered client name.patchWi-Fi Easy ConnectFetch list of registered clients.getRegister a client.postUpdate registered client with bootstrapping key.putDelete registered client.deleteUser PolicyFetch policy that allows wireless network access for users.getConfigure policy to allow wireless network access for users.putDelete existing User Policy.deleteReset User Policy.putDownloadFetch all Named MPSK as a CSV file.getFetch all Mac Registrations as a CSV file.getMPSK Networks ConfigsRead all configured MPSK networks.getCreate an MPSK network configpostRead one MPSK network config.getEdit an MPSK network configputDelete an MPSK network configuration.deleteRead all named MPSKgetAdd a named MPSK configpostRead a named MPSK configgetEdit a Named MPSK ConfigputDelete a Named MPSK ConfigdeletePartially Edit a Named MPSK ConfigpatchRead MPSK Usage StatsgetFile UploadUpload filepostRead errors in last file uploadgetRead upload status of last file uploadgetTerminate UploadputUpload filepostRead errors in last file uploadgetRead upload status of last file uploadgetTerminate UploadputMAC RegistrationFetch list of mac registrations.getAdd mac registration.postDelete registered mac registration.deleteUpdate registered client name.patchUser ManagementFetches certificate details of a usergetRevoke a user's device certificatepostBle Beacon ServiceBleBeaconServiceRetrieve ble configured beaconsgetRetrieve ble running beaconsgetRetrieve ble beacon profilesgetConfig ble beacon profilepostEdit ble beacon profilepostDelete ble beacon profiledeleteUpdate one device beacon configpostDelete one device beacon configdeleteClient MatchStatusGet the status of Client Match for a tenantgetEnable or disable Client Match for a particular tenant.postGet the status of Client Match Load Balancer for a tenantgetEnable or disable Client Match Load Balancer for a particular tenant.postGet the status of Client Match Band Steer to 6GHz for a tenantgetEnable or disable Client Match Band Steer to 6GHz for a particular tenant.postUnsteerableGet all unsteerable entries for a tenantgetGet the unsteerable state of a clientgetSet the unsteerable state of a clientpostDelete the unsteerable state of a clientdeleteCloud ConnectCloud ConnectUpdate Custom cloud provider endpoint configputCreate Custom cloud provider endpoint configpostDelete Custom cloud provider endpoint configdeleteUpdate Zscaler cloud provider endpoint configputCreate Zscaler cloud provider endpoint configpostDelete Zscaler cloud provider endpoint configdeleteUpdate AWS cloud provider endpoint configputCreate AWS cloud provider endpoint configpostDelete AWS cloud provider endpoint configdeleteUpdate Azure cloud provider endpoint configputCreate Azure cloud provider endpoint configpostDelete Azure cloud provider endpoint configdeleteUpdate Prisma cloud provider endpoint configputCreate Prisma cloud provider endpoint configpostDelete Prisma cloud provider endpoint configdeleteTrigger cloud provider endpoint scan.getGet all Cloud Provider endpoints.getGet Zscaler node scan details.getGet configured vlan list for each cloud connect endpoint.getGet config summary for configured groups.getGet the list of valid Tunnel Policy configurationsgetGet the list of all Tunnel Policy ConfigurationsgetGet the Tunnel Policy Configuration for policy_namegetUpdates an existing Tunnel Policy with name as policy_nameputCreates a new Tunnel Policy with name as policy_namepostDelete Tunnel Policy with name as policy_namedeleteGet the Custom Cloud Account Configuration for account_namegetUpdates an existing Custom Cloud Account with name as account_nameputCreates a new Custom Cloud Account with name as account_namepostDelete Custom Cloud Account with name as account_namedeleteGet the Prisma Account Configuration for account_namegetUpdates an existing Prisma Cloud Account with name as account_nameputCreates a new Prisma Cloud Account with name as account_namepostDelete Prisma Cloud Account with name as account_namedeleteConfigurationGroupsGet all groups.getCreate new group.postCreate new group with specified properties.postClone and create new group.postGet configuration mode set per device type for groups.getGet properties set for groups.getUpdate properties for the given group.patchDelete existing group.deletePre Provisioned