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Get presence analytics metrics aggregate values

(Deprecated, API will not be supported from release 2.5.4). Retrieves presence stats i.e. aggregated/average values, up_down rates , and baseline values for presence indicators (passerby, visitor, drawrate, dwelltime). The response contains all below values and consider all time intervals between start time & stop time for calculating results.
Contains aggregated value of classification states ( passerby and visitor ). aggregate value is total value of all time intervals between start time & stop time.
Contains average value of draw rate (conversion rate from passerby to visitor) and dwell time ( total time of all visitors, divided by visitors count ).
Contains delta rate (either positive or negative) compare to baseline for all presence indicator fields ( passerBy , visitor, draw rate, dwell time).
Contains baseline value for each presence indicator which is ideal value for that metric in selected time period.

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