GroupPre Provision a group to the devicepostAssign Pre-Provisioned GrouppostTemplatesGet all templates in group.getCreate new template.postUpdate existing template.patchGet template text for a template in group.getDelete existing template.deleteConfiguration backup and restoreCreate new configuration backup for group.postCreate new configuration backup for multiple groups.postGet all configuration backups for the given group.getUpdate do-not-delete flag for list of configuration backups for the given group.patchGet last restore logs for the given group.getGet backup-log for the given configuration backup for the given group.getGet status of configuration backup for the given group.getGet status of configuration restore for the given group.getRestore configuration backup of a group.postDevicesMove devices to a group.postGet group for a device.getGet last known running configuration for a device.getGet configuration details for a device (only for template groups).getGet templates for a list of devices.getGet templates of devices present in the given list of groups.getGet templates of devices for given template hash (Only allowed for user having all_groups access or admin).getGet variablised template for an Aruba Switch.get(Deprecated) Set Username, password required for establishing SSH connection to switch.postVariablesGet template variables for a device.getReplace all or delete some of the template variables for a device.putCreate template variables for a device.postDelete all of the template variables for a device.deleteUpdate template variables for a device.patchGet template variables for all devices, Response is sorted by device serial.getReplace all or delete some of the template variables for all devices.putCreate template variables for all devices.postUpdate template variables for all devices (Only JSON Payload).patchMM-MDTrigger Mobility Device recovery by resetting (delete and add) Device configuration.postCertificatesGet Certificates details uploaded.getUpload a certificate.postDelete existing certificate.deleteUpdate a certificate.putUpdate a certificate for non msp customer.putCaptive portal logoGet Captive Portal Logos uploaded.getUpload a captive portal logo.postDelete existing captive portal logo.deleteMSP TemplatesGet MSP customer level template details.getGet MSP customer level template text.getDelete MSP customer template.deleteUpdate MSP customer level template.putGet end customer level template details.getGet end customer level template text.getDelete end customer template.deleteUpdate end customer level template.putGet customers and groups where given MSP level template is not applied.getGet groups for given end customer where MSP Level template is not applied.getApply MSP customer level template to end customers. This would not apply template to template groups at end customer.postApply end customer template to template groups at end customer.postConfiguration ModeGet configuration mode as either Monitor or Managed mode at customer level.getSet configuration mode as either Monitor or Manage at customer level.postGet configuration mode for devices as either Monitor or Managed mode at group level.getSet configuration mode as either Monitor or Manage at group level.postGet configuration mode as either Monitor or Managed mode at device level.getSet configuration mode as either Monitor or Manage for given devices.postGet configuration mode as either Monitor or Managed mode for device serials.getVariables firewallGet whitelisted groups in Variables Firewall.getAdd groups to Variables Firewall whitelist.postDelete group from Variables Firewall whitelist.deleteGet whitelisted variables in Variables Firewall.getAdd variables to Variables Firewall whitelist.postDelete variable from Variables Firewall whitelist.deleteNB UI Group ConfigurationSet country code at group level (For UI groups only, not supported for template groups). Note: IAP's need to be rebooted for changes to take effect.putGet country code set for group (For UI groups only, not supported for template groups).getSave CommitGet auto commit state as either On or Off at group level.getSet auto commit state as either On or Off at group level.postGet auto commit state as either On or Off for device serials.getSet auto commit state as either On or Off for given devices.postCommit configurations for given groups.postCommit configurations for given devices.postdenylist clientsGet all denylist client mac address in device.getAdd denylist clientspostDelete denylist clientsdeleteWLAN ConfigurationGet WLAN list of an UI group.getGet WLAN default configuration.getGet WLAN access rule protocol map.getGet WLAN access rule services.get(Deprecated) Get the information of an existing WLAN.get(Deprecated) Update an existing WLAN.put(Deprecated) Create a new WLAN.postDelete an existing WLAN.delete(Deprecated) Update an existing WLAN and clean up unsupported fields.patchGet the information of an existing WLAN.getUpdate an existing WLAN.putCreate a new WLAN.postUpdate an existing WLAN and clean up unsupported fields.patchGet WLAN list of an UI group.getGet WLAN default configuration.getGet WLAN access rule protocol map.getGet WLAN access rule services.getGet the information of an existing WLAN.getUpdate an existing WLAN.putCreate a new WLAN.postDelete an existing WLAN.deleteGet hotspot list of an UI group or swarm or device.getGet hotspot list of an UI group or swarm or device with mode namegetGet hotspot default configuration.getGet the information of an existing hotspot.getUpdate an existing hotspot.putCreate a new hotspot.postDelete an existing hotspot.deleteAP Settings(Deprecated) Get an existing ap settings.get(Deprecated) Update an existing ap settings.postGet an existing ap settings.getUpdate an existing ap settings.postAP ConfigurationGet AP configuration.getReplace AP configuration.postGet per AP setting.getReplace per AP setting.postGet variables config.getReplace AP variables.postGet dirty diff.getGet System Config.getUpdate system config.postGet ARM configuration.getUpdate ARM configuration.postGet all Dot11g Radio Profiles.getGet Dot11g radio profile.getUpdate/Create Dot11g radio profile.postDelete Dot11g radio profile.deleteGet all Dot11a Radio Profiles.getGet Dot11a radio profile.getUpdate/Create Dot11a radio profile.postDelete an existing Dot11a radio profile.deleteGet ssh credential in group level.getUpdate ssh credential in group level.postGet ssh credential in device level.getUpdate ssh credential in device level.postSwarm Config(Deprecated) Get an existing swarm config.get(Deprecated) Update an existing swarm config.postGet an existing swarm config.getUpdate an existing swarm config.postAOS-SGet ports name for a group.getUpdate ports name for a group.putGet ports name for a device.getUpdate ports name for a device.putGet vlans with tagged, untagged and isolated ports for a group.getUpdate vlans with tagged, untagged and isolated ports for a group.putGet vlans with tagged, untagged and isolated ports for a device.getUpdate vlans with tagged, untagged and isolated ports for a device.putGet admin SSH details of a group.getUpdate admin SSH details of a group.putGet admin SSH details of a device.getUpdate admin SSH details of a device.putGet system time details for a group.getUpdate system time details for a group.putGet system time details for a device.getUpdate system time details for a device.putDPS MonitoringDPSGets DPS Policy stats for a given BOC.getGets DPS Policy stats for a given BOC.getDPS Key Performance Indicator for a given BOC.getDPS Compliance percentage of all DPS Policies for a given BOC.getDPS Compliance Status of all DPS Policies for a given BOC.getGets DPS Policy Event Logs for a given BOC.getGets DPS Compliance stats for a given Site.getDeprecated Device InventoryDevicesGet devices from device inventorygetAdd device using Mac and Serial numberpostGet devices statsgetVerify device additionpostGet status of refresh jobgetSchedule a job to refresh the device inventorypost(Deprecated) Get devices from device inventoryget(Deprecated) Add device using Mac and Serial numberpost(Deprecated) Get devices statsgetPrivate Cloud DevicesGet device from device inventorygetDeprecated LicensingSubscriptions(Deprecated) Get user subscription keysget(Deprecated) Get subscription statsget(Deprecated) Get enabled services for customerget(Deprecated) Assign subscription to a devicepost(Deprecated) Unassign subscription to a devicepost(Deprecated) Get services licensing configgetStandalone customer API:- Assign licenses to all devices.postStandalone customer API:- Un-ass